Mark Paris vs. The Dark Rogue
AGW Intercontinental Title Match
from Saturday Smashfest (December 12, 1998)


VIOLET: Well....HEY!

("She's just killing me" by ZZ Top begins to rip through the arena as the Rogue and Paladin make their way to the ring...The Paladin grabs the announcer and the mic. He lifts up the announcer, and hands the mic to the Rogue...)

Dark Rogue: Thanks big gentle with the wage slaves though, you know how cranky Speed gets. Hey out there, Townville...Don't get confused its only a small change in plans...Don't worry you'll be able to follow. We'll use lots of pictures. Now Mr. Mark Paris has been running his mouth about how everyone's screwing him...well we know his Credit Rating's not that good, so something has got to give. Well mark tonight on your Farmer's Almanacs pig-farmers, cause you're about to see the Rogue do something he's never done before....BE NICE!!!! drag the worn-out old carcass out and bring me my IC belt you stole when you came back, and I'll let you wrestle me for my well-deserved World Title Shot at the Big Brolster. Here's the jist boyo...You gotta go all out...You win and you get the World Title shot but the IC Belt's mine...You lose and the belt goes back to the masses for further review. Now I know that snowballs are waiting to hang out in Hell on the off-chance that you can even get back in the ring with me again, but hey I'm being Nice...what more do you want? Whatta ya say got the Stuff or what?!!!!

VIOLET: Big challenge there. Let's go to Bobby The Brain in the back who has found Paris' locker room.

(The lights dim, and "Cult of Personality" by Living Colour rocks the capacity crowd as Fenris and Rachel Morris lead "The Hardcore Revolutionary" Mark Paris down to the ring. Bobby Heenan heads to the ring with a mic to get some comments.)

SPEED: Or maybe Paris will come out here instead.

BOBBY HEENAN: Well, Mr. Paris, do you have any...

RACHEL MORRIS: Hey Bobby, nothing personal, but I've gotta ask that you keep your mouth shut while the Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion of the World is speaking. You understand, right? Good. Mark, the floor's yours.

MARK PARIS: Isn't it always? looks like the Rogue is skipping his hibernation this year, and he wants another shot at the Legend Killer....

BOBBY HEENAN: Actually, the Rogue said you could have this match if you wanted another shot at him...

MARK PARIS: Oh, is that what he said? Hmm....nah, I like what I said better. Ok Rogue, since you obviously want this pretty badly...and since the Revolutionary is a benevolent dictator, you'll have your little match. My rules, of course, which means there are no rules. Hope you don't have a problem with that. Buuut if you do, I'm sure Speedo'll understand. I've made him cry, too. Oh yeah, and 25:17's in the house tonight, so I kinda doubt you'll see your corporate buddies jump all over me this time. Rogue, tonight, it's just gonna be you and me....I know your rep, and I know that you're the biggest legend in the tonight, in front of the entire world, you're gonna find out why they call Mark Paris THE LEGEND KILLER!

SPEED: You know, Paris really likes insisting that I take orders from him. When I in fact MADE HIM what he is today. Some guys just like biting the hand that feeds them I guess.


This contest is a no-DQ-no-countout-no-time-limit-match scheduled for one fall.
It is for the AGW Intercontinental Title and a World Title shot. 

Introducing first...
Led to the ring by The Enchantress...
Hailing from New Orleans, Louisiana...
Weighing in at 280 pounds...

Dark Rogue 

His opponent...
Led to the ring by Rachel Morris and Fenris...
Hailing from Cleveland, Ohio...
Weighing in at 237 pounds... 

