" What's the matter darling, don't you recognize me with my clothes on?"

                                    -Tallulah Bankhead

Vital Statistics

           Real Name: Jennifer Massoli
           DOB: April 9, 1975
           Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada
           Current Residence: Chatsworth, CA
           Height: 5'4"
           Weight: 105 lbs.
           Hair: Blonde
           Eyes: Brown
           Measurements: 34D-23-33
           Education: Acting, Dancing (Ballet)
           Debut: November 1997

           Drinks: Cosmopolitans
           Smokes: Doesn't
           Favorite Food: Garlic Mashed Potatoes
           Turn-Ons: Ferraris, Water skiing, sex
           Turn-Offs: Anti-pornography legislation
           Greatest Accomplishment: Appearing  in
                                                                     Private Parts


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She is called the Extreme Porn Star. An icon in the adult film industry, and a force in the wrestling world, the rise of Jenna Jameson has been well documented. Born Jennifer Massoli, she was raised by her father in Las Vegas. She studied theater and dance while growing up, and began dancing in local clubs at the age of eighteen. Soon, she was appearing in men's magazines all over the world. In 1996, she made the leap to adult films, signing an exclusive contract with Wicked Pictures. That same year, she was named both Best New Starlet and Best Actress by Adult Video News. Her reputation continued to grow. In 1997, she crossed over to mainstream films, appearing in Howard Stern's Private Parts. It was also in that same year that she met Mark Paris.

Jenna and Paris met at a Hollywood party hosted by Jenna's good friend, and Paris' cousin, Joshua Gardner. At the time, Paris was a raw rookie who had just inked a deal with the EEMWF. Introductions were made, and the attraction was immediate. Jenna was drawn to the dark intensity of the young wrestler, while Mark found himself enraptured by the 

beauty of the Porn Queen. Their schedules allowed no time for romance, but the two stayed in touch as Paris toured the country with the EEMWF.

In November of 1997, Paris asked Jenna to manage his career. She was initially hesitant, but Paris is nothing if not persistent. Eventually, she agreed, and took a brief sabbatical from her film work to join him on the road.

Jenna was often viewed as mere eye-candy in the wrestling world: she played the "typical dumb blonde" to perfection, all the while working to advance Paris' career. It was she who suggested That Paris leave the EEMWF and join the AGW, a move that wound up making Paris one of the true megastars of professional wrestling. She was also the one who convinced Paris to betray the organization when the EEMWF invaders arrived several months later. The invasion, while fizzling out after a month, established Paris and his then-partner Fenris as two of the rising stars in the sport. She supported Paris both on-camera and behind the scenes as the major matches and title shots began to come his way.

Away from the ring, their relationship began to suffer. Rumors of a real life romance between the two began appearing in tabloids. Although neither Paris nor Jenna ever confirmed or denied the rumors, the constant attention created friction between them. Paris enjoyed the attention, and sought to use it to further his career. Jenna wasn't quite as thrilled about the situation. Also, she had put her career on hold for months, and wished to return to California. 

Jenna finally went home in June of 1998. She left a note, saying she needed to take a couple weeks and think about things. On the 15th of that month, she received a call from Paris' agent, informing her that her services would no longer be required. That night, in Jenna's own hometown of Las Vegas, Paris fought the Black Knight and Methos in the Back Alley Brawl for the AGW Anything Goes Title. Paris was arrested that night, and thanks to his problems with certain influential people, he spent the next month rotting in a Nevada penitentiary. Jenna tried to contact him several times during the ordeal, but with no success. Finally, she gave up, and returned to her film career. 

For the next year Jenna pursued her film career, cementing her status as the most recognizable porn star in the world. She continued to watch from afar as Paris resumed his career after his release, soon becoming the premiere star of the AGW. They had no contact with each other during this time, and might have never spoken again had fate not intervened. 

In early 1999, Jenna "discovered" the Boogie Knights, a pair of young porn actors who wished to break into the wrestling business. Thinking that lightning might strike twice, she called some old friends and got them an AGW tryout. Before she knew it, she was back in the AGW, and back in Paris' vicinity. Paris' influence in the AGW was immense by this time, and she knew there would be no avoiding him for long. 

The Boogie Knights seemed to be destined for a short career; they failed to live up to expectations, and were quickly banished to the independent circuit. Jenna 

probably would have left with them, but during the Knights' brief stint in the league, she and Paris had managed to get...reacquainted. Besides, porn was getting old, and Paris had made her an interesting offer.

This was during the early stages of Paris and Speed Racer's Corporate alliance. Having only recently purged the old Corporation members, Speed and Paris were still consolidating their control over the AGW when Speed was forced to vacate the Commissioners' seat due to injuries he received at the hands of the Dark Church. Paris offered to use his influence and have Jenna named as the new Commissioner. Intrigued,  Jenna readily agreed.

Paris had somewhat underestimated his degree of control. Quickly cowing the board of directors into submission, Paris, on behalf of Speed Racer, named Jenna as the interim Commissioner. The rest of the league was outraged, and Jenna's reign lasted all of twenty four hours. Violet Morris contested the move, and with the majority of the roster behind her, the board rapidly fell into line. Stripped of any actual influence, the Corporation continued to refer to Jenna as the Commissioner, and she became the group's mouthpiece (and occasionally offered herself as a very attractive bribe to potential new recruits.) She stayed with the Corporation as Speed Racer returned, and they established themselves as the most dominant and tyrannical force in AGW history.

Jenna thoroughly enjoyed herself during this time, but she knew that the party could never last forever. When Paris and Speed had their inevitable falling out, Jenna packed her bags and headed back to California, while Paris dropped off the face of the earth. 

Unlike their previous split, the two remained on amicable terms. When Paris joined a number of other superstars in relaunching the AGW in the spring of 2000, Jenna eagerly went along for the ride, and even began wrestling herself. When Paris again departed, she found herself out of a job. She took it all in stride; indeed, it seemed like she was getting used to the routine.

By the year 2001, Jenna had mostly retired from the adult film business, focusing her attention on her website and a nascent career doing television and legitimate movies. She still considers Paris and Rachel Morris good friends, though. Although she hasn't made any specific plans to return to the world of wrestling, she has hinted on several occasions that if Paris were to make another return, she would be interested in being involved. Given Paris' current situation, she might soon have the opportunity. 

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