Mark Paris vs. Chocolate Thunder
AGW World Heavyweight Title Match
from AGW Ringmaster (June 18, 2000)


VIOLET: I guess you're right. Well, enough talk. The time for talking is over and the Main Event is here! Chocolate Thunder essentially won TWO Top contender matches to get this shot and here we are, as he is going to face off with Mark Paris.

JAKE: The Champ has had some injuries that he nursed over the last month, that's why his schedule hasn't exactly been challenging. Then again, from the outset Speed said that the World Title would only be defended sporadically.

VIOLET: That's true. Mark Paris with one of his toughest matches to date next with the World Title hanging in the balance!!! Lets go to Johnny Blaze for the ring intros.


This contest is a no-DQ-no-countout-no-time-limit-match scheduled for one fall.
It is for the AGW World Title.

Introducing first...
Led to the ring by Lil' Flava...
From Cripple Creek, Colorado...
Weighing in at 236 pounds...

"Tha' Genuine Athlete, CDogg" Chocolate Thunder

His opponent...
Led to the ring by Rachel Morris and Jenna Jameson...
From Cleveland, Ohio...
Weighing in at 237 pounds...

The AGW World Champion...
"The Hardcore Revolutionary" Mark Paris


They lock up.
Mark Paris begs off.
Chocolate Thunder leaves the ring.
He returns with a chair.
Chocolate Thunder runs into the ropes and springs off the chair.
Chocolate Thunder takes Mark Paris down with a dropkick.
Chocolate Thunder hits an enzuigiri on Mark Paris.

(The crowd turns it's attention away from the ring for a moment as Bill Goldberg makes his way down to ringside. The ringside fans get mouthy and some cups are thrown in his direction, but Goldberg simply stands at ringside, fixing his icy stare directly on Chocolate Thunder.)

VIOLET: And the outside assistance starts already, as Bill Goldberg is making his presence known to Chocolate Thunder.

The crowd seems to be rallying behind Chocolate Thunder.
Ken Goad removes the chair from the ring.
Chocolate Thunder goes for a Northern Lights suplex, but Mark Paris counters it with a swinging neckbreaker.
A portion of the crowd is booing Mark Paris.
Mark Paris hits a Death Valley Driver on Chocolate Thunder.
A portion of the crowd is cheering Mark Paris.
Mark Paris executes a back heel kick on Chocolate Thunder.
Mark Paris hits Chocolate Thunder with a football tackle.
A portion of the crowd is cheering Mark Paris.

Mark Paris whips Chocolate Thunder into the ropes.
Chocolate Thunder misses with a shoulderblock.
Mark Paris nails Chocolate Thunder with the Hardcore Revolution.
A portion of the crowd is booing Mark Paris.
Mark Paris gives the sign for the Extreme Measure.
Mark Paris executes the Extreme Measure on Chocolate Thunder.
Chocolate Thunder is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Chocolate Thunder tries to escape the hold.
Chocolate Thunder is close to passing out from the pain.
Ken Goad checks Chocolate Thunder's arm.
He lifts it... it stays up !
Chocolate Thunder fights his way out of the hold after 34 seconds.

VIOLET: Mark Paris attempted to end this match early with the Extreme Measure, but CDogg will never give up that easily.

Chocolate Thunder puts Mark Paris in a guillotine choke.
Mark Paris breaks the hold after 5 seconds.
Mark Paris goes for a Tombstone, but Chocolate Thunder blocks it.
Chocolate Thunder hits Mark Paris with Chocolate Bomb.
The crowd is wildly cheering Chocolate Thunder with only a few scattered boos audible.
Chocolate Thunder catches Mark Paris in a dragon sleeper.
Mark Paris is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Mark Paris reaches the ropes after being trapped for 13 seconds.
Chocolate Thunder executes a side step on Mark Paris.
The crowd is wildly cheering Chocolate Thunder with only a few scattered boos audible.
Chocolate Thunder whips Mark Paris into the ropes.
Mark Paris hits a back heel kick on Chocolate Thunder.
Mark Paris goes for a power bomb, but Chocolate Thunder counters it with a small package.
Ken Goad counts: One, two, kickout.

