Mark Paris vs. The Black Knight vs. Methos
Street Fight for the Anything Goes Title
from AGW Ringmaster Day 2 (June 15, 1998)

VIOLET: Hey, I know that many of you out there bought this PPV to see some blood and gore, and you got more than enough in that US Tag Title match earlier. But now we have the Anything Goes Title BackAlley Brawl. Basically, anything goes, which is fitting for the title it's being fought over.

JESSE: Black Knight will defend against Mark Paris and Methos. This is going to be good.

VIOLET: Parents, you may want to take the children to a different room for this one because the censors are letting this slide. Let's go to it.

(scene cuts to a fairly well-lit alleyway. One side is a dead end with a brick wall and the other has distant views of a McDonald's and some traffic lights, but not much more. Already sitting on a steel folding chair in the alleyway is Mark Paris. He is going over some strategy with Jenna Jameson. About 20 seconds later, a black limo pulls up and out of it comes the Black Knight, along with 2 quite vivacious ladies. He gives them both kisses on their cheeks and can be heard saying that this won't be too long. Finally, about a minute after Knight shows up, Mark Paris is knocked off his chair by another one, thrown from a nearby emergency exit by Methos. The referee starts the match as Paris lunges at Methos.)

They lock up.
'The Predator' Mark Paris nails him with an enzuigiri to the face.
'The Predator' Mark Paris spits on his opponent.
Methos slaps _The Predator_ Mark Paris.
Methos places 'The Predator' Mark Paris on the trash bin.
Methos nails him with a belly-to-back superplex onto the concrete.
Methos executes a diving headbutt.
Methos takes him down with a cobra clutch.
'The Predator' Mark Paris manages to escape the hold after being trapped for 5 seconds.
'The Predator' Mark Paris misses with an elbow.
'The Predator' Mark Paris hits Methos with an elbow.
'The Predator' Mark Paris is going for the pin.
Michael Kwolek counts: One, two, kickout.
'The Predator' Mark Paris executes a half Boston.
Methos reaches the ropes after being trapped for 6 seconds.
'The Predator' Mark Paris gives him a neck snap, but Methos doesn't sell it at all.
Methos tosses Mark Paris' head into the side of the brick wall.
'The Predator' Mark Paris is bleeding badly.
Black Knight goes for a belly-to-back suplex, but Methos blocks it.
Methos executes a legsweep onto a pile of steel pipes.
Methos takes him down with a jumping DDT on the concrete.
Methos goes for the Attitude Adjustment, but Black Knight counters it with a jawbreaker.
Black Knight takes him down with a cobra clutch.
Methos manages to escape the hold after being trapped for 16 seconds.
The Enchantress tries to interfere, but Hugh Fitzkairn throws her to the ground.
Black Knight dropkicks Hugh Fitzkairn.
Methos throws 'The Predator' Mark Paris once more into the brick wall.
Methos takes him down with a legsweep faceslam.
Methos nails him with a legsweep.
Methos whips Black Knight into the brick wall.
Methos whips Black Knight into the wall, but Black Knight reverses it.
Methos goes for a kick to the head, but Black Knight counters it with a duck-down move.
Black Knight nails him with a low blow.
Black Knight takes him down with a DDT on the concrete.
Michael Kwolek is back on the job.
Methos takes him down with a dropkick to the knee.
'The Predator' Mark Paris comes from behind Methos with a barrel of trash and hits him with it.
Black Knight stuffs Methos in the trash barrel and goes after Paris.
Black Knight nails him with a shoulderbreaker.
Black Knight goes for a kick to the midsection, but 'The Predator' Mark Paris blocks it.
'The Predator' Mark Paris places Black Knight on the trash bin.
'The Predator' Mark Paris catches him in a belly-to-belly superplex.
Michael Kwolek counts: One, two, kickout.
Black Knight throws 'The Predator' Mark Paris into the side window of Knight's limo.
Black Knight whips 'The Predator' Mark Paris into the side of the limo.
The Enchantress trips 'The Predator' Mark Paris.
Michael Kwolek warns The Enchantress.
Black Knight nails Michael Kwolek with an elbowsmash.
'The Predator' Mark Paris nails him with an enzuigiri.
'The Predator' Mark Paris executes a bulldog headlock onto a busted TV.
'The Predator' Mark Paris goes for the a flying bulldog, but The Enchantress shoves him off the ladder.
Black Knight whips 'The Predator' Mark Paris into the telephone pole, but 'The Predator' Mark Paris reverses it.
'The Predator' Mark Paris whips Black Knight into the side of Guido's Grocery.
Methos is catching a breather, as Hugh Fitzkairn is helping him up.
'The Predator' Mark Paris hits Black Knight with a shoulderblock.
'The Predator' Mark Paris executes a headbutt.
Michael Kwolek is back on the job.
Black Knight misses with a shoulderblock.
Black Knight hits 'The Predator' Mark Paris with a backdrop.
Black Knight raises his fist in the air.
Black Knight knocks over a mailbox.
Black Knight nails him with a DDT onto the mailbox.
Black Knight is going for the pin.
Black Knight pulls the tights.
Michael Kwolek counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Methos is laughing hysterically as he bides his time.
Black Knight nails him with a shoulderbreaker.

