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Erin - 01/31/00 01:20:26
My Email:RuffRyder317
How did you get here ?: Web`

I came to find issues in SWoutrh Africa for a school project

Tracie Starbuck - 01/27/00 03:22:05
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here ?: search

I am researching South Africa 1995-2000 for a presentation I will be doing for a diverse cultures class at Upper Iowa University, Waterloo Center. You have great info at this site, thanks-

Sanity's Guardian - 01/20/00 23:58:09
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here ?: Personal invite from Madiba

Can you answer these questions? I have spent thirty years in Southern Africa and nearly fifteen travelling around most of the world’s major counties. To date I have not found a single one where black’s and white’s live in harmony. - Please tell me where I may find one. In my findings wi hout exception blacks always overrun the inner cities and then crimes greatly increased. This has nothing to do with poverty etc., as for example in the U.S. and U.K. everyone is treated “equally”. What world charity organizations do blacks solely run for the benefit of poor whites? What great inventions to the benefit of all mankind have been made to date by blacks? Will political correctness still be with us in the year 2020? How are we going to get the world’s population down now that we can’t have a wo ld war? In what year will America have a Hispanic majority? Will Aids save us in time? Are you against genetically modified food? What about genetically modified children? – That’s what you get when you intermarry. Look at nature – do you get baboons and pes interbreeding with each other? So why do we do it? All intelligent replies will be answered! And no, I don’t hate anyone because of the colour of their skin but that does not mean I want to assimilate either!

James - 01/20/00 01:54:34
How did you get here ?: Well I used to be there...!!!

Great Site! keep it up from another friendly city "ou"

SANews - 12/27/99 13:47:08
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here ?: Banner

Nice site. Amazing how many people are starting to see the real Africa through the hype and PR exercises. True to the African continent tradition, it is all about corruption, exploitation and military might.

Turner - 12/24/99 08:39:29
How did you get here ?: Hmmm...can't remember

Everyone is talking about the people emmigrating from SA and the people thinking about emmigrating. That shouldn't be the biggest concern because the older people leaving now can be replaced by the younger people into the future. What should be the biggest concern is the 18 - 25 yo's like myself that are the "future generation" that ARE leaving SA!! nodoy left to reple the older folks... ie in 10 years time this country will be Zim/Mozamb no.2

jl--pz - 12/19/99 21:30:43
My Email:X -- Wit--Boer

Thank, What a sad situation.Solution ?? only one. AIDS+AIDS+AIDS and more AIDS

Patrick - 12/19/99 10:13:33
How did you get here ?: Research

I notice Essabee is using the same sparklingly witty debate to promote his/her views as used, in a slightly milder form, by the SABC to denounce the opponents of the ANC regime. Well done, you've proved your point admirably. Thank you for an interesting and eye opening site.

Essabee - 12/13/99 06:43:33

You're a poes!!!!

clinton - 12/09/99 21:16:59
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here ?: Looking at the Webring

I am from the UK and have been teaching in Botswana for a couple of years. As far a politics goes I do not like South Africa, black or white and in fact I do not like African political leaders as a whole. At the same time I do not like the level of politi al apathy that exist within the population of most African countries while the 'peaceful' politcal processes are in operation. What I find especially distasteful about African politics is the tribal nature of the whole thing and the 'I scratch your back y u'll scratch mine'. Don't get me wrong I am not blinded by the stuff that goes on in the UK where everything is economically orientated, the level of basic self satisfying greed however is a lot lower or maybe just less distinguishable. What saddens me wh n I read your work is that you echo every other African country. You are screaming injustice because the current leaders are not from your tribe and they are giving you a rough deal. What is even more saddening is that you consider yourself to be part of rather small and ineffective tribe of the young white male and really I don't fancy your chances of ever getting what you believe you deserve. I am sure you are well read and know the poem Ozymadias. You will also understand well its moral of empires and their leaders. You were unfortunate enough to be alive and aware when your tribe's, or in fact the greater tribe that you belong to, rule came o an end and thankfully so far there hasn't been the scale of retribution equal to that which they administered while in power. Be thankful for these small mercies. I have no suggestion or solutions but I am sure the worst is still to come. South Africa h s a wealth of resources that should be able to sustain all its people at a reasonable level of wealth. There will be poverty and there will be injustice but it should be at 'tolerable' level. Yes the poor in the UK are predominantly from ethnic minorities but they are precisely that: 'minorites'. You are still fortunate enough to be part of the wealthy ethnic minority in your country. The African nature of politics is a deadly one and corruption in order to secure power is rife. It was there when the white were in power but there where bigger problems to scream about and the people who are screaming now weren't affected by it. The difficulty for the ANC, which might be a positive for your cause, is that their greater tribe, the blacks is sub-divded into man groups that are a lot more demanding than your YWM tribe was under the previous regime. So lots of shit will hit the fan and lots of exposes will be written and things will get worse and you will have a lot to scream about. P.S.0 One thing I do agree with you about is that there shouldn't be a black person in charge of Rugby or Cricket what they should do is exactly what the previous government did to football - leave them to struggle and rot.

