Max's Journal

Project Manticore

Max's Entries

Entry 45

The ad lead me to a phone booth nearby an alley, so I waited for a phone call or someone to show. "Well, it's about time you showed up. I've been running that ad for about a week." said a familiar voice after I picked up the phone. "Where are you?" I asked the caller. A noise nearby alerted me to someone's presence, it was Volgelsang. He asked me to turn around, "Well, it would be nice if you used your pager every once in a while." he said being curt. I told him that I figured that he handed over my pager number over to the people looking for me same way he gave up Hannah. "Hey, no worries. I took precautions here. We weren't followed. I've got new clothes here in case the old ones are bugged. It's just you and me, all right? We're alone." said Volgelsang nervously. He may have been telling the truth or it was just an act.

I asked him why he dragged my sorry butt out there. "How about $15,000." he said. Oh sure I'll take 15 thou from you I thought but more likely than not he wanted me to fork him over that much. "Oh, damn, you know. I left my wallet in my other pants. In exchange for some information about some fugitives from a project Manticore. What's to stop you from taking my money and blowing me to Lydecker for the daily double?" I told him sarcastically. "Yeah, right, somebody that keeps me in a cage for two weeks, does complicated painful things to my body. I kind of want to stay away from that person, okay? Far away as possible." he said with fear in his voice. Well now he knows how I felt all those years.

If he did have info, I needed to know but I wanted proof. "I got your number, didn't I? And there's more where that came from, let me tell you." Volgelsang said with a certainty. That wasn't enough in my mind and I wanted something more substantial than a number he may have stumbled upon."What if I were to tell you that a pal of yours from this Manticore is right here in Seattle?" he said with. All right he now had my attention and I asked him who it was that was here. "Fifteen grand. Here. Be at this address, 3:30. Day after tomorrow." said Vogelsang smugly. He had me trapped but there was almost no way for me to get that kind of cash especially in less than 48 hours. I could probably hit a few places and fence some stuff real cheap to get some of the money immediately but then they would just stiff me on the next thing. i tried to reason with the man but all he could say was "Yeah, if you want the information. As for me, I'm getting out of dodge one way or another. Good luck to you, kid." he said. We were both going to need it for me to come up with that much. At this point I had no choice I would have to come up with the money somehow.

Entry 46

The next day I thought I could hit up O.C. for some cash at work but all she kept talking about was her lickety-boo "Chrisette". I tried another approach maybe she would know where I could get that kind of money if she didn't have it. "Still jonesing over that motorcycle, huh? You could always rob a bank." said Original Cindy jokingly. I told her I was thinking about that and I was if I couldn't get the money together soon. She apparently wasn't going to be much help I would have to come up with something and fast. Skecthy came up and started yammering about Herbal and smoking pot in the john. Normal was going ballistic about it. I decided to leave or the idea of pushing might start to look good. Logan was the only person I knew with the cash I needed for this, I really didn't want to ask him but I have no choice. He did promise to help me find Zak and the others and I couldn't very well pass up this chance.

I went over to Logan's and Bling answered the door. "Hey, Max." said Bling. I greeted him back and asked him if Logan was in, he told me that he was out with his ex. In a way I was glad he was happy but I just wished it ...never mind. Bling said they would be back soon and I was welcome to wait. I told him I had to bounce but I wanted to know what Logan's ex was like. it probably the cat in me that makes me so nosy. Bling said she was nice emphasizing the word. I wonder if he meant nice as in sweet homely girl or nice as in stone cold fox, so I asked him. "As in, uh, quiet, sweet intellectual without being pretentious bookish, grad student kind of way?" I asked. "As in pretty, great body very funny outgoing... Great body." said Bling. Damm that's what I thought. It wouldn't have worked out between us anyway. "Never mind. Do we know how long they were together?" I asked still wanting to know a little more about her. Bling said he didn't know but long enough for them to seem pretty comfortable with each other. I asked Bling to tell Logan that I just stopped by, he said he would. I decided to walk down the stairs just to clear my mind. Why does it seem that when it rains it pours?

