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I had always enjoyed the sound of the wolves howling in the neighboring woods. As other children cowered in fear or played games of wolf-hunting in the town's marketplace square, I would walk alone among the tall trees of the forests, hoping to catch a glimpse of the magical creatures I had envisioned in my mind. I never did get to see one of the denizens of the forest in all those long days spent beneath the protecting arch of the thick oak leaves for I was far to noisy in my travels, as any young child would be.

As time passed and grew from childhood towards manhood, the trips into the forest increased, and strange dreams stole upon my waking moments as I would wander the forest. The dreams always varied in detail, but always showed the same scene of a great fire that swept the land and changed its appearance before the eyes. Continents rose from the oceans as the old land was turned to dust and blown away by the fierce wind that drove the waters over whatever remaining vestiges of that old, dying land were left.

As time went on, the dreams became more and more vivid, and by the time I had gone through the rite of manhood, they consumed more and more of my waking hours, growing more urgent in my mind. I made my mind to leave the town, though for whatever reason I can not, to this day, tell you. Whatever the reasons, I spent six years in those woods, coming into town only rarely when provisions were necessary that could not be procured from the forest.

As the dream consumed more and more of my wandering, I gained knowledge of many things, for indeed, before my twentieth season, I knew the lore of the animals as well as any veteran hunter might. I knew which plants were edible, and which could be used to poison deadly traps or arrow and blade tips. By my twenty-third season, I had built a small smithy shack in a small glade deep in the forest, and began to work on a weapon that had lain buried in my mind for the last several years.

The weapon I created took six long hard months of journeying to collect the materials needed, and when finished, was a brilliantly polished longsword with a pure silver hilt in the shape of a large wolf howling at the large moonstone crystal sit in the pommel and it's claws seemed to extend and grasp the finely honed razor sharp blade in a deadly embrace. Many hours were spent on that final day of the swords creation carefully cooling the melding metal of the blade and hilt.

Upon finishing the work, I stepped out of the little workshop that housed my forge, and with a start, became aware of a large silver-furred wolf standing at the edge of the glade. Frightful, I jumped back inside the stifling heat of the workshop and grabbed the longsword from its place on the rack. With a weapon now in my hand, I boldly came back outside and noticed that there was not one wolf, but fully two dozen of then in a semi circle, all facing me.

As I held the sword up in a weak imitation of a guarding stance, the sun's reflection was caught on the blade and mildly blinded me, causing me to drop the sword and cover my eyes in shock. When I could see clearly again, the large silver wolf I saw first was much closer, and sat upon his haunches with his forepaws resting upon the polished blade as he gazed into the bright metal.

In my mind, I could hear a strange feminine voice like the drifting of a wolf's howl in a breeze, reassuring me that no harm was meant this day. The voice spoke of the excellent skill I had used to create the sword, and praised it as being worthy of a true Wolfbrother. It also spoke of witnessing my birth in the Dream nearly twenty years ago, and how they had always watched me and protected me as I grew into a man.

Ever since that day in the glade, I have welcomed the dreams that invade my every waking moment now, and I hunt all that would bring about the destruction of the world through their malicious and dark ways. The world is never safe for long however, and there is only so much one man can do alone.




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