Mark Paris vs. Gryphon
"I Quit" Match for the AGW World Title
from AGW Corporate Pursuit (March 13, 1999)

JAKE: Well, the main event is coming up. The ma.....

SPEED: Mark Paris has a very bad concussion, a badly sprained ankle and a couple broken ribs, so if Gryphon meant to injure the Corporate champion before the match, he did a good job. It's the ONLY way he can win it.

JAKE: Go to the ring and Michael Buffer.

(The crowd groans as Michael Buffer makes his way to the ring.)

Michael Buffer: Ladies and gentlemen, it's time...for our Main Event of the evening! Tonight, the AGW Heavyweight Championship of the World will be defended in an "I Quit" match. The rules are simple...the contest does not end until one of the combatants is forced to utter the words..."I Quit!"


(The crowd pops in spite of itself.)


(The pop grows louder.)

Then...for the thousands in attendance here tonight....and the millions watching around the world on pay-per-view.....ladies and gentlemen...


(The crowd explodes as Gryphon makes his way down to the ring.)

Michael Buffer: Introducing first...the Challenger! He comes to us tonight representing the Anti-Corporate of the all time greats of professional wrestling! He hails from Parts Unknown....he stands 6'11" tall and weighs in tonight at an even 360 lbs. He is the master of the Cliffhanger powerbomb....ladies and gentlemen, the self-professed "ICON"......


(The lights dim, blue strobes cover the arena floor, and "The Great American Nightmare" by Rob Zombie and Howard Stern blasts over the speakers. The boos from the crowd are the loudest we've heard all night.)

Michael Buffer: And his opponent....soon to be making his way to the ring. He comes to us tonight representing Speed Racer and the Corporation, and is accompanied to the ring by "The Bad Girl of the AGW" Rachel Morris, and the Corporate Commissioner Jenna Jameson. He hails from Cleveland, Ohio....he stands 6'1" tall, and weighs in at 237 and 1/2 pounds....he is the self-proclaimed "Legend Killer" and the master of the Extreme Measure. Ladies and gentlemen, the reigning...two-time....HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD....



They lock up.
Mark Paris executes a Cradle DDT on Gryphon.

JAKE: Big time move to start with.

SPEED: He was in pain lifting the fatass up.

Mark Paris goes for a fireman's carry into a neckbreaker, but Gryphon counters it with an eye gouge.
Gryphon hits Mark Paris.
Gryphon kicks Mark Paris.

SPEED: Yeah, he can't lift Gryphon up too much tonight.

Mark Paris begs off.
Gryphon hits a double-axhandle chop on Mark Paris.
Mark Paris begs off.
Gryphon goes for a kick to the midsection, but Mark Paris counters it with a legsweep.
Mark Paris goes for a DDT, but Gryphon counters it with a Northern Lights suplex.
Gryphon whips Mark Paris into the turnbuckle.
Gryphon hits Mark Paris with a bridging back suplex.
Gryphon executes a back suplex on Mark Paris.
Gryphon nails Mark Paris with the Doctor Bomb.
Gryphon executes an earringer on Mark Paris.
Gryphon hits a back heel kick on Mark Paris.
Gryphon uses a Samoan Drop on Mark Paris.
Gryphon uses a kneedrop on Mark Paris.

JAKE: Gryphon is throwing his high impact moves on Paris early. He wants to end it fast.

SPEED: It will take more than that.

Gryphon whips Mark Paris into the ropes, but Mark Paris reverses it.
Rachel Morris trips Gryphon.
Mark Paris gives him a pancake powerbomb, but Gryphon doesn't even care.
Mark Paris goes for an avalanche, but Gryphon side-steps and Mark Paris only hits air.
Gryphon whips Mark Paris into the ropes.
Mark Paris hits Gryphon with a clothesline.
Mark Paris gets a chokehold on Gryphon.
Gryphon is struggling to reach the ropes.
Gryphon tries to escape the hold.
Gryphon is inching his way towards the ropes.