shawn - 11/23/99 22:05:02
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here ?: project

i really wanna thank u for this website u have, besidesa this only bieng a project i also agree with most of the things u have said here, thank you for giving me insight on these issues.

Mojalefa - 11/15/99 04:19:13
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here ?: just served on

What a really interesting site with all those information about the state South Africa is in. You can say, as a YOUNG BLACK SOUTH AFRICAN residenting in Canada, i would neglected a nation that held no opportunities nor a bright future for me,... but no. I love South Africa and no matter how bad things are going down there, i do see it as one of th world leaders and an example to other nations. I found your debate and responce to Jozef very fascinating, because i have never really in my life seen or heard two white South Africans with different notions or views about home..i may not say who i agree with, but i guess we are humans and have the ri ht to express our opinions!! All i can i say, is Nkosi Sekela iSouth Africa!

Yadda yadda yadda yadda ... why the hell is it that PEOPLE WHO CLAIM TO BE NON - RACIST ALWAYS INSIST ON TELLING YOU WHAT RACE THEY ARE. I don't really care. Honestly. You can think of me as a white racist or boer or whatever the hell you like an I'll still listen to your misguided opinions and judge them on their merit or lack thereof, and not on your skin colour.

Having said that ...

For you to tell me that you had to leave South Africa because there were no opportunities for you here is utter and complete bullshit. There are laws compelling companies in South Africa to hire you even if you are the worst candidate. Shit, even if th re is only one candidate, and he happens to be white, he won't get hired: the post will stay vacant! I've heard of people who are employed on MONTHLY contracts -- each month as you collect your paycheck you wonder if it'll be your last.

If you honestly believe South Africa ... the country that honoured Indonesia's Suharto (remember him -- East Timor?), Libya's Gaddaffi and Cuba's Castro and invaded tiny neighbouring Lesotho on a whim is a world leader, you've been watching way too muc CNN! Why don't you remove your racially - tinted glasses and see South Africa's leaders for what they are : just another bunch of wannabe Hitlers!

Erik van der Heeg - 10/07/99 11:23:20
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here ?: just surfing

News on S.A. are not that easy to get hold of up here in Sweden. I found your page very interesting. Good Luck to the Bokkes in the Rugby W.C., btw...

Gary - 09/06/99 19:45:09
How did you get here ?: Link to Opinionz SA

Well done for helping to reveal the truth abot the 'new'SA.Seems we have traded one authoritarian regime for another one.Please dont be put off by the vile malignant scum of the authoritarian left who try to destroy anyone who criticises the African Natio al Communist one party state. If people give in to the communist bullies and no longer speak out South Africa Will NOT have a futrure .Only if we continue to insist on true freedom and truth will there be light at the end of the tunnel