After several minutes of ecstatic cheering, the capacity crowd suddenly falls into a deep hush... A low murmur of whispers falls over the audience. MARK PARIS and CHOCOLATE THUNDER are somewhat bewildered, but do not pause from their four star match to see what has distracted the fans.

After a brief moment of silence, the loudspeakers erupt with the sounds of Canadian punk rock legends "Hard Core Logo" doing their rendition of "Something's Gonna Die Tonight". The fuzzy guitar riff and pounding bass line can only signal one thing...

Clad in a pair of of tattered blue jeans, a Toronto Maple Leafs jersey and a mean-ass scowl, we see the figure of the PROFESSIONAL BASTARD himself... BLACKHAWK McKNIGHT!

The hometown crowd immediately erupts in a volley of enthusiastic cheers and begins pitching steel folding chairs onto the runway floor. McKNIGHT sprints down to ringside, and grabs a chair which is presented to him by an eager fan. Without so much as breaking his stride, he slides into the ring and floors MARK PARIS with a full overhead swing of his chair. The sickening *thud* of metal meeting bone is enough to startle CHOCOLATE THUNDER, who backs off slightly, waiting to see what McKNIGHT has in mind. His questions are answered as the chair once again meets bone, this time knocking C-DOGG to the canvas.

As THUNDER rolls out of the ring to collect his senses, McKNIGHT once again sets his sites on the groggy MARK PARIS. He grabs PARIS by the hair, drags him to the centre of the ring and plants him with short-arm lariat. The dented and bloody chair is placed over the face of the stunned "Hardcore Revolutionary". Much to the delight of the fans, McKNIGHT ascends to the top turnbuckle and draws his thumb across his throat. In what seems like slow motion, McKNIGHT flies off the top rope and drops his elbow, sandwiching MARK PARIS' face between canvas and unforgiving steel.

After the carnage is over McKNIGHT slides out of the ring, grabs a beer from a nearby vendor, and heads back to the dressing room. Just before leaving he turns to the crowd, raises his beer in the air, and downs it in one long chug.

VIOLET: Oh my gosh!!! I forgot that we were in the hometown of former AGW IC, Anything Goes and World Tag Champ, Blackhawk McKnight!

JAKE: Looks like everyone else did too, but he made his presence felt to both guys. AGW Security is escorting McKnight out but his damage is already done.

VIOLET: I wonder what problems McKnight has with Mark Paris though.

JAKE: I think only McKnight, in his drunken stupor, knows for sure. And what the hell is up with that Canadian punk music he played. Instead of "Oy Oy Oy!" they went "Eh Eh Eh!"

Chocolate Thunder runs into the ropes.
Rachel Morris trips Chocolate Thunder.
Chocolate Thunder nails Mark Paris with a side step.
Chocolate Thunder takes Mark Paris down with a German suplex.
Ken Goad counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Chocolate Thunder executes a German suplex on Mark Paris.
Ken Goad counts: One, two, kickout.
Chocolate Thunder complains about a slow count.
Chocolate Thunder puts Mark Paris in a single-leg takedown into a leglock.
Mark Paris is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Mark Paris reaches the ropes after being trapped for 11 seconds.
Chocolate Thunder locks Mark Paris in a single-leg takedown into a leglock.
Mark Paris reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.

VIOLET: That submission hold worked on Most Holy in the Ringmaster tournament and Chocolate Thunder is trying to take the legs of Paris out from under him.

JAKE: Hey, that's a good strategy. He has only had WEEKS to come up with a strategy of some sort. But Paris is still rocking from that attack by Blackhawk.

