Mark Paris vs. Alex Star
AGW World Title Match
from AGW Lethal Lottery (April 10, 1999)

VIOLET: Well, Speed and I are back for this one!!

SPEED: Well, as much as I hate Star being the Lottery winner, I guess this match has been a long time in coming.

VIOLET: Let's not keep this thing waiting. Everyone in San Antonio is waiting to see what will happen here tonight!

This contest is a non-title-no-DQ-no-countout-no-time-limit-match scheduled for one fall.
It is for the AGW World Heavyweight Title.

Introducing first...
Led to the ring by New Jack, Jessica Carter and 'Cameraman' Corey Johnson...
Hailing from Malibu, California...
Weighing in at 282 pounds...

The AGW Intercontinental Champion...
Alex Star

His opponent...
Led to the ring by Rachel Morris...
Fighting out of Cleveland, Ohio...
Weighing in at 237 pounds...

The AGW World Heavyweight Champion...
"The Hardcore Revolutionary" Mark Paris


(The crowd rises to its feet as DX emerges from the back. Shawn Michaels, Terrance Garvin, and Quackman make their way to ringside. Mark Paris and especially Alex Star look uneasy in the ring, and the crowd works itself into a frenzy.)

SPEED: Well, it looks like Alex Star and the ACC are going to get what they deserves for double crossing the former Corporate Degenerates.

Alex Star attacks Mark Paris before the bell.
Alex Star places Mark Paris on the turnbuckle.
Alex Star goes for a double underhook superplex, but Mark Paris blocks it.
Mark Paris throws Alex Star off the turnbuckle.
Mark Paris nails Alex Star with a back heel kick.
Mark Paris takes Alex Star down with a low blow.
Mark Paris executes a series of forearm smashes on Alex Star.
Mark Paris throws Alex Star out of the ring.
Mark Paris goes through the ropes.
Mark Paris knocks Alex Star into the ringsteps.
Mark Paris whips Alex Star into the guardrail.
Mark Paris grabs a chair.
Mark Paris sets up the chair.
Mark Paris hits a bodyslam onto the chair on Alex Star.

VIOLET: Devastating. I don't even know HOW many matches Star has fought tonight but it's been SO many.

SPEED: Yeah, he needs to WORK for his paycheck. But Mark has not had an easy time either. He's been in quite a few matches as well. Both these guys are physically spent.

Mark Paris knocks Alex Star into the ringsteps.
Mark Paris sets up a table.
Mark Paris whips Alex Star into the guardrail.
Mark Paris yells "That's how it's done, kids!".

SPEED: Remember that folks!

Mark Paris catches Alex Star totally by surprise.
Mark Paris goes for the Extreme Measure, but Alex Star counters it with a throw-off.
Alex Star executes a Russian legsweep on Mark Paris.
Rachel Morris comes from behind and distracts Alex Star.
Mark Paris sets up Alex Star on the table.
Mark Paris executes a DDT through the table.
The table is broken in half.

VIOLET: Devastating!

SPEED: I think the match is speaking for itself. Mark is more than glad to get his hands on Star.

Mark Paris whips Alex Star into the guardrail.
Mark Paris takes Alex Star down with a belly-to-belly suplex.
Mark Paris reenters the ring.
Alex Star follows him back in.
Mark Paris is going for the pin.
Mike Kwolek counts: One, two, kickout.
Mark Paris goes for a figure-four leglock, but Alex Star blocks it.
Alex Star takes Mark Paris down with a bulldog headlock.
Alex Star kicks Mark Paris.
Mark Paris chops Alex Star.
Mark Paris hits Alex Star.
Mark Paris whips Alex Star into the ropes.

(As Star bounces off the ropes, Shawn Michaels reaches out and grabs his foot. Star trips, but manages to put his hands up and keep from crashing face first into the mat. The fans pop crazily for this interference, considering what happened between DX and the ACC earlier in the night. Mike Kwolek admonishes Michaels, but he just laughs, crotch chops, and yells out "SUCK IT!")

(Just then, DJ Quik's "Reprise Instrumental" blares, and the San Antonio crowd boos, knowing what's coming next. Michaels, Garvin, and Quackman face the ramp and await the ACC members for "round two". However, Gryphon, Joaquin Campos, and New Jack emerge from the crowd and attack the DX members from behind. Gryphon spins Michaels around and drops him with a hard right; while Campos does the same to Garvin. New Jack tries to do the same to Quackman, but The Duck ducks the punch and lands a dropkick to the stomach, causing New Jack to stagger backward. After the initial attack, the six men engage into yet another brawl. Meanwhile, the fight in the ring continues.)