Gryphon is writhing in pain.
Gryphon reaches the ropes after being trapped for 29 seconds.
Mark Paris puts Gryphon in the Texas cloverleaf.
Gryphon reaches the ropes after being trapped for 6 seconds.
Mark Paris goes for a back fist, but Gryphon ducks out of the way.
Gryphon hits Mark Paris.
Gryphon kicks Mark Paris.
Mark Paris chops Gryphon.
Gryphon kicks Mark Paris.
Gryphon hits Mark Paris.
Gryphon hits Mark Paris.
Mark Paris chops Gryphon.
Gryphon hits Mark Paris.
Gryphon goes for a Samoan Drop, but Mark Paris counters it with a crucifix.

JAKE: Pins don't count Mark.

Mark Paris gives him a fireman's carry into a neckbreaker, but Gryphon doesn't even care.
Mark Paris goes for a DDT, but Gryphon counters it with a low blow.
Gryphon takes Mark Paris down with a bridging back suplex.
Gryphon goes for a flying fistdrop, but Mark Paris counters it with a fist to the midsection.
Mark Paris takes Gryphon down with a fireman's carry into a neckbreaker.

JAKE: He certainly wants to flaunt that move around. I think it's a mistake.

SPEED: Well, he's done it to Gryphon enough to wear him out.

Mark Paris runs into the ropes.
Mark Paris misses with a clothesline.
Gryphon misses with a shoulderblock.
Mark Paris hits Gryphon with a kick.
Mark Paris takes Gryphon down with the Ace Crusher.
Mark Paris runs into the ropes.
Mark Paris takes Gryphon down with the Running Forearm Smash.
Mark Paris nails Gryphon with a fireman's carry into a neckbreaker.
Mark Paris puts Gryphon in the Texas cloverleaf.
Gryphon is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Gryphon reaches the ropes after being trapped for 15 seconds.
Mark Paris runs into the ropes.
Mark Paris hits Gryphon with an elbow.
Mark Paris nails Gryphon with a flying elbowdrop.
Mark Paris goes for a 450 splash, but Gryphon gets his knees up.
Gryphon whips Mark Paris into the ropes, but Mark Paris reverses it.
Mark Paris hits Gryphon with a kick.
Mark Paris uses a low blow on Gryphon.
Mark Paris whips Gryphon into the ropes, but Gryphon reverses it.
Gryphon goes for a roundhouse right, but Mark Paris reverses it.
Mark Paris gives him a fireman's carry into a neckbreaker, but Gryphon doesn't budge.
Mark Paris whips Gryphon into the ropes, but Gryphon reverses it.
Gryphon hits Mark Paris with an elbow.
Gryphon whips Mark Paris into the ropes.
Mark Paris executes a football tackle on Gryphon.
Mark Paris kicks Gryphon.
Mark Paris punches Gryphon.
Mark Paris nails Gryphon with a tornado DDT.
Mark Paris gives the sign for the Extreme Measure.

SPEED: YES YES YES!!!! Put it on the bastard!!!

Mark Paris executes the Extreme Measure on Gryphon.
Gryphon breaks the hold after 5 seconds.

SPEED: Damn.

JAKE: Doesn't look good for Paris.

Mark Paris begs off.
Mark Paris hits Gryphon with a low blow.
Mark Paris gives him an avalanche, but Gryphon doesn't even care.
Mark Paris hits Gryphon with an earringer.
Mark Paris whips Gryphon into the ropes, but Gryphon reverses it.
Mark Paris hits Gryphon with a kick.
Mark Paris goes for a fireman's carry into a neckbreaker, but Gryphon counters it with a sunset flip.
Gryphon goes for a choke against the ropes, but Mark Paris blocks it.
Mark Paris leaves the ring.
He returns with a chair.
Mark Paris sets up the chair.
Mark Paris nails Gryphon with a Cradle DDT onto the chair.


SPEED: HA HA!!! Did you hear the ping on that chair? I love it.

