Giovanni/Male Relationships
Where did this come from?
Let me get one thing straight. I am NOT anti-yaoi. I love yaoi, as a matter of fact. It would be kind of dumb for me to be against homosexual relationships, actually, and you've probably figured out why from some of the other pages on this site.

Now that I have that taken care of...

Giovanni, as far as anything shows, is
not gay.

I honestly can't figure out where this came from. It does make for some awfully sweet fanfiction, but as far as we can tell in all actuality he is straight. I am told that there are some hints that he is not, however.

1. Butch seemed awfully smug about the fact that Giovanni bailed them out.

And Cassidy didn't? Giovanni bailed her out as well, it just happened to be Butch who was rubbing it in everyone's face.

2. James' remarks about how the Boss would never fire

James comes from an extremely rich family. He was brought up in the manner of "everything James wants, James gets" ((as long as he marries Jessybelle)). In all probability, he grew up expecting that Life will continue to provide for him and that his good fortune will hold out. Naturally, he would expect to keep his job as long as he is trying his hardest at it. And by the way, Giovanni tried to kill James too. Remember?

3. Giovanni shows no interest in women.

To be frank, he shows no interest in
anyone. Sure, he doesn't flirt with women. Show me any one instance in the anime where he openly flirts with a man ((not implying, not suggesting, but actually flirting)), and I'll take this argument down. Unless he comes out of the closet on the show, this might be the only way to get me on this.

4. The way he crosses his's just...

Oh, grow up. Plenty of straight guys his age cross their legs at the knee. It's a common occurance. Get used to it. I've asked guys, and guys don't usually do it because it isn't as comfortable for most of them as it is for girls. So he's flexible. Who cares? Last I checked, flexibility is not a trait that only gay men possess.

I'm still trying to figure out where most of this came from. Giovanni is just about the only guy in that show that doesn't squeal like a girl or crossdress, yet everyone assumes he's gay. Go figure.

Any more "Giovanni must not be straight?" arguments that you can try to catch me on?
E-mail me and try to prove me wrong!
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