Equestrian Index
Animal Index

Poems & Quotes

Apologies for not being able to give credit to the authors, if anyone can enlighten me I would be very grateful Email

Lessons From Your Horse:
When you're tense, let me teach you that there are lions in the woods, and we need to leave. NOW!!
When you're short tempered, let me teach you how to slog around the pasture for an hour before you catch me.
When you're short sighted, let me teach you to figure out where, exactly, in 40 acres I'm hiding.
When you're quick to react, let me teach you that herbivores kick much faster than omnivores.
When you're worried, let me entertain you with my mystery lameness.
When you feel superior, let me teach you that mostly, you're the maid service.
When you're self absorbed, let me teach you to pay attention!! (I told you about those lions in the woods...)
When you're arrogant, let me teach you what 1,200 pounds of yahoo, let's go! speed event horse can do when suitably inspired.
When you're lonely, let me be your companion. Let's do lunch. Also breakfast, dinner, and snacks.
When you're tired, don't forget the 600 pounds of grain that need to be unloaded.
When you're feeling financially secure, let me teach you the meaning of "veterinary services, additional."
Horses can't talk but they can speak if you listen.
Give me food and drink; and care for me. And when the day's work is done, shelter me. Give me a clean bed and leave me not too small a place in the stable. Talk to me, for your voice often takes the place of reins; be good to me and I shall serve you more gladly and love you.
Don't tear at the reins. Don't reach for your crop when we come to a hill; don't beat me or hit me if I misunderstand. Don't think me disobedient if I fail your will; perhaps there is something wrong with my harness or my hooves. A bad tooth you know how that hurts. Don't tether me too tight and don't crop my tail, my only weapon against mosquitoes and flies. Let me ask this of you in the name of Him who was born in the stable. And when the time comes, Dear Master, when I am no longer of use to you, don't let me starve, or freeze, nor sell me. Don't give me to a stranger who works me slowly to death and feeds me not; but be kind and prepare me for a quick and merciful end. God will reward you for it, now, and through eternity. And I shall come to you, always...... running.
Your horse's behavior always seems to depend on the number of people watching you.
A Dog looks up to a man,
A cat looks down on a man,
But a patient horse looks a man in the eye and sees him as an equal.
A good rider can hear his horse speak to him.
A great rider can hear his horse whisper.
But a bad rider won't hear his horse even if it screams
A boy is a long time before he knows his alphabet, longer before he has learned to spell, and perhaps several years before he can read distinctly; and yet there are some people who, as soon a they get on a young horse, entirely undressed and untaught, fancy that by beating and spurring they will make him a dressed horse in one morning only. I would fain ask such stupid people whether by beating a boy they would teach him to read without first showing him the alphabet? Sure they would beat him to death before they would make him read.
One man's wrong lead is another man's counter canter.
A dog may be man's best friend...But the horse wrote history.
The horse is such a marvelous frustration. What other creature would go into a freshly bedded box, with a rack full of the finest hay, and promptly set about devouring her straw?
I'm only a horse, dear Master, but my heart is warm and true, And I'm ready to work my hardest, for the pleasure of pleasing you. Good corn, and hay, and water, are all that I wish to ask. And a warm dry bed to rest on, when I've finished my daily task. Don't strike me in needless anger if I'm slow to understand, But encourage my drooping spirits with a gentle voice and hand. Finally, O my master! When my health and strength are gone When I'm getting old and feeble, and my long life's work is done Don't sell me to cruel owners, to be slaved to my latest breath, But grant me the untold blessing of a quick and painless death; That, as you have always found me a patient and loyal friend, The years of my faithful service may be crowned by a peaceful end. I plead in the name of the Saviour, Who cares when the sparrows fall. Who was born in a lowly stable, and knows, and loves us all!
A horse already knows how to be a horse; the rider has to learn how to become a rider.
A horse without a rider is still a horse; a rider without a horse is no longer a rider.

Horse Terminology
Event Prospect = Big Fast Horse
Dressage Prospect = Big Slow Horse
Hack Prospect = Pretty Colour
Sporting Prospect = Short Fast Horse
Camp Prospect = Fast Horse which can turn
Endurance Prospect = Fast Horse which will turn sometimes
Flashy = White Socks
Attractive = Bay
15.2hh = 14.3hhh
16.2hh = 15.3hh
To Loving Home  Only = Expensive
To Show Home Only = Very Expensive
Needs Experienced Rider = Potentially Lethal
Elegant = Thin
In Good Condition = Foundered
Free Moving = Bolts
Quiet = Lame in Both Front Legs
Dead Quiet = Lame in All Four Legs
Good in Traffic (Bombproof) = Lame all Round, Deaf and Blind
Loves Children = Kicks and Bites
Pony Type = Small and Hairy
Arab Type = Looks startled
TB Type = Looks Terrified
Quarter Horse Type = Fat
Warmblood Type = Big and Hairy
Draught Type = Big and Exceedingly Hairy
Easy to Catch = Very Old
Must Sell = Wife has left home and taking kids
All Offers Considered = I am in Traction for 6 months
Reluctant  Sale = Comes with Title Deeds to Sydney Harbour Bridge  

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