Mark Paris puts Alex Star in a Boston crab.
Mark Paris lets go after 13 seconds.
Mark Paris whips Alex Star into the turnbuckle.
Mark Paris uses an avalanche on Alex Star.
Mark Paris hits a back elbow on Alex Star.
Mark Paris attempts to place Alex Star on the turnbuckle, but Alex Star blocks it.
Mark Paris whips Alex Star into the ropes, but Alex Star reverses it.
Mark Paris misses with a clothesline.
Alex Star misses with a kick.
Mark Paris misses with a shoulderblock.
Mark Paris and Alex Star get hit with a double clothesline.
Mark Paris hits Alex Star with a Death Valley Driver.
Mark Paris gives the sign for the Extreme Measure.
Mark Paris executes the Extreme Measure on Alex Star.

SPEED: YES!!! It is gonna be over THAT quickly.

Alex Star is struggling to reach the ropes.
Alex Star reaches the ropes after being trapped for 12 seconds.
Mark Paris hits an avalanche on Alex Star.
Mark Paris hits a fireman's carry into a neckbreaker on Alex Star.
Mark Paris uses an overhead head and arm suplex on Alex Star.

SPEED: Mark putting on a wrestling clinic. Where is his energy coming from?

VIOLET: Could you be any LESS biased?

SPEED: Absolutely NOT!!!!!

Mark Paris goes for a Death Valley Driver, but Alex Star counters it with a crucifix.
Mike Kwolek counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Alex Star uses a dropkick to the groin on Mark Paris.
Alex Star whips Mark Paris into the ropes.
Alex Star puts Mark Paris in a clawhold.
Mark Paris is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Mark Paris reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.
Alex Star places Mark Paris on the turnbuckle.
Alex Star takes Mark Paris down with a top-rope power bomb.

VIOLET: Huge move by Star. This could be it!!

SPEED: Kick out Mark!!!

Mike Kwolek counts: One, two, kickout.
Alex Star climbs to the top turnbuckle, but Mark Paris nails him in the stomach.
Alex Star falls onto the top turnbuckle.
Mark Paris throws Alex Star out of the ring.

VIOLET: Vicious move by Paris. He pushed Star from the turnbuckle all the way to the concrete floor!!!

Mark Paris goes for slingshot rana, but Alex Star moves out of the way.
Alex Star throws Mark Paris back into the ring.
Alex Star executes a top-rope diamond cutter on Mark Paris.


Alex Star is going for the pin.
Mike Kwolek counts: One, two, kickout.
Alex Star whips Mark Paris into the ropes.
Mark Paris hits Alex Star with a clothesline.
Alex Star falls out of the ring.
Mark Paris goes through the ropes.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Mark Paris goes for the Running Forearm Smash, but Alex Star ducks out of the way.
Alex Star knocks Mark Paris into the ringsteps.
Alex Star sets up a table.
Alex Star knocks Mark Paris into the ringsteps.
Alex Star grabs a chair.
Alex Star sets up the chair.
Alex Star goes for a single arm DDT, but Mark Paris counters it with a small package.
Mark Paris whips Alex Star into the guardrail.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Mark Paris sets up Alex Star on the table.
Mark Paris tries to drive Alex Star through the table with the Hardcore Revolution, but he blocks it.
Alex Star uses the Running Forearm Smash on Mark Paris.
Mark Paris is busted wide open.
'Cameraman' Corey Johnson comes from behind and distracts Mark Paris.
Alex Star sets up Mark Paris on the table.
Alex Star tries to drive Mark Paris through the table with a brain buster, but he blocks it.
Mark Paris whips Alex Star into the guardrail.
Mark Paris hits a backdrop driver on Alex Star.
Mark Paris sets up Alex Star on the table.
Mark Paris tries to drive Alex Star through the table with the Hardcore Revolution, but he blocks it.
Alex Star hits Mark Paris with the Running Ligerbomb.
Alex Star sets up Mark Paris on the table.
Alex Star executes a double arm DDT through the table.
The table is broken in half.

SPEED: Damn it Mark!! Don't let your guard down like that!