Just steps from the front entrance of his apartment building do I see Logan and a red headed woman...must be his ex and they seemed to have done some major shopping by the looks of things. Logan was bogged down with bags. "Since you're handing out money, Santa I've been a good girl." I said to Logan teasing him. "Val, this is my friend, Max" said Logan a bit nervous. I could hear his heart skip a few beats. I introduced myself to her and looked her over, she was a babe alright Logan sure knows how to pick them. I asked her if I could borrow Logan for a few seconds. "No, I'll see you upstairs." she said turning to Logan and giving him a peck on the cheek before leaving. Apparently I wasn't a good enough conversationalist to keep her interested. "Okay, yeah. I'll be right up. Thanks." said Logan as she walked away.

"Turns out Vogelsang ran that ad. He's looking to sell some information. I need about $15,000." I told Logan who was staring blankly at me. "Max." he said. I told him that he knew I was good for it I did get his statue..well sorta of anyway. "It's not about the money." he started to say. I didn't like where this was headed. I needed the money didn't he understand, I had to see my family..he..has his now. "We made a deal. I help you save civilization, as we know it. You help me find Zack and the others. I've kept my end of the bargain." I reminded him. "Yeah, I don't recall agreeing to foot the bill for you to get yourself killed." Logan said not giving in. Logan was too caught up with his dreams of white picket fences when all I just want is the family that is behind it. I told him fine and that I would explore other options. " So that's the ex, huh? Not what I expected." I said to him and left. If I was going to do any exploring I would need my bike back first.

I got a few supplies before going to the impound yard, I remember that there was a dog bowl when I went in so I would have to distract the dog somehow. I got some meat from the fridge and shoved it my pack and headed off. When I got there I leapt over the fence they had and stared down the dog guarding the place. It knew who was boss at least, maybe Logan will get the hint soon. I gave the meat I had from my pack and the little doggie happily ate away. For a moment I could see many of my ex boyfriends in the same position. I searched the office in the impound and found my bike keys and a safe. Well at least it looked like a safe on the outside but once inside it was a ATM. I found a large envelope with money stored there. Probably loot extorted from folks like me. I headed out to the yard and got my bike, I noticed hat there were a lot of others there and they seemed lonely. Maybe I'll come back and free some of them when I have the time I thought. I said goodbye to the doggie and leapt over the fence with my bike before guards start to show.

Entry 47

After getting my bike back home I made sure to arrange to have the license plate changed with a mechanic I know. I checked my bike over from front to rear. "Damm them that's a dent, someone's gonna pay for that" I thought. I spent the remaining hours before work fixing what I could and checking to make sure my motorcycle was in good working condition. I checked the envelope I brought back from the impound yard and counted out the cash. Hmmm..there seemed to be a little more than I need. I'll consider it a payment for the pain and suffering for separating me from my bike. I checked the clock and it was nearly time to get to work. Kendra would be up soon and would invariably have questions as to how I got my bike back, so I decided to leave. Normal would be thrilled that I would show up so early for work. I grabbed my gear and took down my bicycle and left.

I got to Jam Pony just in time to catch some news on Herbal and his new replacement. I'm not into drugs except when it's needed like in my case so I let it slide but Herbal was a friend of mine so I voiced my protest which Normal promptly ignored. I really didn't have enough time for all the stuff that was going on right now to get into this with Normal. I still had to find out about which of my siblings was in town before Lydecker does. I wonder if it's Jondi or Bryn, maybe even Zack, it didn't matter as long as they were here and safe. I'm so close, I can feel it and nothing is going to get in my way. Normal sent me on a early run to a nearby office. I had to get to sector 3 at some dive for Volgelsangs call. I got back quickly in time to see the new guy. "Hey, 1535 Eagle. Eagle street is where, exactly?" asked the new guy. He looked like some California beach surfer, probably all looks and no brains. Sketchy and the others were giving him a hard time with the directions. He was forced to ask Normal. "Excuse me, sir do you know where...?" he asked. I didn't have time to see this wonderful drama play out. "I've got to be in sector two at 3:30. You got anything for me?" I asked Normal interrupting his conversation with Herbal's replacement. "Here, follow her. She's headed that way." said Normal. "Appreciate you helping me out." said the new guy, giving me a weird look. "Don't get used to it. Normal's your mentor, not me." I made it clear to him as we rode to sector 3. We got stopped at a check point and showed them our ID's. I looked back every so often to see if he was still back there. He kept staring at me. He tried to strike up a conversation telling me his name was "Sam" when we were nearby the dive I was going to. He told me that he he wasn't the reason Herbal was fired. which was true but then again I told him that he shouldn't expect an out pouring of love from jam pony anytime soon. "I'm taking a break." I told him pulling up on my bike. "What is this, part of the slowdown?" he asked.

