Find out what's new in The Legacy

Ok, we have a new system of updating here. Each time one of the marauders makes an update, we write it down in our special code. Here it is!

Virgo: Virgo's updates will be written in red.

Sierra: Sierra's updates will be written!

Moxie: And finally, Moxie's updates will be written in green.

January 1, 2001= Happy New Year! Added a new slasher-support button to the main page. Slashing is fine with me, be open minded! Hope you all had happy holidays and good luck in the New Year!

December 31, 2000 (The last day of the millenium!!!!!)= ::cheers:: Happy New Years Eve! It is now officially the last day of the old millenium. No More 1000's. ::grins:: Now on to the site news. Who thinks Moxie should be kissing my feet right now? ::raises hand:: the Shrine is almost fully updated. Kate S, Draca, Lori, Penny and Carole, Nyx, Ninamazing, Meagan, ALicia, morrigan, and Yari have all been updated. I really need a life. Well, so long for now, and have a Happy New Years!!

December 30, 2000= Well it seems Sierra has a bit too much time on her hands lately. Anywho, Alicia Spinnet is now completely up to date. The 4th chapter of DE has been added. Now if only we could get the other authors finished...

December 29, 2000= We're back in action! All the links should be working now. Added a new webring, so feel free to check it out.

December 25, 2000= Merry Christmas everyone! And Happy Yule, Hannukah, Kwanza, and every other holiday!It's been a long time, but with high school starting, we really haven't had the time. Well, the Attic is fully up for your veiwing pleasure. The Corridor is runnign and taking your questions, and the shirne is being changed a little. Instead of housing allf anfiction, we will be having a Famous Fanfiction shrine. Easier to update, and you don't have to sort through everything! Look for major updates in the near future and Happy holidays.

September 13, 2000= Ah, how long since the updates page has been updated! Just a little side note - we here at the Legacy are not too diligent about marking our updates. If there is nothing here, does not mean that there is no update. It just means that we're too lazy to key it in. Anyway, today was the day of updates. I have updated: Kate S., Ninamazing and Yari. I have added morrigan to the ever-growning Shrine bookcases. Please go and read, and review! And here is the updater Moxie, coming off.

August 26, 2000= Happy half birthday to me, as of two days ago. Ok people, the Attic of Art is up and running. Unfortunatly, except for three generous artists, I don't have many pictures to post. E-mail me them please! Try to put them in .jpg files, makes my day a little easier. This has been Sierra, signing off.

August 25, 2000= Yesterday was my fourteenth birthday! Yay me! So anyway, Moxie still made me work on the site. ::grin:: So now you have the 'ask the legends' in the corridor. So come and test my divining skills. ::smirk:: I'm better than Trelawny, that's for sure.

August 16, 2000= Well. If you look around the site, you should see the updates, but anyway. The former 'Shrine of Stories' has been broken up into three different areas: The Attic of Art, The Corridor of Characters, and the Shrine of Stories. The status on the sites: The Shrine of Stories is up and functional, The Attic of Art is up, but there is no art there as of yet. Same with the Corridor of Characters, but that will be here soon. Check the Corridor out for shrines to each character, and a new feature called 'Ask Harry Potter', where you ask the characters questions, and they answer. Check back at the Legacy perodically for such changes!

August 2nd, 2000= The Shrine will be undergoing major renovations shortly, and added onto. So, please be patient while we expand!

July 28, 2000= Well, I suppose that I had better put something down or Sierra will have my head. ::grins:: but anyway, Quaxo is up, and I have been doing some behind-the-scenes work on the site. (i.e. Stuff that you can't see.) Okay, that's it, so bye for now! ::waves::

July 22, 2000= Yes, I actually did something! ::gasps from random people:: Yes, yes, I know. It's amazing, isn't it? No, but really, I have Colin Creevey Versus the Apocolypse Arcived and linked. In fact, I'm done with Rex! Yay me! okay... enough of that. See you later.

July 18, 2000= Ok, the updates page is finally made, thank Mithros. Ninamazing, Nyx, Alicia Spinnet, Slytherin Dragon, Gypsy, Rex, Lori, and the four of us are all archived! On the way is Katie Bell and fan art by yours truly! All for now, and much more to come! Check out our new banner, courtesy of Moxie, and link us!

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