Mark Paris throws Gryphon out of the ring.
Mark Paris whips Gryphon into the guardrail.
Mark Paris hits Gryphon with a tornado DDT.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Mark Paris knocks Gryphon into the ringsteps.
Rachel Morris comes from behind and distracts Gryphon.
Mark Paris reenters the ring.
Gryphon follows him back in.
Mark Paris gets the STF on Gryphon.
Gryphon is struggling to reach the ropes.
Gryphon tries to escape the hold.
Gryphon is inching his way towards the ropes.
Gryphon summons one last burst of energy.
Carl Westcoat asks Gryphon if he's still there.
Gryphon nods.


JAKE: No he didn't.

SPEED: He was nodding saying he gives up.

JAKE: *sigh*

SPEED: Stop the damn match!!

Carl Westcoat asks Gryphon if he's had enough.
Gryphon shakes his head.
Carl Westcoat asks Gryphon if he's had enough.
Gryphon shakes his head.
Carl Westcoat asks Gryphon if he should stop the fight.
Gryphon shakes his head.
Carl Westcoat asks Gryphon if he's had enough.
Gryphon shakes his head.
Carl Westcoat checks Gryphon's arm.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it stays up !
Gryphon fights his way out of the hold after 31 seconds.
Gryphon executes the Doctor Bomb on Mark Paris.
Mark Paris sets up the chair.
Mark Paris takes Gryphon down with the Ace Crusher onto the chair.
Mark Paris yells "That's how it's done, kids!".

SPEED: You tell them, champ!!!

Mark Paris gives him an earringer, but Gryphon doesn't even care.
Mark Paris executes a Cradle DDT on Gryphon.

JAKE: ANOTHER devastating move onto that chair. How much more can Gryphon take?

Carl Westcoat removes the chair from the ring.
Mark Paris throws Gryphon out of the ring.
Mark Paris goes through the ropes.
Mark Paris sets up a table.
Mark Paris whips Gryphon into the guardrail.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Mark Paris takes Gryphon down with a fireman's carry into a neckbreaker.
Mark Paris yells "That's how it's done, kids!".
Rachel Morris comes from behind, but Gryphon nails Rachel Morris.
Rachel Morris comes from behind, but Gryphon nails Rachel Morris.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Mark Paris sets up Gryphon on the table.
Mark Paris executes a belly-to-back superplex through the table.
The table is broken in half.
Mark Paris sets up a table.
Mark Paris executes a back fist on Gryphon.
Mark Paris sets up Gryphon on the table.
Mark Paris executes a belly-to-back superplex through the table.
The table is broken in half.

SPEED: I can't believe the champ is taking those risks with his hurt ribs.

JAKE: He certainly is toughing it out.

Mark Paris goes for a tornado DDT, but Gryphon counters it with a belly-to-back suplex.
Gryphon knocks Mark Paris into the ringsteps.
Gryphon knocks Mark Paris into the ringsteps.
Gryphon hits Mark Paris with a jumping DDT.
Rachel Morris comes from behind and distracts Gryphon.
Mark Paris whips Gryphon into the guardrail.
Mark Paris knocks Gryphon into the ringpost.
Mark Paris hits Gryphon with a low blow.
Mark Paris is handed a Nintendo.
Mark Paris hits him with the Nintendo.
Mark Paris goes for a fireman's carry into a neckbreaker, but Gryphon counters it with a sunset flip.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Rachel Morris comes from behind, but Gryphon nails Rachel Morris.
Mark Paris hits him with the Nintendo.
Mark Paris goes for a 450 splash, but Gryphon gets his knees up.
Gryphon knocks Mark Paris into the ringpost.
Gryphon whips Mark Paris into the guardrail.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Gryphon goes for a headbutt, but Mark Paris blocks it.
Mark Paris knocks Gryphon into the ringsteps.
Mark Paris uses the Running Forearm Smash on Gryphon.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Gryphon sets up a table.
Gryphon executes a back suplex on Mark Paris.
Rachel Morris comes from behind, but Gryphon nails Rachel Morris.
Mark Paris executes the Extreme Measure on Gryphon on the concrete floor.

