"Hilarious nonchalance and subtlety, a long-overdue mockumentary"

HM Magazine

"The reluctant forefather of many Black metal comedies to come. Hideously funny!"

Zero Tolerance Magazine

"That was fucking hilarious! Where can I get a batapult?"

Park Davies

"Hysterical, hilarious"

Brian Livoti - Watchmaker

"Amazing movie! I never have the attention span to sit through most movies...I was on the edge of my seat....It also reinforces my theory the steinberger guitars are the most brutal instruments ever"

Patrick Armstrong

"Great movie! Black metal! Antique cups! Braided nose hair! What could be better?"


"Spinal Black"


"Man, this is one great fucking movie!"

Ghosts of Lemuria

"Incredible, I am looking foward to a part two maybe?!"


"Legalize Murder was absolutely brilliant. Whether it be Jack's "rituals", "the energies," "the batapult, " or "bringing out firehammer" for the gig, this was a beautiful film. I would say "a black metal spinal tap, but way over 11." Excellent work, HAIL LEGALIZE MURDER!"

Wraith -Misanthropy Legion

"Awesome. Can't stop laughing!"

Riku 'Cicckeli' Hopeakoski - Catamenia

"Legalize Murder is set to be a cult classic - Its so funny because its so close to so many truths. Put your advance order for a batapult in now!"

Greg Hell

"Two high horns up. Great Movie"

Justin Lain - Aversion To Life

"Couldn't stop pissing ourselves"

That Hideous Strength

"Feckin' Ace! Really captured the essence of the black metal scene"

The Prophecy

"Grand I must say"

And The Oceans Dream Eternal

"Man I love the film! I just couldn't stop laughing my head off!"


"Legalize Murder" is the funniest thing I've seen in ages! Classic awkward moments"

The MO7's

"Awesome movie! It was hilarious!"

Psycho Jack - St Madness

&ldquoFunny, hilarious, and painful to watch"

Masterful Magazine

"A very witty movie. Genius!"

Detail Fiend

"Snow flakes on a rusty rope, hilarious!"


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