The AGW Intercontinental Champion...
"The Hardcore Revolutionary" Mark Paris


They lock up.
Mark Paris nails Dark Rogue with a tornado DDT.
Mark Paris gives him a DDT, but Dark Rogue doesn't budge.
Mark Paris gets a sleeperhold on Dark Rogue.
Dark Rogue reaches the ropes after being trapped for 6 seconds.
Mark Paris goes for a football tackle, but Dark Rogue counters it with a kick to the head.
Dark Rogue hits Mark Paris with an over-the-shoulder stomachbreaker.
Dark Rogue whips Mark Paris into the ropes.
Mark Paris misses with a shoulderblock.
Dark Rogue misses with a clothesline.
Mark Paris hits Dark Rogue with a shoulderblock.
Mark Paris whips Dark Rogue into the ropes.
Mark Paris uses a Death Valley Driver on Dark Rogue. 

VIOLET: Paris out to a great start. 

Mark Paris goes for a back heel kick, but Dark Rogue blocks it.
Dark Rogue whips Mark Paris into the ropes.
The Enchantress trips Mark Paris.
Dark Rogue runs into the ropes.
Mark Paris locks Dark Rogue in an abdominal stretch.
Dark Rogue reaches the ropes after being trapped for 6 seconds.
Mark Paris hits Dark Rogue with a tornado DDT.
Mark Paris runs into the ropes.
Dark Rogue goes for a Gorilla Press, but Mark Paris counters it with a small package.
Carl Westcoat counts: One, two, kickout.
Mark Paris complains about a slow count.
Mark Paris executes an avalanche on Dark Rogue.
Mark Paris reminds the crowd how great he is.
Mark Paris takes Dark Rogue down with an avalanche.
Mark Paris reminds the crowd how great he is.
Mark Paris whips Dark Rogue into the ropes. 

SPEED: Well, the skinny bastard is doing some ineffective avalanches and yelling at the crowd afterwards. What a dummy. 

Dark Rogue hits Mark Paris with a clothesline.
Dark Rogue throws Mark Paris out of the ring.
Dark Rogue goes through the ropes.
Dark Rogue whips Mark Paris into the guardrail.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Dark Rogue nails Mark Paris with a slap.
Dark Rogue uses a clothesline on Mark Paris.
Dark Rogue makes the sign of the Celtic Cross.
Dark Rogue goes for a short clothesline, but Mark Paris counters it with a crucifix.
Mark Paris whips Dark Rogue into the guardrail.
Mark Paris whips Dark Rogue into the guardrail.
Mark Paris gives him a bulldog headlock, but Dark Rogue doesn't even care.
Mark Paris whips Dark Rogue into the guardrail.
Mark Paris hits a back heel kick on Dark Rogue.
Mark Paris knocks Dark Rogue into the ringsteps.
Mark Paris whips Dark Rogue into the guardrail.
Mark Paris nails Dark Rogue with a belly-to-belly suplex.
Rachel Morris comes from behind and distracts Dark Rogue.
Mark Paris executes the Extreme Measure on Dark Rogue on the concrete floor.
Mark Paris goes for a tornado DDT, but Dark Rogue counters it with a belly-to-back suplex.
Dark Rogue places Mark Paris on the turnbuckle.
Dark Rogue executes the Backstab on Mark Paris on the concrete floor. 

VIOLET: Both men have traded floor finishers though the Rogue's is a bit more effective down there, not being a submission hold and all. 

Dark Rogue goes for a kick to the thigh, but Mark Paris counters it with a dragon screw.
Mark Paris nails Dark Rogue with a tornado DDT.
Mark Paris reenters the ring.
Dark Rogue follows him back in.
Both Rachel Morris and The Enchantress jump up on the apron.
Carl Westcoat tries to send them back down.
Mark Paris uses a bulldog headlock on Dark Rogue.
Carl Westcoat is back on the job.
Mark Paris reminds the crowd how great he is.
Mark Paris gives him an earringer, but Dark Rogue only stares at him.
Mark Paris whips Dark Rogue into the ropes.
Mark Paris goes for an abdominal stretch, but Dark Rogue reverses it.
Mark Paris reaches the ropes after being trapped for 10 seconds.
Dark Rogue hits a slap on Mark Paris.
Dark Rogue runs into the ropes.
Dark Rogue misses with an elbow.
Dark Rogue hits Mark Paris with a kick.
Dark Rogue leaves the ring.
He returns with the shiv.
Dark Rogue hits him with the shiv.
Mark Paris is busted wide open.
Dark Rogue hits Mark Paris with a piledriver.
Dark Rogue hits the Bolt on Mark Paris. 