SPEED: Get out there ref!!!! I heard Gryphon submit!!!!

JAKE: It doesn't count is it's on the outside.

SPEED: Damn, who makes these rules up?

JAKE: You did.

Mark Paris whips Gryphon into the guardrail.
Rachel Morris comes from behind, but Gryphon nails Rachel Morris.
Mark Paris sets up Gryphon on the table.
Mark Paris tries to drive Gryphon through the table with a belly-to-back superplex, but he blocks it.
Gryphon whips Mark Paris into the guardrail.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Mark Paris sets up Gryphon on the table.
Mark Paris tries to drive Gryphon through the table with a belly-to-back superplex, but he blocks it.
Gryphon goes for the Cliff Hanger, but Mark Paris counters it with a backdrop.

SPEED: No Cliff Hanger here boys.

Mark Paris whips Gryphon into the guardrail.
Rachel Morris comes from behind, but Gryphon nails Rachel Morris.
Mark Paris whips Gryphon into the guardrail.
Mark Paris nails Gryphon with a football tackle.
Mark Paris throws Gryphon back into the ring.
Mark Paris attempts to place Gryphon on the turnbuckle, but Gryphon blocks it.
Mark Paris attempts to place Gryphon on the turnbuckle, but Gryphon blocks it.
Mark Paris uses the Running Forearm Smash on Gryphon.

JAKE: Paris is dominating Gryphon now.

SPEED: And I love every minute of it.

Mark Paris whips Gryphon into the ropes, but Gryphon reverses it.
Mark Paris takes Gryphon down with a back heel kick.
Mark Paris runs into the ropes.
Mark Paris hits Gryphon with a kick.
Mark Paris is going for the pin.
Mark Paris attempts to place Gryphon on the turnbuckle, but Gryphon blocks it.
Mark Paris hits Gryphon with a pancake powerbomb.
Mark Paris catches Gryphon in the STF.

SPEED: This has to be it!!!

Gryphon reaches the ropes after being trapped for 10 seconds.

SPEED: Damn.

Mark Paris gives him a back fist, but Gryphon doesn't budge.
Mark Paris attempts to place Gryphon on the turnbuckle, but Gryphon blocks it.
Mark Paris punches Gryphon.
Gryphon chops Mark Paris.
Mark Paris chops Gryphon.
Mark Paris punches Gryphon.
Gryphon punches Mark Paris.
Gryphon punches Mark Paris.
Mark Paris begs off.
Gryphon executes a back suplex on Mark Paris.
Gryphon goes for an earringer, but Mark Paris blocks it.
Mark Paris hits a Cradle DDT on Gryphon.
Mark Paris goes for a sleeperhold, but Gryphon blocks it.
Gryphon hits Mark Paris with a Hotshot.
Gryphon hits a flying sunset flip on Mark Paris.
Gryphon whips Mark Paris into the ropes.
Mark Paris hits Gryphon with a kick.
Mark Paris gives the sign for the Extreme Measure.
Mark Paris executes the Extreme Measure on Gryphon.
Gryphon is inching his way towards the ropes.
Gryphon is writhing in pain.

JAKE: Gryphon is clamped in that. I think this may be it.

SPEED: It HAS to be.

Carl Westcoat asks Gryphon if he's had enough.
Gryphon shakes his head.
Carl Westcoat asks Gryphon if he's still there.
Gryphon nods.
Gryphon breaks the hold after 21 seconds.

SPEED: What the....?

Gryphon hits Mark Paris.
Mark Paris kicks Gryphon.
Mark Paris punches Gryphon.
Mark Paris takes Gryphon down with a football tackle.
Mark Paris goes for an earringer, but Gryphon blocks it.
Gryphon whips Mark Paris into the ropes.
Gryphon misses with a clothesline.
Mark Paris goes for a back heel kick, but Gryphon counters it with a cradle suplex.
In turn, Mark Paris counters it with a figure-four leglock.

SPEED: What a counter!!!! That's my champ.

