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Electronic Voice Phenomena, or E.V.P., is a startling occurrence when the voices and images of the dead are recorded on camera, tape, and other recording devices. Deep within the static it can be heard, and evidently, 1 in 12 of these recordings is �overtly threatening.� Believe what you will, but concept is the strikingly disturbing basis for the film White Noise.

Basing the film around actual phenomena seems like it would help build plausibility into the whole situation, but unfortunately Hollywood had other plans.

Michael Keaton (wow, Michael Keaton is back?) plays John Rivers, an architect whose novelist wife Anna (Chandra West) disappears one evening. After a week passes, he is approached Raymond Price (Ian McNeice)who explains that Anna is dead and has been talking to him through E.V.P. John dismisses it, and keeps hoping that Anna is still alive. That is until her body is found. Six months later, after a series of strange happenings begin to plague John, he goes to the back to Raymond who plays for him the recordings of Anna. John becomes obsessed with E.V.P., but after Mr. Price mysteriously dies he discovers that he may be in way over his head. Sounds like a strong concept for a horror film, right? Utilizing a true, unexplained mystery that occurs everyday to frighten the daylights out of you should be suspense gold. And it would be, if the movie wasn�t so plain weird. I�m no E.V.P. expert, but I think those that are would be disappointed with what happens in the film, and those that aren�t just leave confused. I can�t explain more than that without giving away major plot points, so I will just leave my explanation there.

Compounded onto the strange plot is a dreadfully slow pacing that doesn�t enhance the suspense as much as it should (but maybe I was too bewildered to care). The acting is� well, there. It�s slightly over the top and not very memorable. Michael Keaton does well as John� but it�s Michael Keaton. Don�t go in expect a John Travolta-caliber performance. (And I like Mike� I really do. He�s just not that great of an actor.) The rest of the cast gets through the film with little fuss, but it feels like they are just as confused as the audience is. It�s obvious White Noise desperately wants to be like The Ring. It tries to replicate the slow pacing and peculiar happenings; occasional startles and ending with one big �OMG� climax. But in the end, The Ring makes perfect, terrifying sense while White Noise doesn�t seem to know what to do with itself. It ends up being a lot like last year�s The Forgotten, complete with abandoned warehouse.

It�s not that bad of a film. It does have some pretty scary moments (although they are in the trailers), and it does keep you entertained (at least when it isn�t boring you with confusion). It just wants to be so much more than it really is� and that, unfortunately, will just cause it to become some Hollywood white noise.

Overall Summary- It�s a The Ring wannabe, and I guess it will hold you over until The Ring Two comes out. Or you could watch your old Batman tape and see Michael Keaton.
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Critic's Rating: 3.5  
Original Posting: January 7, 2005  
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