Chocolate Thunder goes for the "Mad Hops" Superkick, but Mark Paris counters with a duck-down move.
Bill Goldberg enters the ring and lays out Chocolate Thunder.

(Paris and Goldberg proceed to put the boots to CDogg, and the crowd is NOT happy about it. The fans reaction suddenly gets mixed, however, as Most Holy makes his way down to ringside, followed by the rest of the LoS. Paris and Goldberg stop the assault, and watch as the Lords of the Summit surround the ring. Paris says something to Goldberg; although he doesn't look happy about it, the big man grudgingly leaves the ring. CDogg pulls himself back to his feet, and the match continues...)

VIOLET: Looks like the LoS is sick of seeing Paris and Goldberg doubleteam Chocolate Thunder.

Mark Paris places Chocolate Thunder on the turnbuckle.
Mark Paris nails Chocolate Thunder with a belly-to-back superplex.
Mark Paris places Chocolate Thunder on the turnbuckle.
Mark Paris nails Chocolate Thunder with a belly-to-back superplex.
Mark Paris seemingly enjoys the boos.
Mark Paris whips Chocolate Thunder into the turnbuckle.
Mark Paris charges in with an avalanche, but Chocolate Thunder moves out of the way.
Chocolate Thunder gets a single-leg takedown into a leglock on Mark Paris.
Mark Paris is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Mark Paris reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.
Chocolate Thunder locks Mark Paris in an armbar submission.
Mark Paris reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.
Mark Paris begs off.
Chocolate Thunder throws Mark Paris out of the ring.
Chocolate Thunder goes through the ropes.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Mark Paris reenters the ring.
Chocolate Thunder follows him back in.
Mark Paris goes for a Samoan Drop, but Chocolate Thunder counters it with a sunset flip.
Ken Goad counts: One, two, KICKOUT.

VIOLET: CDogg tried to sneak a sunset flip and quick pin in there, but referee Ken Goad was slightly out of position and Mark Paris looks like he has a surge of adrenaline to boot.

JAKE: I'm sure he bought his adrenaline from the Ice Cream Man too.

VIOLET: Would you stop!

Mark Paris takes Chocolate Thunder down with an earringer.
Chocolate Thunder begs off.
Mark Paris goes for a sleeperhold, but Chocolate Thunder blocks it.
Chocolate Thunder takes Mark Paris down with a dropkick.
Chocolate Thunder attempts to place Mark Paris on the turnbuckle, but Mark Paris blocks it.
Chocolate Thunder goes for a dragon suplex, but Mark Paris counters it with a headbutt.
Mark Paris catches Chocolate Thunder in a chokehold.
Chocolate Thunder reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.
Mark Paris whips Chocolate Thunder into the ropes.
Chocolate Thunder misses with a clothesline.
Mark Paris misses with a clothesline.
Mark Paris hits Chocolate Thunder with a shoulderblock.
Mark Paris takes Chocolate Thunder down with the screwdriver.
Mark Paris seemingly enjoys the boos.
Mark Paris whips Chocolate Thunder into the ropes, but Chocolate Thunder reverses it.
Lil' Flava trips Mark Paris.
Chocolate Thunder hits a power bomb on Mark Paris.
Ken Goad counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Mark Paris begs off.
Chocolate Thunder attempts to place Mark Paris on the turnbuckle, but Mark Paris blocks it.
Chocolate Thunder hits Mark Paris with Chocolate Bomb.
The boos are resurfacing again.
Chocolate Thunder goes for a dragon sleeper, but Mark Paris counters it with a kick to the head.
Mark Paris nails Chocolate Thunder with a tornado DDT.
Mark Paris seemingly enjoys the boos.
Mark Paris whips Chocolate Thunder into the turnbuckle.
Chocolate Thunder comes back and rocks Mark Paris with a kick to the midsection.
Chocolate Thunder hits Mark Paris with a dragon suplex.
Ken Goad counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

VIOLET: Near fall for Chocolate Thunder, and this is one back and forth matchup.

