It takes a lot to frighten me.

I'll be honest. This frightened me. Mewtwo was created in Giovanni's labs. The idea of Giovanni and Mewtwo actually...
doing anything, now that's what I call weird science.

I'm going to try to look at this objectively, without either shuddering or bursting out laughing, which is what I am inclined to do when I think about this, depending on my mood.

Giovanni wanted Mewtwo to help him take over the world, then had every intention of...I don't know exactly. He didn't get that far. He was using him, let's put it that way. A bit abusive of the relationship, don't you think? Giovanni was using the Mewtwo to his own advantage. Doesn't sound like love to me. Sorry.

And Mewtwo? Mewtwo trusted Giovanni, all right, maybe a bit too much. But then that wasn't his fault; he was confused. Then Giovanni did something stupid and kind of blew that. Mewtwo destroyed Giovanni's headquaters in rage. It seems more like he trusted Giovanni because he had no one else to trust; he felt everyone else had turned on him by making him feel like nothing more than an experiment. Giovanni treated him differently, and thus made Mewtwo feel that he was the only human that was really trustworthy. Then Giovanni just had to pull a "You are meant to serve me". Nice line, dumb move.

This is just...no. It's psychologically twisted; even if the Mewtwo did love Giovanni at one point, Giovanni didn't return the feeling.

Not to mention the minor fact that Mewtwo is a Pokemon and not a person. It's coming awfully close to bestiality.

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