Jozef Milovich - 07/16/99 15:47:47
How did you get here ?: by accident

Must say, haven't gone through your site with a fine-toothed comb, but wonder what country you're writing about? Looks like (generally) a load of emotive rubbish. The South Africa I see is one of growth and forward-movement. This said from a supposedly th eatened pale-male. I've had nothing but joy with career. Perhaps it's luck. Perhaps it's attitude. We live in Africa. So what? It doesn't always mean destruction and decline. Drive through the country districts? All I see is increased rural electrificatio , fairly flawless roads with efficient roadside service and an creative tourism ventures. Crime? Of course. What do you expect? Johannesburg's Gucci (Africa's only) is only a five-hour drive from one of the world's poorest countries. But a low-scale civi war or some kind of anti-white Mau Mau-type conspiracy is a bit far-fetched. Travel to the former Yugoslavia (where my family came from) for a bit of comparison. South Africa's always been a bit effed-up; it's just that the previous regime kept a lid on t, rather promoting those blonde-girl-from-Durban /sunny SA images. The future is challenging, but hardly scary. South Africa is only, effectively, five years old. I would find your 'conspiracy theory' sub-themes amusing, if the misrepresentations weren' on the net for the entire world to see. But hey, diversity is strength. On a brighter note, your site seemed easy to use.

I'm not too sure what to make of your posting, Josef.

You accuse me of writing "emotive rubbish", then you state without blinking an eye that South Africa is effectively only five years old! Are you serious? Where did you get that notion -- Pol Pot perhaps? South Africa is a product of everything that has happened to her during her lifespan: from her "discovery" in 1488 to the present day.

You don't seem to have read or understood my site very well -- maybe that's the result of your Communist education, or maybe you're just a moron, but maybe I should spell it out for you: t-h-i-s i-s n-o-t a-n a-p-a-r-t-h-e-i-d a-p-o-l-o-g-i-s-t p-a-g-e I am well aware that many talented black people were denied opportunities during the apartheid era. The question is: how do we change the imbalances? Do we do it by making South Africa a place where young white people -- and this is my perspective -- are excluded rom participation in the job market because their parents were "privileged"?

I'm not sure where you found your "fairly flawless roads with efficient roadside service and an creative tourism ventures". In my province, farmers are struggling to get their produce to markets because the roads are disappearing. Roadworkers sit idle ecause there is no money to buy diesel for their equipment. Meanwhile R444 million has gone missing from the provincial coffers. Port Elizabeth ratepayers owe the city a staggering R340 million -- and the ANC controlled city council refuses to take action Progress? I think not!

Your notion that all crime in South Africa is attributable to Mozambiquans is a tad simplistic -- have Mozambiquans suddenly learnt Zulu and Xhosa, multiplied by the millions and flooded into every corner of South Africa?

As for my far-fetched idea of a MauMau style conspiracy ... during the MauMau uprising no more than 50 white farmers were killed .... in South Africa more that 700 white farmers have been murdered to date. The only difference is that there aren't piles of bodies for CNN to come and film. Not newsy enough, I guess! I suppose that the slogan "Kill the Farmer! Kill the Boer!" has a difference meaning to someone of your mentality. As far as the fmr Yugoslavia goes ... I have not compared South Africa to tha country at all ... do you really think I'd be sitting here if my house was being shelled or there were tanks in the street? Of course not, moron!

If South Africa has always been a bit effed up, as you say, why is it that in spite of 30 years if international sanctions it is still seen as a regional shining light?

Josef the facts are clear as daylight to anyone who wants to see them. The fact that CNN and the other news media seem to have taken a certain political line on South Africa doesn't mean that things aren't happeing here. I hope for your sake you keep y ur job and aren't affirmatised out, but the reality is that the chances of that happening are pretty slim. Take my advice and bugger off back home. Milosevic is bound to need more cannon fodder sooner or later ...

Bonita - 07/15/99 18:15:34
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here ?: surfing the web

I read the current events listed on your homepage and was I not only outraged at the current political affairs in South Africa, but the nature of its hypocrisy. None of the news reports ever talked about the South African government invading Lesotho; the one newspaper that did mention the topic treated the subject as something the SA government could handle by itself. It's refreshing to read a web site that has a lot of information in it with regards to political mood of South Africans. Perhaps if the media were more sensitive and treated them as people instead of pro-apartheid demons, then there would be more understanding. Sending you warm wishes in Sunny South Carolina, Bonita Johnson Spartanburg, USA

DAVID MAY - 06/20/99 12:58:42
My Email:NONE
How did you get here ?: RESEARCH INTO TRIBALISM.


heksie - 06/12/99 19:10:42
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here ?: my messagebook

Your articles are interesting, I enjoyed your refreshingly honest point of view.