JAKE: Well, Goldberg hasn't been much of a factor quite yet in this match, at least not ever since the LoS came down to ringside.

Chocolate Thunder throws Mark Paris out of the ring.
Chocolate Thunder goes through the ropes.
Chocolate Thunder knocks Mark Paris into the ringsteps.
Rachel Morris comes from behind and distracts Chocolate Thunder.
Lil' Flava comes from behind and distracts Mark Paris.
Chocolate Thunder sets up a table.
Chocolate Thunder sets up Mark Paris on the table.
Chocolate Thunder executes a flying elbowdrop through the table.
The table is broken in half.
The crowd is wildly cheering Chocolate Thunder with only a few scattered boos audible.
Chocolate Thunder goes for a DDT, but Mark Paris counters it with a small package.
Chocolate Thunder is busted wide open.

(Righteous Bounty Hunter sneaks up behind CDogg, throws the noose over his head, and proceeds to attempt to strangle him. Paris stands back and looks on approvingly. That look turns to utter shock, though, when Most Holy interjects himself, pushing RBH away from CDogg. Thunder, still gasping for breath, pulls the noose off as Paris and the Mostest stare each other down.)

VIOLET: What was THAT all about? The Bounty Hunter did not hesitate to interfere on behalf of Paris, but does Most Holy not want this?

JAKE: For that matter, what the hell DOES Most Holy want? Does he even know?

Mark Paris whips Chocolate Thunder into the guardrail.
Mark Paris executes a bodyslam on Chocolate Thunder.
Rachel Morris comes from behind, but Chocolate Thunder nails Rachel Morris.
Mark Paris is handed a metal baseball bat.
Mark Paris hits him with the metal baseball bat.
Mark Paris seemingly enjoys the boos.
Mark Paris uses the screwdriver on Chocolate Thunder.
Mark Paris sets up a table.
Mark Paris hits a bodyslam on Chocolate Thunder.
Mark Paris knocks Chocolate Thunder into the ringsteps.
Mark Paris is handed a Nintendo.
Mark Paris hits him with the Nintendo.
Mark Paris hits him with a Nintendo.
Mark Paris hits Chocolate Thunder with a football tackle.
Mark Paris hits him with the Nintendo.

JAKE: Mark Paris taking out years of Metroid frustration out on ChocoTaco's skull.

VIOLET: Metroid?

JAKE: Actually, maybe it was Duck Hunt. Say.....I think the AGW should market a 21st century version of Duck Hunt starring Quackman.

VIOLET: Do you mind? We have a match here. A World Title MATCH!!!

JAKE: No I don't mind at all.

They're brawling inside the ring area.
Chocolate Thunder grabs the Nintendo from him.
Chocolate Thunder goes for the "Mad Hops" Superkick, but Mark Paris blocks it.
Chocolate Thunder hits a backbreaker on Mark Paris.
Chocolate Thunder sets up Mark Paris on the table.
Chocolate Thunder executes a belly-to-belly superplex through the table.
The table is broken in half.
Chocolate Thunder whips Mark Paris into the guardrail.
Chocolate Thunder hits a Northern Lights suplex on Mark Paris.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Mark Paris is handed a Nintendo.
Mark Paris takes a swing at Chocolate Thunder with the Nintendo, but he gets out of the way.
Chocolate Thunder snatches the Nintendo from him.
Chocolate Thunder hits him with the Nintendo.
The crowd is wildly cheering Chocolate Thunder with only a few scattered boos audible.
Chocolate Thunder goes for a flying elbowdrop, but Jenna Jameson shoves him off the turnbuckle.
Ken Goad threatens Mark Paris with disqualification.

JAKE: Threaten him with DQs all ya want, ref. Why do they do that?

VIOLET: Well, referees still DO have the power to call matches off, that is more or less what they're warning these guys of.