SPEED: It's OVER!!! 

Carl Westcoat counts: One, two, kickout.
Mark Paris is bleeding like hell. 

SPEED: Damn!

Dark Rogue whips Mark Paris into the turnbuckle.
Dark Rogue hits him with the shiv.
Carl Westcoat throws the shiv out of the ring.
Dark Rogue goes for a cobra clutch, but Mark Paris blocks it.
Mark Paris runs into the ropes.
Mark Paris hits Dark Rogue with a shoulderblock.
Mark Paris whips Dark Rogue into the ropes.
Mark Paris gives him a football tackle, but Dark Rogue only stares at him.
Mark Paris whips Dark Rogue into the ropes.
Dark Rogue hits Mark Paris with a shoulderblock.
Mark Paris begs off.
Dark Rogue takes Mark Paris down with a short clothesline.
Dark Rogue whips Mark Paris into the ropes.
Dark Rogue hits Mark Paris with a shoulderblock.
Dark Rogue nails Mark Paris with the Bolt.
Carl Westcoat counts: One, two, kickout.
Dark Rogue goes for a chokehold, but Mark Paris counters it with a facerake.
Mark Paris chops Dark Rogue.
Dark Rogue kicks Mark Paris.
Dark Rogue puts Mark Paris in a full nelson. 

SPEED: Paris has to give up. He's getting humiliated. 

Mark Paris is struggling to reach the ropes.
Mark Paris tries to escape the hold.
Mark Paris reaches the ropes after being trapped for 23 seconds.
Dark Rogue nails Mark Paris with a German suplex.
Carl Westcoat counts: One, two, Fenris puts Mark Paris's foot on the rope.
Dark Rogue goes for a Gorilla Press, but Mark Paris blocks it.
Mark Paris throws Dark Rogue out of the ring.
Mark Paris jumps onto him with a plancha.
Mark Paris goes for a back heel kick, but Dark Rogue counters it with a low blow.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Dark Rogue executes a flying axhandle on Mark Paris.
Dark Rogue whips Mark Paris into the guardrail.
Dark Rogue whips Mark Paris into the guardrail.
Dark Rogue whips Mark Paris into the guardrail.
The Enchantress comes from behind and distracts Mark Paris.
Dark Rogue knocks Mark Paris into the ringsteps.
Dark Rogue whips Mark Paris into the guardrail. 

VIOLET: Paris is out on his feet. 

SPEED: I think the ref needs to consider stopping this match. 

Dark Rogue knocks Mark Paris into the ringsteps.
Dark Rogue whips Mark Paris into the guardrail.
Fenris comes from behind, but Dark Rogue nails Fenris.
Mark Paris is handed a vacuum cleaner.
Mark Paris hits him with the vacuum cleaner.
Mark Paris whips Dark Rogue into the guardrail.
Mark Paris goes for a belly-to-belly suplex, but Dark Rogue counters it with a facerake.
Dark Rogue knocks Mark Paris into the ringpost.
Dark Rogue goes for a spinebuster slam, but Mark Paris counters it with a kneelift.
Mark Paris whips Dark Rogue into the guardrail.
Mark Paris executes a bodyslam on Dark Rogue.
Mark Paris whips Dark Rogue into the guardrail.
Mark Paris hits Dark Rogue with a flying elbowdrop.
Mark Paris hits him with a vacuum cleaner.
Mark Paris hits a tornado DDT on Dark Rogue. 


