Website Information

This is just a Simple and overlooked site on the backsreets of the Cybercity I like
to call Internet. This site serves no purpose other than a few laughs and
maybe a little info on certain bands(but I doubt I'll ever start/finish posting that).

While you are here, make yourself at home, If this is your first time, it makes
no difference because I don't have a guestbook or a forum. I just suggest that
you look around, have a few laughs and be on your way. If you like what you
see, tell your friends to visit or maybe spread around a few jokes.

Once again the site map is at the top of almost everypage, so you shouldn't get lost.
Also, I'll give you this just in case any questions and/or comments. (only questions and comments please)
If you spam me, I will find you!!!
[email protected]

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