Mark Paris and Most Holy vs. Ranma Saotome and Speed Racer
from AGW Winter Storm, Day 1 (February 14, 1998)

RICK: Well, Wolverine did a good job out there and took out the veteran, Iron Yuppie. But this next match is one I've been looking forward to. The return of Ranma Saotome, someone who I really enjoy wrestling.

LIZ: He and Speed are both treats to watch, but I've got to go with the LoS on this one. They been fighting professionals lately, and as far as I know, Ranma and Speed have been just training.

RICK: Yeah, but Speed fights in the EEMWF and other leagues.

LIZ: So? I'm talking about real competition.

RICK: Ha! There you go! LIZ: Now fans, earlier in the night, an attack took place on the LoS took place at the hands of Quackman and Wonderwoman. Here is the footage from earlier.

(Cut to: Footage from earlier. Mark Paris and Mostest can be seen approaching the arena from a parking lot. Behind them an F-1 race car skids to a halt. Paris and Mostest turn to face the car when. . . Cut to: A camera showing the front of Paris and Most Holy. Out of nowhere Wonderwoman launches off a dumpster and planchas into the LOS. Wonderwoman lays into the LOS with some swift kick while the driver of the race car enters the picture. It is, of course the unpredictable Quackman whips Mark Paris into the side of the car. Quackman looks to camera and says: "This ones for you Speed!" Then he hurracuranas Paris into the scalding hot engine! Officials move to break up the carnage, but Quackman drives away with Paris quasi-impaled on the engine!)

LIZ: It was really a sick attack at the hands of Quackman, but what more can you expect from the duck of extreme.

RICK: Nothing, this doesn't surprise me at all. Luckily, Paris is used to being in extreme matches, so he knows how to fight in pain. It still is going to hurt him in this match though.

LIZ: Let's go to the ring.

They lock up.
Ranma Saotome catches him in a fisherman buster.
Michael Kwolek counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Ranma Saotome points at his opponent and taunts "Oooh, I think I'm gonna cry!!!" .

LIZ: And Ranma already showing us some of the charisma that made him popular in the earlier days.

RICK: No, I think he was really upset about not getting the pin there.

Ranma Saotome goes for a ropeflip moonsault, but 'The Predator' Mark Paris counters it with a knee pull-up.
'The Predator' Mark Paris takes him down with a flying bulldog.
'The Predator' Mark Paris throws Ranma Saotome out of the ring.
'The Predator' Mark Paris goes through the ropes.
Jenna Jameson comes from behind, but Ranma Saotome nails Jenna Jameson.
'The Predator' Mark Paris attemps to place Ranma Saotome on the turnbuckle, but Ranma Saotome blocks it. 'The Predator' Mark Paris is handed a chair.
 'The Predator' Mark Paris hits him with the chair.
Ranma Saotome is busted wide open.
'The Predator' Mark Paris hits him with the chair.
'The Predator' Mark Paris whips Ranma Saotome into the guardrail.
'The Predator' Mark Paris goes for a reverse cradle, but Ranma Saotome counters it with a sitdown.
Ranma Saotome reenters the ring. 'The Predator' Mark Paris follows him back in.
'The Predator' Mark Paris brings the the chair into the ring.
'The Predator' Mark Paris hits him with the chair.

LIZ: Oooof! Mark Paris is really pissed off out there!

RICK: He's taking out all his anger on Ranma, and now Saotome is busted wide open!

'The Predator' Mark Paris takes him down with a fist to the midsection.
'The Predator' Mark Paris gives the Triple Threat sign.
'The Predator' Mark Paris leaves the ring.
He returns with a fire extinguisher.
'The Predator' Mark Paris takes a swing at Ranma Saotome with the fire extinguisher, but he gets out of the way.
Ranma Saotome snatches the fire extinguisher from him.
Ranma Saotome hits him with the fire extinguisher.
Ranma Saotome nails him with a slingshot facebuster.
'The Predator' Mark Paris begs off.
'The Predator' Mark Paris whips Ranma Saotome into the ropes.
Ranma Saotome hits 'The Predator' Mark Paris with an elbow.
Ranma Saotome runs into the ropes.
Ranma Saotome misses with a shoulderblock.
Ranma Saotome executes a side suplex.

LIZ: Ranma in control now, and he's going to make the tag to Speed!

'The Predator' Mark Paris begs off.
Ranma Saotome tags out to Speed Racer.

RICK: And here comes the President of the AGW!!!! Let's see what he's got!