I went in and grabbed a table. I was a few minutes early after checking my watch. The new guy followed me in and sat right across. I told him sarcastically that we stopped because I had to pee as I looked over to the phone. Some girl was yammering away on it and the call looked like it was going to last for hours. "Expecting a call?" asked Sam. This guy was awfully inquisitive. "You never know." I told him while getting up. "All right time's up. There's another phone down the block. It's on me." I told the two girls and gave them some change. I decided it was best to leave my gum there to mark it as in use. What was taking so long I thought. I went back to sit at my seat."You seem nervous." said Sam. "Compared to what? You don't even know me." I asked. The guy was getting on my nerves and he kept staring at me. He gave me some line that maybe we knew each other in a past life. I told him I didn't believe in that stuff. "It doesn't mean it's not true." he said smiling. "Oh, please tell me you're not one of those people: Because a raindrop fell in the ocean 10,000 years ago and a butterfly farted in India you and I are sitting right here right now enjoying a cup of coffee that tastes like goat piss." I told him. "Anything's possible." he said smiling again. I asked him to unravel the mystery for me but the phone rang before I could finish. "If he smiles at me one more time I'll..." I thought to myself. He did. "What is the sound of one hand hitting you upside your head, hmm?" I told him while slapping his dense head.

I picked up the phone and answered it sweetly. "Punk ass here." I answered. Volgelsang asked if I had the cash and I told him I did. "All right, 6:00. Rooming house on Jackson and third, room 18." he said instructing me. I wanted to know how he can assure me he wasn't setting me up but all he said was that I didn't. "Then give me something else, to help your credibility." I asked. "Male adult had a bar code removed from his neck at a tattoo parlor in Chinatown two weeks ago. Number, uh, 3-3-0-4-1-7-2-9-1-5-9-9." said Volgelsang. "It was...: Zack" I thought. I asked him which tattoo parlor? "6:00!" Volgelsang said before hanging up.

When I got back to the table Sam asked if it was good news. Of course it was, it was Zack, he saved me and the others and now I can thank him if I could get to him. "Yep and it's none of your business." I answered the new guy. The new guy said he would pick up the bill. "I was thinking maybe later me..." he started to ask. "Don't even try to hit on me." I told him outright. "No, I was just..." said Sam. "Don't" I told him forcefully to make it clear. Why do guys fail to understand words like "No" and "Don't"? When we got back outside I pointed out where 1535 Eagle Street was, so I wouldn't have to talk to him again. We split up. I had to head back to Jam pony to meet up with Sketchy and O.C. and head over to the bike contest.

Entry 48

Original Cindy was all hyped about her lickety split girl doing jumps but I had other things on my mind. Her girl finished her jumps and we all decided to get some rays. Sketchy was talking some weird stuff about Herbal being a Saint. "The brother man either too naïve or too big-hearted to see where this is headed. He not careful, he going to get maxed out of every little thing." said Original Cindy. Cindy and Sketchy spent the next few moments debating wheter Winston was there to take Herbals woman. When Sketchy took off his shades to put on some sun block I noticed a burn line where his glasses were, it reminded me of something .... Logan's ex had one on her ring finger. It didn't make sense for her to have such a line since she and Logan broke up so long ago unless..she's, I understood now but I had to make sure before telling Logan. I left taking my motorcycle. "Where you going, boo?" asked Original Cindy. "Errand to run. Bye, guys." I responded revvning up my bike. I had to get to Logan's place fast before his ex did something to him.