Mark Paris goes for an earringer, but Dark Rogue blocks it.
Dark Rogue places Mark Paris on the turnbuckle.
Dark Rogue goes for the Backstab, but Mark Paris counters it with a throw-off.
Mark Paris hits Dark Rogue with an earringer.
Mark Paris hits Dark Rogue with an earringer.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Mark Paris hits Dark Rogue with a Samoan Drop.
Mark Paris sets up a table.
Mark Paris whips Dark Rogue into the guardrail.
Mark Paris knocks Dark Rogue into the ringsteps.
Mark Paris goes for the Extreme Measure, but Dark Rogue counters it with a throw-off.
Dark Rogue executes a forearm to the back on Mark Paris.
Dark Rogue whips Mark Paris into the guardrail.
Rachel Morris comes from behind and distracts Dark Rogue.
Mark Paris sets up Dark Rogue on the table.
Mark Paris executes a 450 splash through the table.
The table is broken in half.
Mark Paris nails Dark Rogue with a tornado DDT.
Mark Paris whips Dark Rogue into the guardrail.
Mark Paris goes for a 450 splash, but The Enchantress shoves him off the turnbuckle.
Carl Westcoat threatens Dark Rogue with disqualification.
Rachel Morris comes from behind, but Dark Rogue nails Rachel Morris.
Mark Paris reenters the ring.
Dark Rogue follows him back in.
Mark Paris nails Dark Rogue with a bodyslam.
Mark Paris is going for the pin.
Carl Westcoat counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
Mark Paris reminds the crowd how great he is.
Mark Paris gives him an earringer, but Dark Rogue only stares at him.
Mark Paris whips Dark Rogue into the ropes.
Mark Paris goes for an abdominal stretch, but Dark Rogue reverses it.
Mark Paris reaches the ropes after being trapped for 10 seconds.
Dark Rogue hits a slap on Mark Paris.
Dark Rogue runs into the ropes.
Dark Rogue misses with an elbow.
Dark Rogue hits Mark Paris with a kick.
Dark Rogue leaves the ring.
He returns with the shiv.
Dark Rogue hits him with the shiv.
Mark Paris is busted wide open.
Dark Rogue hits Mark Paris with a piledriver.
Dark Rogue hits the Bolt on Mark Paris.
Carl Westcoat counts: One, two, kickout.
Mark Paris is bleeding like hell.
Dark Rogue whips Mark Paris into the turnbuckle.
Dark Rogue hits him with the shiv.
Carl Westcoat throws the shiv out of the ring.
Dark Rogue goes for a cobra clutch, but Mark Paris blocks it.
Mark Paris runs into the ropes.
Mark Paris hits Dark Rogue with a shoulderblock.
Mark Paris whips Dark Rogue into the ropes.
Mark Paris gives him a football tackle, but Dark Rogue only stares at him.
Mark Paris whips Dark Rogue into the ropes.
Dark Rogue hits Mark Paris with a shoulderblock.
Mark Paris begs off.
Dark Rogue takes Mark Paris down with a short clothesline.
Dark Rogue whips Mark Paris into the ropes.
Dark Rogue hits Mark Paris with a shoulderblock.
Dark Rogue nails Mark Paris with the Bolt.
Carl Westcoat counts: One, two, kickout.
Dark Rogue goes for a chokehold, but Mark Paris counters it with a facerake.
Mark Paris chops Dark Rogue.
Dark Rogue kicks Mark Paris.
Dark Rogue puts Mark Paris in a full nelson.
Mark Paris is struggling to reach the ropes.
Mark Paris tries to escape the hold.
Mark Paris reaches the ropes after being trapped for 23 seconds.
Dark Rogue nails Mark Paris with a German suplex.
Carl Westcoat counts: One, two, Fenris puts Mark Paris's foot on the rope.
Dark Rogue goes for a Gorilla Press, but Mark Paris blocks it.
Mark Paris throws Dark Rogue out of the ring.
Mark Paris jumps onto him with a plancha.
Mark Paris goes for a back heel kick, but Dark Rogue counters it with a low blow. 

They're brawling inside the ring area.
Dark Rogue executes a flying axhandle on Mark Paris.
Dark Rogue whips Mark Paris into the guardrail.
Dark Rogue whips Mark Paris into the guardrail.
Dark Rogue whips Mark Paris into the guardrail.
The Enchantress comes from behind and distracts Mark Paris.
Dark Rogue knocks Mark Paris into the ringsteps.
Dark Rogue whips Mark Paris into the guardrail.
Dark Rogue knocks Mark Paris into the ringsteps. 