Hi Heksie! Thanks for dropping by!

To the rest of you ... if there's one thing you do before you die ... make sure it's a visit to Heksie's site!

Laszlo - 06/05/99 13:20:54
My Email:[email protected]

Hi Grant So the elections are over. What does it all mean. What may happen next.

The ANC has obtained one seat less than it needs for its glorified 2/3 ... and the Democratic Party is the "Official Opposition". What will it all mean? Too soon to say, but the ANC has already said it will not allow any coalition government in w ich it is not a partner to govern. Visit the Sunday Times website for more. For all the election results visit the Independent Electoral Commission website.

Laszlo - 06/05/99 02:22:07
My Email:[email protected]

Hi Grant So It's over. What does all mean. Please give us your take on the elections. Laszlo

Laszlo - 06/05/99 02:21:44
My Email:[email protected]

Hi Grant So It's over. What does all mean. Please give us your take on the elections. Laszlo

- 06/03/99 18:54:11

fuck you, reactionary cunt.

American Student - 05/27/99 08:44:06
My Email:don't got one
How did you get here ?: surf'n

1) Hey what ever happen to the Volkstaat? You guys completely given up? I heared there a lot of liberal whites in South Africa but this is crazy! 2)Were the Vryheidsfront and the AWB when ya need them? 3)Has Constand Viljoen give up on trying to free the Boar folk? 4) In 20 years, there be no pure Boar folk left, and Afrikaner will be a dead language kind of like Latin, if you people don't pull togather and get your own hunk of can't have a people without land.......well unless ya want to be like th kurds! (and we know how much respect they get around the world) What ever happen to the old volktrekker spirit of the past? Oh well, good luck in the future, what future you have as a people...

Laszlo - 05/21/99 14:00:21
My Email:[email protected]

With all the bewildering number of political opposition parties to the ANC, is there a realization by the minority that if there are to gain any political voice they would need to get behind and support one party? Are there enough minority votes all put together to make an effective oppostion?

The problem with most of the Opposition parties is that they have some or other connection to apartheid. In time, hopefully people will begin to think in terms of issues that affect them, as opposed to the line parties took during the apartheid e a.

I think that the Democratic Party has a good track record, and could, if it wanted to badly enough, become the party of choice in 2004. For the moment, I think it is hampered by the fact that it has taken a negative approach to the elections -- its cam aign strategy has been centred around preventing the ANC from achieving a 2/3 majority, instead of placing emphasis on measures to deliver real help to people.

The opinion polls put support for the ANC at 60 - 64%, so there seems to be no real chance that any of the other parties will win the election, or even be able to make a difference.

michele flynn - 05/12/99 09:24:14
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here ?: lookin for news on sa

I was one of those who ran away, sick of the violence and forever looking over my shoulder, I returned to Scotland, the place of my birth. I have heard the horror stories and know of many who have suffered through horrific ordeals but South Africa is in y soul - I'm coming home - I'll be wathcing this space, thanks for the truth, for a change

lilla jag!!! - 04/22/99 11:38:11
My URL:http://bläääää
My Email:Fuck mandela!!!!
How did you get here ?: whwre?


Miss TVC - 04/06/99 15:39:29
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here ?: Saw your banner on the Guestbook of "The Mind of Goatskin"

Very informative. I truly was not aware of the situation in South Africa.

Cynda Betae - 03/29/99 01:42:09
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here ?: Just looking around

Please e-mail me a couple articles written by you before the end of the brutal apathied regime. Africa is for africans, India is for Indians, Europe is for Europeans and Asia for Asians. The whites in South Africa came as visitors looking for Gold. Is time to go home. What do you think?

Congratulations! You have won a trip to South Africa, a hug from Madiba and an Order of Good Hope! Thank you for your contribution to the struggle to free South Africa's oppressed people!

Actually, Europeans came to South Africa about 200 years before gold was discovered and landed near today's Cape Town, which is just a short jet ride from Johannesburg today, but was a lengthy distance in the 17 th century. I'm surprised someone of you obvious intellectual prowess didn't know that ...