When I got there I saw Val leaving and geting into a cab in a hurry. She seemed to be up to something, so I decided to follow along. Val's cab was just a bit ahead of me as it stopped in front of a run down building. What was she doing here I thought. I stopped my bike and decided to hang back since there were so many people on the street. Val rushed into the building, I checked to door, it was locked. I saw the floor number she pushed in the elevator. I checked around before finding the fire escape, when no one was looking I leaped up and landed safely. I continued to climb up until I reached the floor Val pushed. I spotted her heading to an apartment down the end of a hallway. I was forced to make my way aorund by huging the ledge. I saw Logan's ex and some guy talking after I climbed onto their fire escape. It was show time. "You're home early. What, he didn't ask you to stay?" said the guy in the apartment. "He asked me. Didn't want to push it." said Val. "Oh, that's why you're the bright one and I'm the pretty one. Hon, I need a grand by the end of the week. You're going to make that happen, right?" said the guy, who was obviously either her boyfriend or husband. I watched as Val told the guy she wasn't sure but the guy was insistent that she get him Logan's money. "You blew through my divorce settlement pretty good. We got to... Be more careful this time." said Val giving in. What a loser, Logan is so much better I thought. "Okay. We'll be more careful. How about $500?" said Val's boyfriend. "Anybody ever tell you that you are a bad boy?" Val said. I nearly puked, where did she come up with that line? I should kick her butt just for using a line like that. " Yeah. You wouldn't have it any other way. You don't ever let roller boy touch you?" asked Val's boyfriend. I wondered the same thing. "No, I save that for you, honey. Me and him are strictly business." she said. Yeah right, most likely Logan turned her down I thought. I decided to leave they were starting to get hot and heavy, I had a meeting with Volgelsang anyway.

I rode to the meeting spot and what do I see? Volgelsang lying dead in the street. I could tell it was a single shot through the back of the head. probably no exit wound from .38 caliber. I heard some cop guy say it was probably a professional hit, I think I had a good idea of who it was, Lydecker. There were way too many cops in the area for my taste and Lydecker's men started to show so I split. What was I going to do Volgelsang had the info I needed and now he's dead. Vogelsang did mention a tatoo parlor... I decided to go to Logan, maybe he could help.

Entry 49

"You got to help me run down this tattoo lead." I asked a reluctant Logan. I told Logan that I didn't have much time. Vogelsang had probably given up everything he knew about Zack to Lydecker. "There's one thing that doesn't make sense. If Lydecker squeezed Vogelsang, he would have known you were coming, why didn't he wait for you to show?" asked Logan. "Something went sideways." I offered. "Or someone else killed Vogelsang." said Logan thoughtfully. I told Logan that I saw Vogelsang's dead and Lydecker's men were there. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. It was a good enough explanation for me at this point with Zack in danger and it was my fault. Now I've got to get to Zack before Lydecker does. "Are you going to help or not?" I asked Logan. "Might want to think about having your bar code removed, too" said Logan trying to side step my question. "I tried once. It feels like someone's pouring acid on your skin after it's been sand blasted. Came back in a couple weeks. It's etched into our genetic code." I told him, trying not to wince as I remembered the pain. Logan asked since that was the case why would Zack bother. How would I explain Zack when half the time I didn't understand him but I had to try. "Zack's the kind of guy that does whatever it takes as often as it takes." I told Logan. Logan bringing up maps of the city on his computer. "All right. here's four tattoo parlors in Chinatown... At least with phones." said Logan, handing me a print out. I thanked Logan for the info but he still tried to talk me out of it. I made it plain to him I wouldn't budge from this, so he let it drop. He told me to be careful, it was then that I remembered the other reason why I was here. "In case anything does happen, there's something you need to know. It's about your ex." I began to tell him. Logan just sat there quietly as I told him everything I saw and heard between Val and her boyfriend. I thought that Logan would fly off the handle or something worse but all he did was ask me to go as he started to stare out the window. I guess there were something's that I would never understand until they happened to me.

I made it to Chinatown on my motorcycle just in time as the proprietor of the tatoo parlor was just finishing closing up shop. "Apologies, miss, but I have very little money." said the small scared asian man. "How about I fatten your wallet?" I asked him trying to alleviate his fears. I asked him a few questions about a guy fitting Zacks description showing up at the tatoo parlor several days ago. The proprietor said that the nice young man was looking for a place to rent or so he had suggested his niece. He told me that I could use him name and his niece might help me. Why was this getting more and more complicated? He jotted down the address of the restaurant where his niece was working tonight.

"Your uncle Bob down at the tattoo parlor says you run a housing service. He sent a young man to you about three weeks ago." I asked her as she tended the customers. She looked up at me still unsure if she should help me. I guess it was the look of concern on my face or something that persuaded her. "Client of his? Oh, yes, I remember. A nice young man. He needed a place right away. Here's his address." she said handing over Zack's address. I looked at it, for so long I've dreamt of this moment and all I had to do was get there before Lydecker. I thanked Bob's niece before I left.