'The Predator' Mark Paris executes a faceslam.
'The Predator' Mark Paris gives the Triple Threat sign.
'The Predator' Mark Paris takes him down with leg scissors.
Speed Racer reaches the ropes after being trapped for 16 seconds.
'The Predator' Mark Paris gives the Triple Threat sign.
Speed Racer executes a dropkick to the knee.
Ranma Saotome is bleeding like hell.
Speed Racer tags out to Ranma Saotome.
Ranma Saotome and Speed Racer hit 'The Predator' Mark Paris with a double DDT.
Ranma Saotome and Speed Racer hit 'The Predator' Mark Paris with a double DDT.

LIZ: Great teamwork from Speed and Ranma, and Mark Paris is in trouble.

RICK: Here comes the Mostest though!!

Most Holy enters the ring and throws Speed Racer out of the ring.
Most Holy leaves the ring.
'The Predator' Mark Paris runs into the ropes.
Ranma Saotome hits 'The Predator' Mark Paris with an elbow.
Ranma Saotome tags out to Speed Racer.

LIZ: Speed and Ranma have Paris in their corner and are proceeding to stomp a mudhole in him.

RICK: If you weeeeellll....

Speed Racer nails him with a back heel kick.
Speed Racer is going for the pin.
Michael Kwolek counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Speed Racer complains about a slow count.
Speed Racer attemps to place 'The Predator' Mark Paris on the turnbuckle, but 'The Predator' Mark Paris blocks it.
Speed Racer whips 'The Predator' Mark Paris into the ropes, but 'The Predator' Mark Paris reverses it.
Jenna Jameson trips Speed Racer.
Michael Kwolek warns Jenna Jameson.
'The Predator' Mark Paris hits him with the fire extinguisher.
Ranma Saotome is bleeding profusely.

RICK: Oooofff... that shot from the fire extinguisher doesn't help Ranma one bit.

LIZ: The janitors will be earning their money tonight.

'The Predator' Mark Paris takes him down with a bulldog headlock.
'The Predator' Mark Paris takes him down with a reverse flying elbowdrop.
'The Predator' Mark Paris goes for a headbutt, but Speed Racer blocks it.
Speed Racer executes a dropkick to the knee. Michael Kwolek is back on the job.
Speed Racer executes a chokehold.
Michael Kwolek counts: One, two, three, four.
Speed Racer places 'The Predator' Mark Paris on the turnbuckle. Speed Racer takes him down with a top-rope power bomb.
Michael Kwolek counts: One, two, kickout.
Speed Racer places 'The Predator' Mark Paris on the turnbuckle.
Speed Racer executes a top-rope power bomb.
Michael Kwolek counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Speed Racer catches him in a Northern Lights suplex.
Michael Kwolek counts: One, two, kickout.
'The Predator' Mark Paris begs off.
Ranma Saotome enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Speed Racer and Ranma Saotome whip 'The Predator' Mark Paris into the ropes.
They hit 'The Predator' Mark Paris with a double elbowsmash.
Most Holy enters the ring, but gets cut off.
Speed Racer and Ranma Saotome hit 'The Predator' Mark Paris with a double power bomb.

LIZ: Paris is getting destroyed out there. He's been in this match the entire time.

RICK: He needs to make a tag soon on this will be over real quick.

Ranma Saotome leaves the ring.
Speed Racer whips 'The Predator' Mark Paris into the ropes.
'The Predator' Mark Paris hits Speed Racer with a kick.

LIZ: Both men are down now, and Paris is struggling to tag out to Most Holy.

RICK: Mostest has his hand extended, and they make the tag! Here comes the Mostest!

'The Predator' Mark Paris tags out to Most Holy.
Most Holy and 'The Predator' Mark Paris hit Speed Racer with a double elbowdrop.
'The Predator' Mark Paris leaves the ring.
Most Holy takes him down with an elbowdrop.
Ranma Saotome is bleeding profusely.
Most Holy nails him with a grapevine.
Speed Racer reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.
Most Holy takes him down with a double-axhandle chop.
Most Holy tags out to 'The Predator' Mark Paris.

RICK: I don't know if I agree with that strategy there. Paris should have been more time to recover.

LIZ: Well, they're double teaming Speed now.

'The Predator' Mark Paris and Most Holy whip Speed Racer into the ropes.
They hit Speed Racer with a double elbowsmash.
Most Holy leaves the ring.
'The Predator' Mark Paris executes a kick to the midsection.
'The Predator' Mark Paris whips Speed Racer into the ropes.
'The Predator' Mark Paris hits Speed Racer with a backdrop.
Speed Racer falls out of the ring.
Michael Kwolek counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, Speed Racer reenters the ring.