Byron - 02/21/99 14:00:39
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here ?: word of mouth

"Speak Up's " Webmaster for President!!! Great Site, Fantastic Idea! Well Done, Keep it up.

Mike Arendse - 02/21/99 10:45:32
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here ?: Followed the link you left at my guestbook

Comment 1 of * : My e-mail will not be active for long. This site will explain why: I will seriously consider the suggestions you've made at my guestbook and intend linking to your site after I have read through the articles you've created. I'll be back.....

- 02/17/99 17:07:09
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here ?: searching for a history project on blacks in the workforce during the late 1800's


Emlyn Baartzes - 02/10/99 09:23:42
My Email:[email protected]
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Protea - 02/08/99 17:54:41
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here ?: Link from my guestbook

Great site. It's time more people spoke out about the things ruining our beautiful country!

Grant - 02/07/99 00:41:27
My Email:[email protected]

Just testing.

Juan Victor - 01/21/99 11:30:13
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here ?: World 1000


Rom Meares - 01/09/99 16:26:48
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here ?: surfing South African sites

Your site is interesting and informative. While I find your frustration with the Mandela regime quite understandable, I am convinced it is naive or disengenuous. The excesses you complain of are clearly within the bounds of those we routinely accept by those in control of western "civilised" goverments. They certainly pail in comparison to the excesses of South Africa's predecessor goverments. Just what did you expect from a majority rule form of goverment, something less than an affirmative action program?

You're quite correct -- we were naive to believe that after all the horrors of apartheid, all "we" would have to put up with was an embarrassing Truth and Reconciliation process and all would be forgiven. Strange as it may seem, that is what we had been told. If the ANC had considered that it was not ready to forgive whites for their past sins, it should have said so in 1994, so that we knew where we stood (Thabo Mbeki actually said in 1994 that there was no need for a white homeland because "you are all our people"), and not waited 5 years until it had failed to keep all its promises. The ANC made great political capital out of the fact that it was the party "for all South Africans", and duped many whites into voting for it.

I have no problem with assisting people who are genuinely disadvantaged. But there must be some means of finding out whether the intended beneficiary is actually disadvantaged. Is a black man who drives a Mercedes Benz and who lives in a triple story mansion disadvantaged? I would think not, but according to the Employment Equity Act all blacks were disadvantaged, so he must receive preferential treatment. A white man who lives in a one-room tenement is regarded as advantaged, and can legally be discriminated against. Sound fair to you?


Speed demon - 01/07/99 09:33:07
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here ?: From Ben's Site

I must complement you on your excellent, well researched site, I have noticed that there a now a number of pissed off South Africans who are developing web sites as a way of expressing their displeasure / frustration - Why not establish a web ring or som thing similar. Keep up the good work - every little bit helps !!

africamuse - 01/01/99 21:03:31
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here ?: return visit

africamuse's place

thanks for visiting my page and signing my guestbook. i recently decided to make a banners page for my site - when i do, i will add your banner with pleasure.

Zelda - 12/30/98 08:19:56
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here ?: surfing Feminism category on Geocities

Hello! I think your site is refreshingly open about a variety of issues and I like to read what you have to say, even if I don't agree with every sentence. I'm sorry that your guestbook were spammed by a compulsive evangelical, because you really don't deserve that type of harrassment. You have made a great start on your site and I really like what you have to say about poverty and feminism in particular.

Feminist Mom Center of the Universe

Said spam has been deleted. I don't mind evangelism or any other postings on any topic which moves you to put finger to keyboard, but try and make it look like you've read at least part of my site!

Fred Hermon - 11/22/98 21:02:11
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here ?: from Ben's site

I live 5 minute's drive from Peter and Linda Biehl's Newport Beach,California U.S.A. house. Their daughter Amy's death was a classic instance of the child trying to emulate it's parents' wishes. The stupid damn idiots were directly responsible for their d ughter's ugly death. They filled Amy's head with ultra-lib politically correct mush and sent her off to shove her face in another nation's a certain death.

Ben - 11/21/98 20:19:59
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here ?: Geocities

Excellent articles! It's about time the world know what is really happening to the "Rainbow Nation"!! Keep up the good work, I'll be back regularly!!


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