Giovanni/Delia Ketchum
She's quite possibly the largest threat to Legalityshipping, yet one of the most unlikely people to be such.

Delia Ketchum. Ash's mother.

I can see how this could have started. Even I'll admit that Ash resembles Giovanni an awful lot. ((Mentally...uhh, no. But physically, a LOT.)) Ash's father was a Pokemon trainer, and Giovanni owns a gym. Not to mention, Giovanni is the only recurring character in the Pokemon video games, where you happen to be RPing as Ash. ((this is all the twerp's fault, you see? no offense, Ash-fans.))

There are a few minor problems with this, though. In the anime, Delia doesn't seem to acknowledge Giovanni's existance, much less care about him. Not to mention, I fully believe she would drive him nuts within a week, she's too overprotective and...domestic. ((I love her to death, but it's true.))

And Giovanni? The only thing he wants with that family is that he's hell-bent on taking the kid's Pikachu. ((Why? Only he knows for sure.)) As far as he's concerned, Ash is the dumb kid who screws up his plans. ((watch Mewtwo Lives, Diamondshippers. See if Giovanni gives a damn about Ash.)) And how, exactly, do you explain that to your girlfriend/wife/significant other? "Sorry honey, but I have a huge score to settle with our son, and he won't let me steal his damn Pokemon"? Aheh. Right.

And do NOT bring up Pokemon Live with me for Diamondshipping evidence. Yes, I know that Delia admits to having dated Giovanni. A long time ago. She also said she broke up with him. A long time ago. And she says she hates him. And has since, well, you get the point. And even though he seems somewhat affectionate towards her ((read: he acts halfway human)), she appears to want to bite his head off. Nothing lost on romance, eh? Not to mention the slight fact that your theory on Giovanni being Ash's father is shot with that musical as well; Delia mentions "meeting Ash's father" after she broke up with Giovanni.

They may have had something going on before, I'll give them that, but it's doubtful that it was anything more than a fling. Nowadays, Delia seems perfectly content with Professor Oak and Mimey, and without Giovanni.

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