LIZ: Speed almost didn't make it back after that one. He must have been ten feet in the air!

RICK: Now he's begging off, I wonder if I can use this when it's time to renegotiate my contract?

Speed Racer begs off.
'The Predator' Mark Paris goes for a bulldog headlock, but Speed Racer counters it with a throw-off.
Speed Racer goes for a back heel kick, but 'The Predator' Mark Paris blocks it.
'The Predator' Mark Paris runs into the ropes.
'The Predator' Mark Paris hits Speed Racer with a kick.
'The Predator' Mark Paris tags out to Most Holy.
'The Predator' Mark Paris takes Speed Racer down with a flying clothesline.
Most Holy goes for a legsweep faceslam, but Speed Racer blocks it.
'The Predator' Mark Paris leaves the ring.
Speed Racer goes for an Asai moonsault, but Most Holy counters it with a side step.
Speed Racer bumps into Michael Kwolek.
Most Holy whips Speed Racer into the ropes.
Speed Racer misses with an elbow.
Speed Racer executes a superkick.

LIZ: Brutal superkick from Speed.

RICK: That almost took his head off, and now he's going for a belly to belly.

Speed Racer catches him in a belly-to-belly suplex.
There is no referee to count.
Speed Racer throws Most Holy out of the ring.
Speed Racer goes through the ropes.
Speed Racer throws Most Holy back into the ring.
Michael Kwolek is back on the job. Most Holy begs off.
Ranma Saotome enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Ranma Saotome catches Most Holy in a fisherman buster.
'The Predator' Mark Paris enters the ring and throws Ranma Saotome out of the ring.
Most Holy and 'The Predator' Mark Paris hit Speed Racer with a double elbowdrop.
'The Predator' Mark Paris leaves the ring.
Most Holy throws Speed Racer out of the ring.
Michael Kwolek counts: one, two, three, four, Speed Racer reenters the ring.
Speed Racer begs off.
Most Holy takes him down with a dropkick to the knee.
Most Holy takes him down with a flying axhandle.
Most Holy takes him down with a full nelson.
Speed Racer reaches the ropes after being trapped for 12 seconds.
Most Holy executes a belly-to-back suplex.
Most Holy nails him with an elbowdrop.
Most Holy leaves the ring.
He returns with a keyboard.
Most Holy hits him with the keyboard.
Michael Kwolek throws the keyboard out of the ring.
Most Holy whips Speed Racer into the ropes, but Speed Racer reverses it.
Most Holy takes him down with a jumping DDT.

LIZ: Most Holy now in control, and this is the first real sustained offense we've seen from the LoS. 

RICK: I think that attack from Quackman earlier may have hurt them in the beginning, but now they're in good shape. 

Most Holy goes for a fistdrop, but Speed Racer counters it with a roll away.
Speed Racer runs into the ropes.
Most Holy executes a double-axhandle chop.
'The Predator' Mark Paris enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Ranma Saotome enters the ring and throws 'The Predator' Mark Paris out of the ring.
Speed Racer and Ranma Saotome whip Most Holy into the ropes.
They hit Most Holy with a double kick to the midsection.
Ranma Saotome leaves the ring.
Speed Racer throws Most Holy out of the ring.
Speed Racer goes through the ropes.
Speed Racer takes him down with a DDT.
Speed Racer goes for a flying clothesline, but Most Holy counters it with a duck-down move.
Speed Racer goes for an Asai moonsault, but Most Holy counters it with a side step.
Speed Racer knocks Most Holy into the ringsteps.
Speed Racer sets up a table.
Speed Racer nails him with a Hotshot.
Speed Racer knocks Most Holy into the ringpost.
Speed Racer executes the STF.
Speed Racer executes the Texas cloverleaf.
Most Holy reenters the ring.
Speed Racer follows him back in.
Speed Racer throws Most Holy out of the ring. Speed Racer goes through the ropes. Speed Racer knocks Most Holy into the ringsteps.
Speed Racer is handed the chair.
Speed Racer hits him with the chair.
Speed Racer hits him with the chair. 

LIZ: And Speed Racer has gone berserk! He's destroying everything in sight! 

RICK: He's wielding that chair like it's the last thing he's got left in the world! 