Gryphon is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Gryphon is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Gryphon is barely hanging in there.
Carl Westcoat checks Gryphon's arm.
He lifts it... it stays up !
Gryphon fights his way out of the hold after 18 seconds.
Gryphon nails Mark Paris with the Doctor Bomb.
Gryphon executes a fisherman suplex on Mark Paris.
Mark Paris throws Gryphon out of the ring.
Mark Paris jumps onto him with a senton.
Mark Paris nails Gryphon with a back fist.
Mark Paris whips Gryphon into the guardrail.
Mark Paris goes for the Extreme Measure, but Gryphon counters it with an arm bite.


JAKE: Sorry Speed, we don't have anymore DQs.

Gryphon goes for a belly-to-belly suplex, but Mark Paris counters it with a low blow.
Mark Paris sets up Gryphon on the table.
Mark Paris tries to drive Gryphon through the table with a tiger driver, but he blocks it.
Gryphon goes for the Doctor Bomb, but Mark Paris counters it with a low blow.
Mark Paris nails Gryphon with a pancake powerbomb.
Mark Paris whips Gryphon into the guardrail.
Mark Paris sets up Gryphon on the table.
Mark Paris executes a belly-to-back superplex through the table.
The table is broken in half.

JAKE: Paris again with that superplex through the table.

SPEED: He does it because he doesn't necessarily have to go through the table with Gryphon.

Mark Paris goes for a fireman's carry into a neckbreaker, but Gryphon counters it with an eye gouge.
Gryphon sets up a table.
Gryphon goes for a backbreaker, but Mark Paris blocks it.
Mark Paris sets up Gryphon on the table.
Mark Paris executes a Tombstone through the table.
The table didn't break.

JAKE: That was a sickening bounce off of the table. What is that thing made out of?

Mark Paris whips Gryphon into the guardrail.
Mark Paris goes for the Running Forearm Smash, but Gryphon counters it with a Gorilla Press.
Gryphon whips Mark Paris into the guardrail.
Gryphon nails Mark Paris with a back suplex.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Mark Paris executes a back heel kick on Gryphon.
Mark Paris is handed a 2x4.
Mark Paris hits him with the 2x4.
Mark Paris sets up Gryphon on the table.
Mark Paris tries to drive Gryphon through the table with a tiger driver, but he blocks it.
Gryphon whips Mark Paris into the guardrail.
Rachel Morris comes from behind, but Gryphon nails Rachel Morris.
Mark Paris goes for a tornado DDT, but Gryphon counters it with a belly-to-back suplex.
Gryphon hits a flying kneedrop on Mark Paris.
Gryphon whips Mark Paris into the guardrail.
Gryphon hits a jumping DDT on Mark Paris.
Gryphon executes a flying fistdrop on Mark Paris.
Gryphon takes Mark Paris down with a backspin DDT.
Gryphon knocks Mark Paris into the ringpost.
Gryphon whips Mark Paris into the guardrail.
Gryphon hits a back suplex on Mark Paris.

JAKE: Gryphon is absolutely dominating. I think Mark has finally run out of gas.

SPEED: He is having trouble walking on his injured ankle now too.

Gryphon nails Mark Paris with a double-axhandle chop.
Gryphon uses a back suplex on Mark Paris.
Gryphon hits Mark Paris with a knee to the back.
Gryphon knocks Mark Paris into the ringpost.
Gryphon whips Mark Paris into the guardrail.
Gryphon hits a flying kneedrop on Mark Paris.
Gryphon knocks Mark Paris into the ringsteps.
Gryphon executes the Cliff Hanger on Mark Paris on the concrete floor.
Mark Paris is out cold.

SPEED: Damn.......

Gryphon whips Mark Paris into the guardrail.
Mark Paris is busted wide open.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Mark Paris nails Gryphon with a low blow.
Mark Paris is handed the sap glove.
Mark Paris hits him with the sap glove.
Mark Paris sets up Gryphon on the table.

JAKE: Paris with one more surge of energy.