VIOLET: Come on Speed, he can barely move. Same with Star.

Alex Star throws Mark Paris back into the ring.
Alex Star is going for the pin.
Mike Kwolek counts: One, two, KICKOUT.
Mark Paris goes for an overhead head and arm suplex, but Alex Star blocks it.
Alex Star whips Mark Paris into the ropes.
Mark Paris hits Alex Star with a shoulderblock.
Mark Paris attempts to place Alex Star on the turnbuckle, but Alex Star blocks it.
Alex Star punches the opponent in the windpipe..

SPEED: DQ him!!!!

VIOLET: One, that legal and two, there's no DQ.


Alex Star runs into the ropes.
Alex Star misses with a clothesline.
Alex Star and Mark Paris get hit with a double clothesline.
Alex Star places Mark Paris on the turnbuckle.
Alex Star executes a belly-to-belly superplex on Mark Paris.
Alex Star places Mark Paris on the turnbuckle.
Alex Star uses a top-rope power bomb on Mark Paris.

(Speed gets up from the announcers table and stands next to the Corp members at ringside.)

Mike Kwolek counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Alex Star runs into the ropes.
Alex Star misses with a kick.
Alex Star executes an Asai moonsault on Mark Paris.
Mike Kwolek counts: One, two, thr... Bill Goldberg distracts Mike Kwolek.

VIOLET: The Corporation is pulling out ALL the stops now.

Alex Star executes the Starscream on Mark Paris.

VIOLET: This should be it, The Corp and the ACC are brawling with DX in the middle!! This is carnage!!!

Mark Paris is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Mark Paris reaches the ropes after being trapped for 25 seconds.

VIOLET: Hey, I admit that Paris had enough to reach the ropes there.

Alex Star runs into the ropes.
Rachel Morris pulls down the top rope.

VIOLET: My cousin gets down and dirty.

Mark Paris jumps onto him with a senton.
Mark Paris takes a running start and springs off the chair.
Mark Paris hits Alex Star with the Hardcore Revolution.
Mark Paris knocks Alex Star into the ringsteps.

VIOLET: Paris is really handing it to Star now.

Mark Paris goes for the Hardcore Revolution, but Alex Star blocks it.
Alex Star is handed a cheese grater.
Alex Star hits him with the cheese grater.
Alex Star sets up a table.
'Cameraman' Corey Johnson comes from behind, but Mark Paris nails 'Cameraman' Corey Johnson.

VIOLET: Johnson's distraction allows Star to set up that table!!!

Alex Star sets up Mark Paris on the table.
Alex Star executes a DDT through the table.
The table is broken in half.
Alex Star hits Mark Paris with a Russian legsweep.
Alex Star whips Mark Paris into the guardrail.
Alex Star whips Mark Paris into the guardrail.
Alex Star places his foot over his opponent's eye and spins it..
Alex Star knocks Mark Paris into the ringpost.

VIOLET: Things are rather bleak for Paris. We could have a new champ any moment now!

Alex Star is handed brass knuckles.
Alex Star takes a swing at Mark Paris with the knuckles, but he gets out of the way.
Mark Paris snatches the knuckles from him.
Mark Paris hits him with the knuckles.
Mark Paris sets up a table.
Mark Paris whips Alex Star into the guardrail.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Alex Star reenters the ring.
Mark Paris follows him back in.
Mark Paris attempts to place Alex Star on the turnbuckle, but Alex Star blocks it.
'Cameraman' Corey Johnson enters the ring and hits Mark Paris with a chair.

VIOLET: Johnson got loose from the brawl and he clocked Mark Paris with that chair. This leads to Speed Racer himself getting in the ring and knocking Johnson down!!

Alex Star uses a kick to the groin on Mark Paris.

VIOLET: Star with the low blow. He is going to the top rope but is slightly distracted by the owner of the AGW, Speed Racer, brawling with Corey Johnson.

Alex Star goes for a Frankensteiner from the top rope, but Mark Paris side-steps and Alex Star only hits air.

VIOLET: That distraction may have been enough. Paris with a quick cover. Star really seems to have hurt his back.

Mark Paris is going for the pin.
Mike Kwolek counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

VIOLET: Man, I do not know HOW Star kicked out of that one.

Mark Paris executes the Extreme Measure on Alex Star.