Most Holy is busted wide open.
Speed Racer nails him with a flying clothesline.
Speed Racer knocks Most Holy into the ringpost.
Speed Racer sets up Most Holy on the table.
Speed Racer executes a tiger driver through the table.
The table didn't break.
Speed Racer reenters the ring.
Most Holy follows him back in.
Speed Racer attemps to place Most Holy on the turnbuckle, but Most Holy blocks it.
Speed Racer places Most Holy on the turnbuckle.
Speed Racer executes the Flatliner and goes for the pin. 

LIZ: This could be it! 

Michael Kwolek counts: One, two, 'The Predator' Mark Paris makes the save. 

RICK: No! Save by Paris! That's why you've got a partner! 

Speed Racer executes a flying clothesline.
Speed Racer tags out to Ranma Saotome.
Speed Racer nails Most Holy with a dropkick.
Ranma Saotome nails Most Holy with a waistlock suplex.
Michael Kwolek counts: One, two, 'The Predator' Mark Paris makes the save.
Ranma Saotome and Speed Racer hit Most Holy with a double power bomb.
Speed Racer leaves the ring.
Most Holy takes the Mace and uses it on him.

(The crowd gasps at the sickening sound.) 

LIZ: Oh my god... I think I'm going to be sick. 

RICK: No way he can get out of that. 

He goes for the pin.
Michael Kwolek counts: One, two, KICKOUT. 

RICK: Incredible! 

Ranma Saotome whips Most Holy into the ropes, but Most Holy reverses it.
Ranma Saotome executes a Frankensteiner.
Michael Kwolek counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Ranma Saotome takes him down with a shoulder breaker.
Ranma Saotome is going for the pin.
Michael Kwolek counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Ranma Saotome goes for a diving elbow smash, but Most Holy counters it with a duck-down move.
Most Holy whips Ranma Saotome into the ropes.
Most Holy misses with a kick.
Most Holy nails him with an enzuigiri.
Most Holy goes for a fistdrop, but Ranma Saotome counters it with a roll away.
Ranma Saotome whips Most Holy into the ropes, but Most Holy reverses it.
Most Holy takes him down with a double-axhandle chop.
Most Holy executes a flying dropkick.
Most Holy executes an elbowdrop.
Most Holy whips Ranma Saotome into the turnbuckle.
Most Holy charges in with a dropkick against the turnbuckle, but Ranma Saotome moves out of the way.
Ranma Saotome goes for a fisherman buster, but Most Holy blocks it.
'The Predator' Mark Paris enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Most Holy and 'The Predator' Mark Paris whip Ranma Saotome into the ropes.
Most Holy and 'The Predator' Mark Paris hit Ranma Saotome with a double flying clothesline. 

RICK: You know, the LoS really know how to work well together in the ring. I'm impressed with their talent. 

LIZ: I've always been a big Most Holy fan, but he needs to get a win over a big name to get to that next level. 

RICK: I think if he can beat Kid Nitro, whenever that is, he'll be there. 

'The Predator' Mark Paris leaves the ring.
Most Holy nails him with a fistdrop.
Most Holy goes for an elbowdrop, but Ranma Saotome counters it with a roll away.
Ranma Saotome nails him with a short lariat.
Michael Kwolek counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Ranma Saotome executes a clothesline to the back of the head.
Michael Kwolek counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Ranma Saotome nails him with an enzuigiri.
Ranma Saotome goes for a short lariat, but Most Holy blocks it.
Most Holy goes for a jumping DDT, but Ranma Saotome counters it with a backdrop.
Most Holy begs off.
Ranma Saotome goes for a fisherman buster, but Most Holy blocks it.
Ranma Saotome takes him down with a short lariat.
Michael Kwolek counts: One, two, 'The Predator' Mark Paris makes the save.
Most Holy executes a legsweep faceslam.
Most Holy takes him down with a double-axhandle chop.
Most Holy goes for a bodyslam, but Ranma Saotome counters it with a small package.
Michael Kwolek counts: One, two, 'The Predator' Mark Paris makes the save.
Ranma Saotome hits him with the chair.
Most Holy begs off.
Speed Racer enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
'The Predator' Mark Paris enters the ring, but gets cut off.
Ranma Saotome and Speed Racer hit Most Holy with a double DDT.
Speed Racer leaves the ring.
Ranma Saotome nails him with a sleeperhold.
Most Holy submits immediately. 

The winners are Ranma Saotome and Speed Racer. Time of match: 0:13:25 

LIZ: Mostest is out, and Ranma and Speed are your winners! Not bad from our boss eh? 

RICK: (reading a prepared statement) Yes, Speed is a great wrestler, and truly one of the greats.

LIZ: Did he make you read that. 

RICK: Yeah, but I got good money for it.

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