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Do you know what's best for you? Of course not! Luckily, Mark Paris and LegendKilla.com are here to help you. Mr. Paris endorses many fine products, and if they're good enough for the Hardcore Revolutionary, they're certainly more than good enough for you!


New Ad Campaigns

Mark Paris has recently picked up two brand new sponsors. The television and magazine ads will be appearing soon. Can't wait that long? You're in luck; LegendKilla.com as obtained the early versions of the print ads, and they're available here, exclusively to loyal Paris-ites like yourself! First up, one of the most popular industries in the state of Nevada has named Mark Paris as their official spokesman. So, without further ado...

Mark Paris for...PROSTITUTION

Next up: due to a recent uh..."situation" the State of Ohio has enlisted the help of Mark Paris in promoting a new program aimed at helping troubled teens. Check out the early work on the new public service message:

Mark Paris for...AGE OF CONSENT LAWS


Corporate Sponsorship

When a company has a product it wants to sell, they often use one tried-and-true method: get a popular celebrity to endorse it! And who is more beloved and trusted by the general public than Mark Paris? The Revolutionary whole-heartedly endorses the products listed below...and not just because they pay him, either!

Arrogant Bastard Ale

A rich, full-flavored beer for those with discriminating taste. It's not yellow, it's not cheap, and it's definitely not for everyone! Only a superior individual can fully appreciate the presumption of this fine drink. So if you look down on your fellow man and the weak beer they drink, go ahead and see if you can TASTE THE ARROGANCE!



It's a sad fact of life that some people just can't get laid. Sure, you'd like to have sex with women, but they just don't find you attractive. In fact, some of them would remove their fingernails with rusty pliers than go to bed with you. But now, you can have the next best thing: Virtuagirl! She's a tiny whore that strips on your desktop, and she's totally free! So what are you waiting for?


For your spiritual needs, Mark Paris endorses:

Given the current state of Mr. Paris' finances, you can bet your ass there'll be
More Promotions Coming Soon!

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