SPEED: The Rogue just owns Paris on the outside. 

Dark Rogue whips Mark Paris into the guardrail.
Fenris comes from behind, but Dark Rogue nails Fenris.
Mark Paris is handed a vacuum cleaner.
Mark Paris hits him with the vacuum cleaner.
Mark Paris whips Dark Rogue into the guardrail.
Mark Paris goes for a belly-to-belly suplex, but Dark Rogue counters it with a facerake.
Dark Rogue knocks Mark Paris into the ringpost.
Dark Rogue goes for a spinebuster slam, but Mark Paris counters it with a kneelift.
Mark Paris whips Dark Rogue into the guardrail.
Mark Paris executes a bodyslam on Dark Rogue.
Mark Paris whips Dark Rogue into the guardrail.
Mark Paris hits Dark Rogue with a flying elbowdrop.
Mark Paris hits him with a vacuum cleaner.
Mark Paris hits a tornado DDT on Dark Rogue.
Mark Paris goes for an earringer, but Dark Rogue blocks it.
Dark Rogue places Mark Paris on the turnbuckle.
Dark Rogue goes for the Backstab, but Mark Paris counters it with a throw-off.
Mark Paris hits Dark Rogue with an earringer.
Mark Paris hits Dark Rogue with an earringer.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Mark Paris hits Dark Rogue with a Samoan Drop.
Mark Paris sets up a table.
Mark Paris whips Dark Rogue into the guardrail.
Mark Paris knocks Dark Rogue into the ringsteps.
Mark Paris goes for the Extreme Measure, but Dark Rogue counters it with a throw-off.
Dark Rogue executes a forearm to the back on Mark Paris.
Dark Rogue whips Mark Paris into the guardrail.
Rachel Morris comes from behind and distracts Dark Rogue.
Mark Paris sets up Dark Rogue on the table.
Mark Paris executes a 450 splash through the table.
The table is broken in half.
Mark Paris nails Dark Rogue with a tornado DDT.
Mark Paris whips Dark Rogue into the guardrail.
Mark Paris goes for a 450 splash, but The Enchantress shoves him off the turnbuckle.
Carl Westcoat threatens Dark Rogue with disqualification.
Chastity comes from behind, but Dark Rogue nails Chastity.
Mark Paris reenters the ring.
Dark Rogue follows him back in. 

SPEED: Excuse me, I need to go to the ring now. 

Mark Paris nails Dark Rogue with a bodyslam.
Mark Paris is going for the pin.
Carl Westcoat counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
Mark Paris gives the sign for the Extreme Measure. 

(Speed is on the apron yelling and screaming at Paris. Paris ignores him and keeps the match going.) 

Mark Paris executes the Extreme Measure on Dark Rogue.
Dark Rogue is struggling to reach the ropes.
Dark Rogue tries to escape the hold.
Dark Rogue tries to fight the pain.
Dark Rogue submits after 20 seconds. 

(Speed Racer enters the ring with a chair and just as the match ends, he wallops Paris in the head with it. Paris falls a bloody mess.) 

The winner is Mark Paris. Time of match: 0:13:16 

SPEED: *returning to the booth* Man, I can't believe that. That really SUCKS!! 

VIOLET: Why didn't you just interfere before Rogue gave up. 

SPEED: I didn't think he would give up actually. Oh well, at least I got to more than make up for Paris thinking he's the boss of me. And you know what's really funny? Paris won, but the ROGUE IS THE NEW IC CHAMP!!!! 

VIOLET: That's true, but Paris and Brolly will duke it out later for the World Title. 

SPEED: Now you see why the Rogue and I did what we did? We let Paris win so that he would lose the IC Title and he'll get killed by Brolly tonight and come out with NO GOLD. 

VIOLET: That's your plan? Well it could work.

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