Black Knight throws 'The Predator' Mark Paris through the McDonalds door.
Black Knight goes through the door.
Black Knight sets up a table.
Black Knight takes him down with a fist to the midsection.
Black Knight takes him down with a shoulderbreaker.
Black Knight suplexes a large ceramic Ronald McDonald onto 'The Predator' Mark Paris.
Black Knight takes him down with an armbar submission.
Black Knight sets up 'The Predator' Mark Paris on the table.
Black Knight tries to drive 'The Predator' Mark Paris through the table with a DDT, but he blocks it.
They're brawling inside the dining area.
'The Predator' Mark Paris whips Black Knight into the ropes.
'The Predator' Mark Paris hits Black Knight with an elbow.
Methos enters the McDonals with a broom handle and clocks Mark Paris from behind with it, knocking him silly.
Methos whips Black Knight into the ordering counter, but Black Knight reverses it.
Black Knight hits Methos with an elbow.
Black Knight is going for the pin.
Michael Kwolek counts: One, two, kickout.
Black Knight executes a knee to the back.
Black Knight is going for the pin.
Michael Kwolek counts: One, kickout.
Black Knight gives him an earringer, but Methos doesn't sell it at all.
Black Knight goes for a forearm smash, but Methos blocks it.
Methos takes him down with a flying forearm, knocking Black Knight over the counter and onto a McDonalds employee.
Methos pulls the employee off and pulls the tights.
Michael Kwolek counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Methos nails him with a forearm smash.
Methos bashes the head of Black Knight into the floor repeatedly.
Methos goes for a double reverse chinlock, but Black Knight counters it with a facerake.
Black Knight executes a chop.
Black Knight smears a Big Mac in the face of Methos.
Methos misses with a clothesline.
Black Knight misses with a clothesline.
Black Knight hits Methos with an elbow.
Black Knight throws a coke in the face of Methos.
Black Knight executes a camel clutch.
Methos reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.
Black Knight raises his fist in the air.
Black Knight rubs the face of Methos in the floor.
Black Knight executes a camel clutch.
Methos reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.
Black Knight goes for a back heel kick, but Methos blocks it.
Methos slams the coffee machine down on the leg of Black Knight.
Black Knight limps to his feet as Methos staggers as well.
Mark Paris is stirring a bit.
Black Knight misses with a clothesline.
Black Knight misses with a clothesline.
Methos hits Black Knight with a kick.
Methos executes a backspin DDT onto the front counter.
Methos nails him with a double chickenwing submission.
Black Knight manages to escape the hold after being trapped for 13 seconds.
Methos gives him a legsweep, but Black Knight doesn't sell it at all.
Methos goes for a forearm smash, but Black Knight blocks it.
Black Knight gives him a knee to the back, knocking Methos out of the McDonalds door..
Methos whips Black Knight into the McDonalds drive-thru sign.
Michael Kwolek gets knocked down by Mark Paris who is struggling to leave the McDonalds.
Methos executes a cobra clutch.
There is no referee there to ask Black Knight.
Michael Kwolek is back on the job.
Black Knight manages to escape the hold after being trapped for 5 seconds.
Methos executes a forearm smash.
Methos places Black Knight on the car.
Methos takes him down with a belly-to-back superplex.
Methos executes a flying bodypress from the hood of the car..
Michael Kwolek counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Methos gives him a flying headbutt, but Black Knight doesn't sell it at all.
Methos goes for a double underhook backbreaker, but Black Knight blocks it.
Black Knight whips Methos into the ropes.
Black Knight hits Methos with a clothesline.
Black Knight and Methos make their way into a Super 8 Motel parking lot.
Black Knight whips Methos into the newspaper stand.
Black Knight hits Methos with a shoulderblock.
Black Knight celebrates with the terrified onlookers.
'The Predator' Mark Paris comes from behind Black Knight with the ceramic Ronald McDonald and bashes him in the head with it.
'The Predator' Mark Paris gives him a faceslam, but Methos doesn't sell it at all.