Mark Paris takes a swing at Chocolate Thunder with the Nintendo, but he gets out of the way.
Chocolate Thunder snatches the Nintendo from him.
Chocolate Thunder hits him with the Nintendo.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Mark Paris hits him with a Nintendo.
Mark Paris whips Chocolate Thunder into the guardrail.
Mark Paris uses a bodyslam on Chocolate Thunder.
Mark Paris hits Chocolate Thunder with a 450 splash.
Mark Paris knocks Chocolate Thunder into the ringsteps.
Jenna Jameson comes from behind, but Chocolate Thunder nails Jenna Jameson.
Mark Paris sets up a table.
Mark Paris grabs a chair.
Mark Paris sets up the chair.
Mark Paris goes for a Tombstone, but Chocolate Thunder reverses it.
The crowd is wildly cheering Chocolate Thunder with only a few scattered boos audible.
Chocolate Thunder sets up Mark Paris on the table.
Chocolate Thunder tries to drive Mark Paris through the table with a flying elbowdrop, but he moves out of the way.
The table is broken in half.
Mark Paris is getting a pissed look amidst all the boos.
Mark Paris executes a bodyslam on Chocolate Thunder.
Mark Paris uses a Samoan Drop on Chocolate Thunder.
Mark Paris whips Chocolate Thunder into the guardrail.
Mark Paris uses a 450 splash on Chocolate Thunder.
Mark Paris goes for a back heel kick, but Chocolate Thunder counters it with a cradle suplex.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Chocolate Thunder whips Mark Paris into the guardrail.
Chocolate Thunder throws Mark Paris back into the ring.
Chocolate Thunder executes the "Mad Hops" Superkick on Mark Paris.
Ken Goad counts: One, two, Jenna Jameson puts Mark Paris's foot on the rope.

VIOLET: Mark Paris had a series of moves going, but CDogg counteracted with his Mad Hops Superkick and that was almost over right there.

JAKE: Thank god for Jenna and her quick, uhhhhh......thinking.

Chocolate Thunder runs into the ropes.
Chocolate Thunder hits Mark Paris with a shoulderblock.
Chocolate Thunder puts Mark Paris in a single-leg takedown into a leglock.
Mark Paris reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.
Mark Paris begs off.

VIOLET: Once again, Chocolate Thunder goes for that leglock.

JAKE: Since when did he become a submission wrestler?

Chocolate Thunder brags about his bad ass basketball skills.
All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.
Chocolate Thunder nails Mark Paris with a chop.
Mark Paris begs off.
Chocolate Thunder runs into the ropes.
Mark Paris misses with a shoulderblock.
Chocolate Thunder hits Mark Paris with an elbow.
Mark Paris executes a Death Valley Driver on Chocolate Thunder.
Mark Paris seemingly enjoys the boos.
Mark Paris gives the sign for the Extreme Measure.

VIOLET: Out of nowhere, Paris lifted CDogg up for the DVD.

JAKE: And don't forget, fans, you can order AGW Ringmaster on DVD in October. Think of an early Christmas present for your loved ones!

VIOLET: Don't tell me you sold out too.....whoa, wait!!! Mark Paris is hooking in the Extreme Measure!!!

Mark Paris executes the Extreme Measure on Chocolate Thunder.
Chocolate Thunder is inching his way towards the ropes.
Chocolate Thunder summons one last burst of energy.
Ken Goad tells Chocolate Thunder to respond or he'll stop the fight.
Chocolate Thunder nods.
Ken Goad asks Chocolate Thunder if he's still there.
Chocolate Thunder nods.
Chocolate Thunder is inching his way towards the ropes.
Chocolate Thunder is writhing in pain.
Ken Goad asks Chocolate Thunder if he's had enough.
Chocolate Thunder shakes his head.
Chocolate Thunder reaches the ropes after 25 seconds.
Mark Paris hits the screwdriver on Chocolate Thunder.
The boos are resurfacing again.
Chocolate Thunder begs off.
Chocolate Thunder drives his braced knee into his face.
Chocolate Thunder doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction he 's getting.
He goes for the pin.
Ken Goad counts: One, two, Jenna Jameson puts Mark Paris's foot on the rope.