VIOLET: All the members of both groups are brawling on the outside with Speed and Johnson still in the ring battling each other. Nobody can make the save for Star this time!

Alex Star summons one last burst of energy.
Alex Star submits after 12 seconds.

The winner is Mark Paris. Time of match: 0:12:03


(As the match ends, the DX and ACC members' street fight spills over into the ring. After a brief battle, the two groups find themselves in opposite corners.

Michaels, Garvin, and Quackman on one side; and Gryphon, Campos and New Jack on the other. Both participants in the Heavyweight Title Match are still in the ring, and are very winded after that grueling match. Shawn Michaels and Alex Star somehow end up with microphones...)

Shawn Michaels: This isn't over ACC. NOBODY shows up Shawn Michaels in front of his hometown fans!!

*crowd EXPLODES*

Alex Star: Is that so, boy toy? I thought that we taught you a lesson in the six man cage match, but DX had to come out here and RUIN EVERYTHING! Alright then, your faithful hometown fans will be shocked when the ACC is done with you ... so let's finish this NOW!!

(As if on cue, as soon as those words are spoken Shawn Michaels, Quackman, and Terrance Garvin attack Mark Paris! The crowd explodes as the three men pummel Paris with rights, lefts, and kicks. The DUCK kicks Paris right in the shin, then Garvin and Michaels lift Paris up and crotch him on the top rope. Star, Campos, and New Jack then join in on the assault. New Jack and Campos each grab one of Paris' arms and execute a Double Single-arm DDT on him. Paris jams his neck as he crashes to the mat. Alex Star then slaps the Starcream (Lion Tamer) on Paris, further damaging the neck, while Terrance Garvin climbs to the top rope. Garvin flies off and crashes down on Paris with a flying legdrop, causing his neck to bend in a manner that the human anatomy is not designed for. Campos then picks Paris up, who can barely stand by now, and whips him into the ropes while Shawn Michaels gets into position. As Paris staggers off of the ropes, Michaels CLEANS HIS CLOCK by connecting fully with the SWEET CHIN MUSIC. The crowd is on it's feet and the noise level is beyond comprehension. Shawn Michaels then grabs the microphone.)

Shawn Michaels: ... ... (motions for the crowd to quiet down a bit) San Antonio, AGW, and especially the Corporation ... Shawn Michaels is BACK!!! *crowd pops* Looks like there's a NEW Sheriff in town, and it's called the DX-ACC Alliance!!

Alex Star: (Star and Micheals shake hands, and high fives are occurring all over the ring.) You had one thing right, about tonight, Corporation. This is the beginning of the end. The end of the CORPORATION!!

*crowd pops*

Terrance Garvin: Let's keep this short and sweet. CORPORATION!! We've got your "MIGHTY" leader right here; and if you've got any GUTS then you'll come out here and try to get him back. And if you don't like it ... we've got two words for ya ...

CROWD and EVERYBODY in the ring except Paris: SUCK IT!!!

(With that, Joshua Gardner, Ricky Thompson, Brad Steel, Tregoran, Goldberg, and Hybrid run to the ring to rescue their Corporate Champion. The two groups quickly pair off. Steel and Garvin are going at it; New Jack and Goldberg are exchanging rights; Tregoran and Campos are locked up with neither man gaining an advantage; Quackman and Hybrid playing a game of cat and mouse; Star and Michaels are having a mini-war with Gardner and Thompson. Meanwhile, Gryphon quietly slips out of the ring. You can FEEL the noise in the arena as these two groups try to tear each other apart.)

(Unfortunately, before any SERIOUS action goes down, no less than THIRTY members of San Antonio's Finest storm the ring and quickly break up this pier sixer. This causes the crowd to EXPLODE into a chorus of Boos. Mark Paris is left in the center of the ring in the prone position. He is semi-conscious and his neck looks a bit out of place.)

(Alex Star and Gryphon are pulled away from the brawl and they promptly enter the ring with some mics.)

Alex Star: Well San Antonio, what do you think of your champion now? He is seeing as many lights right now as the Iron Fist have in their whole careers. And even those losers are heading for the hills since they can't beat us.

*Suddenly, Vengeance's voice is heard on the PA system*

Vengeance: Not exactly, just a vacation. And don't forget the Iron Fist beat your ACC team in the Wargames a month ago. And before we go, we have a score to settle.

