Mark Paris vs. The Dark Rogue
AGW World Title Match
from AGW Winter Storm (February 13, 1999)

JAKE: Well Violet, as you said, ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN in the AGW.

VIOLET: I guess so. I'll have to have a talk with Smooth after the card. We are finally to our main event match. Dark Rogue will try and regain what he considers to be HIS title, the AGW World Title. He will have to get through Mark Paris to do it.

This contest is a no-DQ-no-countout-no-time-limit-match scheduled for one fall.
It is for the AGW World Heavyweight Title.

Introducing first...
Led to the ring by The Enchantress...
From New Orleans, Louisiana...
Weighing in at 280 pounds...
Dark Rogue

His opponent...
Led to the ring by Rachel Morris...
Hailing from Cleveland, Ohio...
Weighing in at 237 pounds...

The AGW World Heavyweight Champion...
"The Hardcore Revolutionary" Mark Paris

(AGW Owner, Speed Racer comes down the aisle with a mic)

SPEED RACER: Before we get this thing going, let me just say that to keep things fair, both the Dark Church and 25:17 will be locked in their dressing rooms. That way there can be no funny business. This was requested by Mark Paris himself and the Rogue agreed to it, as did I.

They lock up.
Rachel Morris tries to interfere, but The Enchantress prevents her from doing so.
Dark Rogue hits a spinebuster slam on Mark Paris.
Dark Rogue makes the sign of the Celtic Cross.
Dark Rogue nails Mark Paris with a flying elbowdrop.
Derek Aston counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Dark Rogue executes a reverse neckbreaker on Mark Paris.
Dark Rogue makes the sign of the Celtic Cross.
Dark Rogue goes for a roundhouse right, but Mark Paris blocks it.
Mark Paris whips Dark Rogue into the ropes, but Dark Rogue reverses it.
Dark Rogue hits Mark Paris with a shoulderblock.
Dark Rogue executes a DDT on Mark Paris.
Dark Rogue hits a heart punch on Mark Paris.

JAKE: The Rogue is wasting Mark!!!

Mark Paris begs off.
Dark Rogue nails Mark Paris with a snap mare.
Dark Rogue takes Mark Paris down with a piledriver.
Mark Paris begs off.
Dark Rogue whips Mark Paris into the ropes.
Dark Rogue hits Mark Paris with an elbow.
Mark Paris begs off.

VIOLET: Paris is begging like a little baby!! HA HA HA!!!

Dark Rogue whips Mark Paris into the ropes.
Dark Rogue goes for a clothesline, but Mark Paris counters it with a hiptoss.
Mark Paris catches Dark Rogue in a dragon sleeper.
Dark Rogue is struggling to reach the ropes.
Dark Rogue reaches the ropes after being trapped for 10 seconds.
Mark Paris reminds the crowd how great he is.
Mark Paris leaves the ring.
He returns with a chair.
Mark Paris sets up the chair.
Mark Paris takes Dark Rogue down with a power bomb onto the chair.
Derek Aston counts: One, two, kickout.
Mark Paris reminds the crowd how great he is.
Mark Paris uses a belly-to-belly suplex on Dark Rogue.
Mark Paris goes for an earringer, but Dark Rogue counters it with a backdrop.
In turn, Mark Paris counters it with a sunset flip.
Derek Aston counts: One, two, kickout.
Mark Paris gives him a Samoan Drop, but Dark Rogue only stares at him.
Mark Paris runs into the ropes.
Dark Rogue hits a slap on Mark Paris.
Dark Rogue takes Mark Paris down with a fistdrop.
Dark Rogue puts Mark Paris in a full nelson.
Mark Paris is struggling to reach the ropes.
Mark Paris reaches the ropes after being trapped for 11 seconds.
Derek Aston removes the chair from the ring.
Dark Rogue hits Mark Paris with a DDT.
Dark Rogue goes for a flying axhandle, but Mark Paris counters it with a punch.
In turn, Dark Rogue counters it with an armbreaker.
Dark Rogue punches Mark Paris.
Mark Paris punches Dark Rogue.
Mark Paris chops Dark Rogue.
Mark Paris uses an earringer on Dark Rogue.
Mark Paris throws Dark Rogue out of the ring.
Mark Paris goes through the ropes.
Mark Paris is handed a ladder.
Mark Paris takes a swing at Dark Rogue with the ladder, but he gets out of the way.
Dark Rogue snatches the ladder from him.
Dark Rogue hits him with the ladder.
Dark Rogue hits a splash on Mark Paris.
Dark Rogue reenters the ring.
Mark Paris follows him back in.
Dark Rogue goes for a snap mare, but Mark Paris blocks it.
Mark Paris runs into the ropes.
Dark Rogue hits Mark Paris with an elbow.
Dark Rogue takes Mark Paris down with a Gorilla Press.
Dark Rogue whips Mark Paris into the ropes, but Mark Paris reverses it.
Dark Rogue hits Mark Paris with a clothesline.
Dark Rogue whips Mark Paris into the ropes, but Mark Paris reverses it.
Mark Paris hits Dark Rogue with an elbow.
Mark Paris places Dark Rogue on the turnbuckle.
Mark Paris takes Dark Rogue down with a belly-to-back superplex.
Mark Paris goes for a football tackle, but Dark Rogue counters it with a kneelift.
Mark Paris begs off.
Dark Rogue runs into the ropes.
Rachel Morris pulls down the top rope.
Mark Paris jumps onto him with a head tope.
Mark Paris whips Dark Rogue into the guardrail.
Rachel Morris comes from behind, but Dark Rogue nails Rachel Morris.
Mark Paris sets up a table.
Mark Paris gives him a belly-to-belly suplex, but Dark Rogue only stares at him.