JAKE: And CDogg tries to use his past injuries as an excuse to drive foreign objects into people's faces......and I love it!!!

VIOLET: Well, both men are forced to pull out all the stops. All the men on the outside of the ring have been quiet throughout, so we can enjoy this great match for what it is.

Mark Paris locks Chocolate Thunder in an abdominal stretch.
Chocolate Thunder tries to escape the hold.
Chocolate Thunder is writhing in pain.
Ken Goad asks Chocolate Thunder if he's still there.
Chocolate Thunder nods.
Chocolate Thunder reaches the ropes after being trapped for 19 seconds.
Mark Paris catches Chocolate Thunder in a chokehold.
Chocolate Thunder reaches the ropes after being trapped for 6 seconds.
Mark Paris nails Chocolate Thunder with a belly-to-belly suplex.
Mark Paris executes a tiger driver on Chocolate Thunder.
Ken Goad counts: One, two, Lil' Flava puts Chocolate Thunder's foot on the rope.
Mark Paris whips Chocolate Thunder into the ropes.
Mark Paris nails Chocolate Thunder with a Death Valley Driver.
Mark Paris goes for a 450 splash, but Lil' Flava shoves him off the turnbuckle.
All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.
Chocolate Thunder gets a guillotine choke on Mark Paris.
Mark Paris is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Mark Paris breaks the hold after 5 seconds.
Chocolate Thunder begs off.
Mark Paris whips Chocolate Thunder into the ropes.
Chocolate Thunder hits Mark Paris with a kick.
Chocolate Thunder hits the Liger Bomb on Mark Paris.
Ken Goad counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

VIOLET: Close fall there, as the Liger Bomb will stun anybody.

Chocolate Thunder runs into the ropes.
Chocolate Thunder misses with an elbow.
Mark Paris hits Chocolate Thunder with a backdrop.
Mark Paris attempts to place Chocolate Thunder on the turnbuckle, but Chocolate Thunder blocks it.
Mark Paris throws Chocolate Thunder out of the ring.
Mark Paris goes through the ropes.
Jenna Jameson comes from behind, but Chocolate Thunder nails Jenna Jameson.
Mark Paris whips Chocolate Thunder into the guardrail.
Mark Paris hits Chocolate Thunder with a tornado DDT.
Mark Paris knocks Chocolate Thunder into the ringpost.
Mark Paris executes the Extreme Measure on Chocolate Thunder on the concrete floor.
Mark Paris takes Chocolate Thunder down with a flying elbowdrop.
Mark Paris reminds the crowd how great he is.
The crowd is wildly cheering Mark Paris with only a few scattered boos audible.
Mark Paris whips Chocolate Thunder into the guardrail.
Lil' Flava comes from behind and distracts Mark Paris.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Chocolate Thunder hits Mark Paris with a backbreaker.
Chocolate Thunder executes a dragon suplex on Mark Paris.
Chocolate Thunder goes for the "Mad Hops" Superkick, but Mark Paris blocks it.
Chocolate Thunder sets up a table.
Chocolate Thunder sets up Mark Paris on the table.
Chocolate Thunder tries to drive Mark Paris through the table with a power bomb, but he blocks it.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Chocolate Thunder nails Mark Paris with a side step.
Mark Paris is busted wide open.
Chocolate Thunder whips Mark Paris into the guardrail.
Chocolate Thunder sets up Mark Paris on the table.
Chocolate Thunder tries to drive Mark Paris through the table with a flying elbowdrop, but he moves out of the way.
The table is broken in half.

VIOLET: Chocolate Thunder takes a huge risk!!! And Mark Paris is set to move in for the kill.

