Giovanni's Persian. It accompanies the Boss everywhere. It's known as "his favorite", and Giovanni doesn't seem to want to argue this fact.

But romantic love?

I honestly can't think of anything to refute on this; there is nothing that either of them shows to give this shipping any backing. Unless you count the fact that the Persian follows Giovanni everywhere. And that can be explained rather easily.

Giovanni obviously doesn't seem too inclined to use it to battle with in the anime; rather, he keeps it as a pet. And since it is his pet, and he is extremely well-off ((read: he's loaded)), he's going to spoil it rotten. Animals know when they've got a good racket going for them; the Persian is going to be faithful to him until the instant that Giovanni:
a.) Stops spoiling it.
b.) Gets a new "favorite"
c.) Gets really mad at it ((the Persian bails every time Giovanni gets pissed, period))

Not to mention, the Persian is a Pokemon, not a human. Bestiality? Uhhh...not likely.

This is one of those things that would make for an...interesting...fanfiction, but seriously? Probably not.

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