Dark Rogue places Mark Paris on the turnbuckle.
Dark Rogue goes for the Backstab, but Mark Paris counters it with a throw-off.

VIOLET: Paris is lucky he didn't get hit with the devastating Backstab.

JAKE: Rogue's lucky he didn't fall to the concrete floor there.

Mark Paris sets up Dark Rogue on the table.
Mark Paris executes a belly-to-back superplex through the table.
The table didn't break.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Dark Rogue nails Mark Paris with a fistdrop.
Dark Rogue reenters the ring.
Mark Paris follows him back in.
Mark Paris goes for a belly-to-belly suplex, but Dark Rogue counters it with a punch.
In turn, Mark Paris counters it with an armbreaker.
Mark Paris hits Dark Rogue with a football tackle.
Mark Paris runs into the ropes.
Dark Rogue misses with a clothesline.
Dark Rogue misses with a shoulderblock.
Mark Paris misses with a clothesline.
Mark Paris misses with a kick.
Dark Rogue takes Mark Paris down with a clothesline.
Dark Rogue makes the sign of the Celtic Cross.
Dark Rogue goes for a bodyslam, but Mark Paris counters it with a facerake.
Mark Paris puts Dark Rogue in a sleeperhold.
Dark Rogue is inching his way towards the ropes.
Dark Rogue reaches the ropes after being trapped for 15 seconds.
Mark Paris leaves the ring.
He returns with a chair.
Mark Paris sets up the chair.
Mark Paris goes for a piledriver, but Dark Rogue counters it with a backdrop.

JAKE: A piledriver onto the chair. That would have been really bad!!!

Dark Rogue is going for the pin.
Derek Aston counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Derek Aston removes the chair from the ring.
Dark Rogue leaves the ring.
He returns with a high-heeled shoe.
Dark Rogue nails Mark Paris with a piledriver.
Dark Rogue hits him with the high-heeled shoe.

JAKE: Nice of the Enchantress to lend the Rogue her shoe.

Dark Rogue whips Mark Paris into the turnbuckle, but Mark Paris reverses it.
Dark Rogue comes back and rocks Mark Paris with an elbow.
Dark Rogue goes for a kick to the thigh, but Mark Paris counters it with a dragon screw.
Mark Paris whips Dark Rogue into the ropes.
Dark Rogue takes Mark Paris down with a clothesline.
Dark Rogue hits a clothesline on Mark Paris.
Dark Rogue hits him with a high-heeled shoe.
Dark Rogue hits Mark Paris with a reverse neckbreaker.
Dark Rogue whips Mark Paris into the ropes.
Dark Rogue executes a kick to the thigh on Mark Paris.
Dark Rogue takes Mark Paris down with a bodyslam.
Dark Rogue hits Mark Paris with a running powerslam.

VIOLET: Wow, this has to be as good as over.

Derek Aston counts: One, two, kickout.

JAKE: Nope, the champ isn't done for quite yet.

Dark Rogue makes the sign of the Celtic Cross.
Dark Rogue uses a heart punch on Mark Paris.
Dark Rogue is going for the pin.
Derek Aston counts: One, two, KICKOUT.

JAKE: He found a surge of energy now!!! Paris looks pissed.

Mark Paris attempts to place Dark Rogue on the turnbuckle, but Dark Rogue blocks it.