Mark Paris tries to drive Gryphon through the table with a DDT, but he blocks it.
Gryphon knocks Mark Paris into the ringsteps.
Gryphon whips Mark Paris into the guardrail.
Gryphon hits a double-axhandle chop on Mark Paris.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Mark Paris hits him with the sap glove.
Mark Paris goes for a fireman's carry into a neckbreaker, but Gryphon counters it with an eye gouge.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Mark Paris hits him with the sap glove.
Mark Paris whips Gryphon into the guardrail.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Mark Paris sets up Gryphon on the table.
Mark Paris tries to drive Gryphon through the table with a tiger driver, but he blocks it.
Gryphon whips Mark Paris into the guardrail.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Gryphon goes for a belly-to-belly suplex, but Mark Paris counters it with a low blow.
Mark Paris whips Gryphon into the guardrail.
Mark Paris nails Gryphon with an earringer.
Mark Paris is handed a baseball bat.
Mark Paris hits him with the baseball bat.
Mark Paris sets up Gryphon on the table.
Mark Paris executes a DDT through the table.
The table is broken in half.

SPEED: Come on Mark, slap on a submission move!!!

Mark Paris goes for a pancake powerbomb, but Gryphon counters it with a Frankensteiner.
Gryphon uses a jumping DDT on Mark Paris.
Gryphon whips Mark Paris into the guardrail.
Gryphon takes Mark Paris down with a forearm smash.
Gryphon whips Mark Paris into the guardrail.
Gryphon nails Mark Paris with a knee to the back.
Gryphon throws Mark Paris back into the ring.

SPEED: Damnit!!! I'm outta here.

(Speed gets up from the table and starts roaming ringside.)

Gryphon brings the table into the ring.
Mark Paris sets up Gryphon on the table.
Mark Paris executes a belly-to-back superplex through the table.
The table is broken in half.
Mark Paris executes a low blow on Gryphon.
Mark Paris goes for a back heel kick, but Gryphon ducks out of the way.
Mark Paris begs off.

JAKE: Paris can barely even move at this point.

Gryphon gives the sign for the Cliff Hanger.
Gryphon executes the Cliff Hanger on Mark Paris.
Gryphon hits Mark Paris with an anklelock submission.
Carl Westcoat asks Mark Paris if he's had enough.
Mark Paris shakes his head.
Carl Westcoat asks Mark Paris if he's still there.
Mark Paris nods.

JAKE: Paris is still in there, but he is in some serious pain. Gryphon finally noticed the injured ankle, the big dumbass.

Mark Paris is writhing in pain.
Carl Westcoat asks Mark Paris if he's still there.

JAKE: Speed isn't even doing anything. Wonder why?

(Speed walks over to Jake and hands him a piece of paper. He heard Jake's question.)

JAKE: Oh. Right in the fine print it says that Paris automatically loses the title if Speed or the Corporation interferes in any way.

Mark Paris nods.

JAKE: Paris has been in the hold for over a minute!!! Jesus!!!

Mark Paris is writhing in pain.
Carl Westcoat asks Mark Paris if he's still there.
Mark Paris doesn't respond.
Carl Westcoat stops the match.

The winner is Gryphon. Time of match: 0:33:55

(The bell rings, and Gryphon jumps up and down in joy. Speed rolls into the ring and checks on Paris.)

JAKE: GRYPHON IS THE BRAND NEW AGW WORLD CHAMPION!!!!! But Mark Paris, as much as I think the guy is a dweeb, put up an effort for the ages.

(Gryphon kisses his new AGW World Title, and then notices Speed in the ring. He goes over to Speed and starts taunting him. Speed ignores him and turns away but Gryphon grabs his hair and pulls him back up much to the fan's delight. Speed grabs a mic.)

SPEED: Gryphon, you don't want any of me.

GRYPHON: Come on ICON!!! You are a joke.

SPEED: A joke? I have one word for......

(Before he can finish, the mic cuts off as do the lights. The lights are off for over a minute, and when they come back on, only Gryphon is in the ring, and he is laid out.)

JAKE: That's it, we have to go. Good night everybody!!!!!

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