JAKE: And if anyone knows how to go in for the kill, it's Paris.

Mark Paris doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction he's getting.
Mark Paris knocks Chocolate Thunder into the ringsteps.
Mark Paris whips Chocolate Thunder into the guardrail.
Mark Paris uses a football tackle on Chocolate Thunder.
Mark Paris reenters the ring.
Chocolate Thunder follows him back in.
Chocolate Thunder executes the "Mad Hops" Superkick and goes for the pin.

VIOLET: Out of nowhere, the Mad Hops Superkick, It_s over!!!!

Ken Goad counts: One,

JAKE: Paris looks unconscious.


VIOLET: That's it, we will have a new World....

in the ropes.....

VIOLET: NO!! Mark Paris put his tiptoes on the bottom rope and the ref saw it. What a show of presence by Mark Paris!

JAKE: And Chocolate Thunder cannot believe it. He is shocked!

VIOLET: So am I! Both men are on the ground and doing whatever they can to stand up!

(Most Holy grabs a chair and slides into the ring. Paris steps back, and watches Most Holy nervously. Goldberg tries to enter the ring, but the LoS subtly let's him know that that wouldn't be such a good idea. The crowd is going absolutely nuts. The Mostest is seething in the ring, staring a hole into Paris. The Hardcore Revolutionary takes another step backwards and holds his hands up in front of him. He seems to be talking to the Mostest; it doesn't seem to be working. Meanwhile, CDogg slowly gets back to his feet; he seems as surprised by this turn of events as Paris is.

The crowd has reached a fever pitch, egging the Mostest on. Finally, Most Holy raises the chair up over his head. Paris ducks involuntarily...

Most Holy swings with everything he has...

...and LEVELS Chocolate Thunder!

The crowd is stunned into silence. Paris looks absolutely shocked. The Mostest gives Paris a slight nod before sliding out of the ring. The Champ still looks stunned, but moves to take advantage of the situation in spite of it...)


JAKE: Ya see, I told you Most Holy was seeing the Dark Side of life. He_ll do anything!

Mark Paris nails Chocolate Thunder with a power bomb.

VIOLET: A devastating power bomb into a pin.......

Ken Goad counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is wildly cheering Mark Paris with only a few scattered boos audible.

The winner is Mark Paris. Time of match: 0:19:36

VIOLET: And in despicable fashion......Mark Paris retains the title thanks in part to Most Holy.

JAKE: Hey, can you hear the fans? They_re actually cheering for Mark Paris. Guess he still has his loyal army of fans too.

(Goldberg wastes no time in entering the ring to celebrate with Paris. The crowd is expressing their displeasure in no uncertain terms: BULL-SHIT! BULL-SHIT! BULL-SHIT! BULL-SHIT!)

VIOLET: Is that your idea of a loyal army of fans?

JAKE: Man, talk about a confused bunch of people....maybe they thought that Paris was turning good or something......I don't think THAT is ever gonna happen.

(The boos, amazingly enough, actually get louder as Most Holy climbs into the ring. RBH, Sexton, and Isaac follow closely behind him. There is a tense moment as the Mostest and Paris stand nose to nose in the center of the ring...a few words are exchanged, and Paris extends his hand. To the disgust of the crowd, the Mostest accepts it. The two men embrace, and the fans pelt the ring with garbage. Extra security comes out to keep the fans under control as the assembled group in the ring exchange high-fives. Finally, Paris, Mostest, Goldberg, and RBH all climb the turnbuckles and proceed to taunt the crowd. Paris raises the World Title high over his head...)

VIOLET: speechless here tonight. Mark Paris and Most Holy are....forming an alliance once again?

JAKE: Just like old times.....except they really sucked in old times. But that's neither here nor there.

VIOLET: Fans, Mark Paris has retained the World Title and we are out of time. We hope that you enjoyed this presentation, albeit a shocking one, of AGW Ringmaster - The King Of Hearts!

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