I get to the address, and enter the apartment. The place looks live a dive, part of me was beginning to hope Zack didn't live here. I checked for noise or something to see if anyone was inside but the place was empty. I decided to go through the things there hoping it would give me a clue as to where Zack might be now. I found a classified ad with my barcode number circled, Jam Pony flyer and a very familiar Motorcycle helmet. "God! that was him I was riding with that night and he apparently knows where I work too." I thought to myself. I continued to go through his things but all I could find where a few survelliance photo's of me and a bottle of trytophan; he had been keeping an eye on me but for how long I wondered? "Stop!" yells a male voice from behind me. I reflexively engage and grasp my assailant as he grabs me from behind. I was about to break his hold and disable him when he says. "It's me, max!" says the voice now beginning to sound familiar. I turn around and see "Sam...I mean Zack?" standing there. "You? You're Zack? Why didn't you tell me?" I asked him but just about when he was going to answer me the all too familiar sound of humvee's pulling up interrupted our reunion. Zack rushes to the window and confirms it's Lydecker and his men.

Entry 50

Lydecker's men surrounded the building as we made a break for the roof top. Lydecker's men were rushing up the stairs. Zack gave the signal that we would split up and take out whoever was closest to us. It felt like the old days during training in hand to hand. The fight ended quickly since Zack was with me. I think they were only expecting there to be one of us. "Not bad." said Zack as I finished off one of Lydecker's men. When we got to the roof top Zack used a cable to get us out. He grabbed me and started to slide across to the train yard.

"How did you find me?" asked Zack carefully. It was then I knew. "Vogelsang tipped me on your visit to the tattoo parlor. You killed him, didn't you?" I asked knowing that this was how manticore operatives would cleanup. "Lydecker was set up on him. You were walking into a trap." said Zack matter of factly. I told him he should've just warned me, told me not to go. "Vogelsang knew too much." said Zack. "You murdered an innocent man." I reminded him.

"The night we all escaped you put your lives in my hands. I've been looking out for you ever since. Every one of you. Vogelsang was weak. Lydecker would have gotten the information out of him. He would have hunted us down one by one and I couldn't let that happen." said Zack. "So you traded one life for 12, is that it?" I asked if this was his justification for murder. "I stand by my decision. It's not safe here. Lydecker's men will be combing the city. We have to leave tonight. I can get us to San Francisco, and we'll split up there." said Zack impatiently while looking around for signs of pursuit. "Split up?" I asked him. "What are you talking about? We can't stay together, max. It will compromise everyone's safety." said Zack a bit shocked that I would ask such a silly question.

If he knew where I was and he was so bent on taking care of those who escaped the it stood to reason that he would know the location of the others. "You know where the others are? Tell me!" I begged him. "The less you know about the others, the better that way if anyone gets captured the others will still be safe." Zack said as if he was reading procedure from the manual. I had to know where Jondi or the others were. "But they're my family!" I pleaded with him again but he wouldn't budge. "They're soldiers... And so are you. The only person you can rely on, Max, is yourself. Everything else is just a lie. It's phony sentimentality. And it will get you killed. Now, let's go." said Zack trying to remind me. "No." I told him. I wasn't a soldier and haven't been since the day I got out. "I'm not asking you, max. I'm giving you an order." said Zack in his command voice. "What are you going to do, court-martial me?" I asked him. What was going on I thought. Zack and I should be enjoying our reunion instead he was giving me orders like if I was still at Manticore. "If you stay here, you risk tactical exposure or have you forgotten everything that they taught us?" he asked trying to reach the little soldier inside of me. Sorry, buddy I that person discharged herself."No, but I'm trying real hard at it. You're still back at Manticore. Maybe I'm chasing a sentimental lie but at least i'm trying to get away from it." I said to him hoping he would understand that we were free and none of that Manticore stuff matters.

Entry 51

"I can't be responsible for you if you won't listen." said Zack as we continued walking further away from his boarding house. "Zack, don't go. Please." I asked him. This can't be happening, not this way I thought. "I have to. Did a good job on you, max. Turned out okay." said Zack in his critical tone as if he was doing a weapons check. Zack just turned and left, no goodbye or anything. I stood there rooted for several moments trying to digest what just happened. I couldn't believe that Zack was just didn't have the str

Thank's to Dark Angelz13 for reminding me! :)

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