*Suddenly, Vengeance and Syxx rush up behind Star and Gryphon and beat them to the ground with steel chairs. Vengeance puts Gryphon in the Payback and Syxx puts Star in the Bronco buster. Then Vengeance spits in their face and the two leave.*

VIOLET: What MORE can happen? We have Paris, Star and Gryphon all laid out in the ring. The fans are pissed that there isn't more carnage. These people ARE sick!!! At least, miraculously, Paris and Star are standing up. Gryphon has rolled out to the ring. Could this be the last we see of him?

The trash starts to rain down a little harder...small pieces of plastic....hundreds of smacks Rachel Morris in the's almost a down pour now....the referee runs from the ring....Rachel picks up one of the thousands of little plastic.....Mustard Packets?

Losing My Religion starts playing over the speakers, the crowd explodes into a cheer as Most Holy races towards the ring, Zoe a few steps behind him, her boobs threatening to pop out of her dress like fishing bobbers. Most Holy slides into the ring, Paris raises the World Title to hit him but Most Holy instead, picks up Alex Star and chucks him over the top rope. Like two raging bulls, Paris and Most Holy walk towards each other and start to trade knockout punches, Rachel grabs the title from where Paris dropped it but before she can do anything, Zoe is on the ring apron, grabbing Rachel's hair and leading her to the corner post and introducing Rachel's forehead into the padding....repeatedly.

The crowd roars it's disapproval as Hollywood Fenris races from the back, Zoe turns to see who is coming, she frowns as she sees Fenris, hesitating a moment, Zoe then runs along the ring apron and leaps into the air.....her boobs finally freeing themselves from the confines of her dress...the camera flashes light her silicone enhanced features into slow motion as she soars through the air in an attempted cross body on Fenris.

VIOLET: Oh, I bet THAT was Speed's idea. Or maybe Lawler's.

Unfortunetly, Fenris saw her coming, he turns slightly, trying to avoid Zoe but he misjudges, Zoe comes down on top of Fenris....but doesn't budge him, just stops him in his tracks.....because his head is stuck between her massive hooters....

In the ring, Paris starts to get the best of the punches in, so Most Holy jams a thumb into his eye, grabs Paris's head and plants him down with a DDT, the Mustard packets they land on splattering several rows of the crowd. From the back races Ashe Tre and the Godfather, not more than one step behind them come Dan Sexton and Max Wagner, Goldberg can be seen making his way through the crowd, a few seconds later, Thompson and Gardner race through the curtain, The Messiah Harmonium Ziporath and the Extremist Erik Moon racing to catch them.

Tre and Godfather slide into the ring, Dan slides in after them and tackles the Godfather from behind, Most Holy turns to Ashe Tre but Paris jumps to his feet and plants Most Holy down with a German Suplex. Max stops to help Zoe to her feet and starts to kick Fenris, who quickly stands up, towering over Max, Fenris grabs Max and slams him back down with the Fire and the Fury....then turns his attention to Zoe. Fenris backs Zoe up, poking a finger into her shoulder and saying something to her but the mics can't pick it up, Fenris doesn't notice someone coming down the ramp. Zoe suddenly trips over Max Wagner's prone body, falls backwards and lands flat on her back on the concrete. Fenris grins until someone spins him around and he comes face to face with Skull Ganz. Skull whips Fenris into the guardrail, follows it up with a massive clothesline that sends Fenris tumbling backwards over the rail and into the crowd and then Skull gently scoops up Zoe and walks back up the ramp.....

In the ring is a massive brawl, Most Holy is back on his feet, fighting his way through the mass of men to get in a few shots at Mark Paris before a member of the Corporation pulls him back, Paris then fights his way through members of the LoS to get in a few shots at Most Holy. Dan Sexton goes after Ashe Tre or Godfather, seeming to avoid everyone else, Ziporath and the Extremist battle back and forth with Thompson and Gardner, Max is back in the ring attacking Goldberg, Fenris is finally crawling back over the guardrail.....Tiffany Jones, Erica Reid, Jenna Jameson, and Rachel Morris are entertaining one side of the arena on the outside of the ring, a massive of bodies wriggling on the floor....groans of pain or ecstasy growing louder...

VIOLET: We can't stay with the satellite feed any longer folks. This has been the AGW Lethal Lottery. I'm Violet Morris saying SO LONG from San Antonio!!!!

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