Currently Rented Games

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This will be the section that I talk about any games that I have currently rented. I will tell you about them and give a little Review of them to let you know if they are any good.

The month of September, 2002

Smugglers Run: Warzones
Animal Crossing

The games that I have listed here have been rented out for almost the entirety of the month of September...for various reasons:
1) They're good(at least Animal Crossing is VERY good...)
2) I'm lazy and haven't gone back to Blockbuster yet.

Smugglers Run: Warzones(GCN)

Here is a summary I found of it on

"The ultimate off-road driving adventure is heading for the Nintendo GameCube! With four player split screen action, five massive levels and a huge arsenal of new countermeasures, working for an elite band of smugglers has never been more exciting or more dangerous. Make the drop, hit the nitro boost and get across the border before all hell breaks loose!"

My experience with the game was a fun one. The first day that I rented it, I played it for a few hours, just playing around with it. The physics are fun to drive around in and just blow stuff up with the 'countermeasures' that you get(only on the Baja Truck). But after a little while, the missions got too tough and just kept killing my car, so I started on my other rented game and got YANKED into that one and never looked back. You'll know why later...

All in all, the game is fun, the graphics are alright, the sound is good and it is enjoyable. At least until you make it to the frustrating missions. I'd give it a 6.5/10


Animal Crossing(GCN)

Here is a summary from

"Step into the world of Animal Crossing, where villagers live their everyday lives in time with an actual 24-hour clock. To become a part of the thriving village community, you'll get a job, buy a house and interact with other villagers, some of which can be controlled by friends and family. As you collect furnishings for your own house, check out what other villagers have collected for their houses. Build relationships by talking to other villagers, helping them with tasks and writing letters back and forth. Throughout the game, you'll collect an assortment of items and artifacts and different plants and animals. To ensure it will be a desirable place for people to live, help to keep your village beautiful."

I don't know where to start with Animal Crossing. It is like Harvest Moon but without all the farming, no girlfriends and no manditory chores(except at the beginning). There is no end goal...there are no boss battles...there is no real end to the game unless you say to yourself "this is the end" or something. It's a game that defies any genre definition other than a 'life-simulator'. The game runs off of the GameCube clock, so if it's 6:30 PM where you are and your GCN clock says the right time, then it will be 6:30 PM in the game.

You could call the game a sort of a collecting game, but there is no real purpose to the collecting other than self satisfaction, upper-hand in trades or to impress friends. The graphical style in this game is very interesting, and while the graphics won't blow you away when you look at them, they are VERY crisp in their low-detailedness. Sound is great, especially when you realize that the animals are actually sounding out the words really fast, letter by letter, each time you talk to them. It's very amusing. Control is simple, but you can get tied up really easily for a min or two if you pick up a few bags of bells(the type of currency in the game) and try to put them in your 'wallet'. A very good game that I wish I bought instead of Star Fox Adventures at the time. Not to say that SFA is a bad game, but I could easily get much more playing out of Animal Crossing than a game that I beat after two days(Star Fox).

I would rate this game 9.5/10

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