Giovanni's gallery
Eheheh...even if no one else does, I'll probably still come and stare. ^_^
Bear with me. I still can't make thumbnails.


Giovanni talking to somebody on the phone. And not looking too pleased.

Picture from the first page

Giovanni, Domino, and a lot of his flunkies...some people are polite and call 'em 'entourage'. I'm not some people.

Kicking it with Domino and the Persian

I think this is from the breeding center thingamabobber. I might be wrong.


Not the best Giovanni pic in the world, but an EXCELLENT shot of the flunkies. They're shiny. Very, very shiny. Did I mention shiny? Wow. Shiny.

I didn't ask when Jessie and James were pulling an *NSYNC on him. I'm not gonna ask now.

I get this feeling that he senses a MAJOR migraine coming on. Not that I blame him.
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