The Predator' Mark Paris and Methos nail Black Knight with a double suplex through the doorway of the Super 8 Motel.
'The Predator' Mark Paris goes for an enzuigiri to the face, but Methos counters it with a duck-down move.
Methos nails him with a hiptoss.
Methos goes for a scorpion deathlock, but 'The Predator' Mark Paris blocks it.
Black Knight is fighting with the Super 8 Motel Clerk.
Black Knight_s knee gives out on him from the earlier coffee machine blow.
'The Predator' Mark Paris nails him with a fisherman suplex onto the love seat.
Michael Kwolek counts: One, shoulder up.
The police are making their way into the Super 8.
'The Predator' Mark Paris superkicks the first officer.
He returns with a night stick from the officer.
'The Predator' Mark Paris takes a swing at Methos with the night stick, but he gets out of the way.
Methos snatches the night stick from him.
Methos hits him with the night stick.
Michael Kwolek throws the night stick outside.
Methos nails him with a football tackle.
Methos nails him with an enzuigiri.
Methos runs into the ropes.
Methos hits 'The Predator' Mark Paris with a clothesline.
Mark Paris falls through Room 101.
Methos enters Room 101.
The Super 8 Clerk DDTs Black Knight as the police are arresting the Knight.
'The Predator' Mark Paris is busted wide open.
Methos throws 'The Predator' Mark Paris back into the hallway.
Methos goes for a DDT, but 'The Predator' Mark Paris counters it with a backdrop .
An elderly couple exit their room to see the commosion.
'The Predator' Mark Paris executes a flying somersault headbutt, but Methos ducks.
'The Predator' Mark Paris lands on the old couple.
'The Predator' Mark Paris executes a legdrop.
Methos executes a double underhook backbreaker.
Methos executes a double underhook piledriver.
Methos places 'The Predator' Mark Paris on the washer in the laundry room.
Methos takes him down with a belly-to-back superplex on the laundry room floor.
Methos takes him down with a legsweep.
Methos goes for a falling splash, but 'The Predator' Mark Paris counters it with a knee pull-up.
'The Predator' Mark Paris executes a half Boston.
Methos manages to escape the hold after being trapped for 10 seconds.
'The Predator' Mark Paris is bleeding like a faucet.
Methos nails him with an armbar submission.
The cops enter the laundry room and start chasing after Methos and Mark Paris.

Methos picks Mark Paris over his shoulder and rushes to the back of the Super 8 Hallway, and leaves through the back door.
Methos takes him down with an avalanche against a jeep outside of the Super 8 Motel.
Methos nails him with a cobra clutch.
'The Predator' Mark Paris reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.
Methos executes a power bomb onto the stone ashtray outside of the Super 8 Motel.
Mark Paris is unconscious.
Methos executes the Attitude Adjustment.
Michael Kwolek stops the match after 11 seconds.

The winner is Methos. Time of match: 0:14:16.


(AGW Referee Darren Lloyd comes up to them in his car and yells at Kwolek, Methos and Paris to get in fast.

Methos and Kwolek leap into the car, leaving Paris in the parking lot as the cops come just a bit too late.

The Feed breaks up.)

(The crowd is cheering on their feet, asking for more.)

VIOLET: ..........

JESSE: ...........

VIOLET: Well, at least the crowd loved it.

JESSE: Now, it was an elimination triangle match. The Knight wasn't eliminated so what happens?

VIOLET: Oh, he was eliminated all right. I think he is busy getting fingerprinted right now.

JESSE: Hey, that's not funny.

VIOLET: And Paris is going to be right behind him once he gets out of the hospital. He took it especially rough tonight.

JESSE: Well, as much as I hate to see the Knight lose, I do think it's fitting that the winner was the only one not to get arrested.

VIOLET: I want to give a thank you to AGW ref, Darren Lloyd, who was quick thinking enough to make the getaway.

JESSE: Wasn't the brawl supposed to stay in the alley?

VIOLET: Yeah, why do you think the cops were around soon after they broke lose in wherever they were.

JESSE: Yeah, they weren't in Las Vegas itself, but I think just outside in a suburb.

VIOLET: Yeah. Well, it will be hard to top that one, but we have got the finals of the Ringmaster Tag tourney to go, as well as the regular Ringmaster tourney.

JESSE: Yeah, I wonder if Knight and Paris will make it.

VIOLET: President Dangerously has made it down to the ring with a mic.

DANGEROUSLY: OK everyone. That match didn't exactly go as planned, but the winner of the match is indeed Immortal Methos.

(crowd delivers a huge pop)

DANGEROUSLY: He gets the Anything Goes Title. But right now, I'm more worried about the careers of Black Knight and Mark Paris, since they're in a bit of trouble. I'm outta here.

VIOLET: Well, I don't really like either Paris or Knight, but I hope we get to see them in action later on.

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