VIOLET: The Rogue isn't out of it yet. He won't go to the top.

JAKE: Speed has climbed into the ring with a chair. We all know that he would love to bash that in Paris_ scrawny skull.

VIOLET: Speed swings, but Paris moved at the last possible second and Speed clocked the Rogue right in the side of the head.

Mark Paris hits Dark Rogue with a power bomb.

VIOLET: Devastating!!! Paris just turned him around into a vicious looking power bomb!!! 

JAKE: Paris IS the man who powerbombed Brolly to defeat when Paris won the title. Speed is jumping up and down in frustration in the ring.

Derek Aston counts: One, two, three.

The winner is Mark Paris. Time of match: 0:07:55

VIOLET: Paris did it again! I don't believe it!

JAKE: Yeah, and I don't think Speed believes it either! He's in total shock, the Rogue's down, and Paris is calling for the belt.

VIOLET: Total shock might be an overstatement. Speed's still got that chair, and it looks like he's about to put it to good use.

(Brandishing the chair, Speed approaches Paris, yelling like a maniac. Paris regards him with a smirk, and begins daring Speed to hit him.)

JAKE: Go ahead! DO IT! Take his head off already!

(Speed continues threatening Paris with the chair, while Paris persists in challenging him to take a swing. In between them, the Rogue slowly pulls himself back up to his feet.)

VIOLET: Oh, now Paris is in trouble. The Rogue's back up, and he does NOT look like a happy camper!

(The Rogue gets back on his feet, although he's still unsteady. Speed backs up a couple paces, and swings the chair, turning at the last minute.....AND NAILING ROGUE DEAD BETWEEN THE EYES!)


(Rogue collapses in a heap. Speed looks at Paris, who tries to look shocked, before again laying into the Rogue with the chair. After several shots, Paris steps in and says something in Speed's ear. Speed shrugs, and hands the chair to Paris, who continues beating the helpless Rogue.)

VIOLET: I don't believe it...I just don't believe what I'm seeing...what the hell is going on?

JAKE: I'll tell you what's going on. Speed Racer and Mark Paris have played us all for suckers! They convinced us that they hated each other, just so they could do...THIS!

(Back in the cage, Speed hauls the Rogue back up to his feet and holds him up. Paris runs to the ropes, bounces off, and charges into the Rogue with another ruthless chairshot. The crack of steel against the Rogue's skull can be heard even over the boos echoing from every corner of the arena. Rogue is out cold, but rather then letting him fall, Speed throws him head first into the steel cage. Rogue bounces off and falls to the ground again, and Speed lays into him with vicious kicks to the ribs. Paris stands back a few feet, applauding the beating.)

VIOLET: Ok, this is just sick! Somebody needs to stop this...

JAKE: But nobody can. That's why Speed agreed to locking the rest of the Church in their dressing room! He didn't want them to be able to save the Rogue...everyone who could put a stop to this is out of commission.

VIOLET: Well, ALMOST everyone...LOOK!

(And the crowd explodes as Gryphon charges down the aisle, and into the cage through the still open door. Paris sees him enter and charges him, but Gryph ducks out of the way. The Icon nails Paris with a series of brutal punches, picks him up, and executes the Cliffhanger, knocking the champ senseless.)

VIOLET: YES! Gryphon's in, and he's cleaning house!

(Speed backs away from from Rogue when he sees Gryphon. He seemingly tries to explain the situation to the irate big man before hitting him with a sucker punch out of nowhere. Gryph, however, only stares at him....)

JAKE: Uh-oh....

(Gryphon grabs Speed by the throat, and throws him into the corner. Speed tries to beg off, but Gryph is having none of it. He rains blows down on the President of the AGW. Paris, however, gets back to his feet, and charges the corner, clipping Gryph behind the knee. Speed and Paris both pounce on Gryphon, who in spite of the punishment he's taking, manages to drag the Rogue out of the cage. Paris tries to follow them, but Speed holds him back.)

VIOLET: At least Gryph managed to get the Rogue out of the ring. Let's just hope those the ring didn't do any permanent damage. I still can't believe what we just witnessed...

JAKE: Speed just ordered the ref to bring him...what? A microphone and the World Title. Maybe now we'll get an explanation.

VIOLET: As if we really need one. I think what we just saw was pretty self-explanatory.

(Smiling wickedly, Speed hands Paris the World Heavyweight Title. Then, picking up the mic, he makes an announcement...)

SPEED RACER: Ladies and gentlemen, I give you your...nah, make that MY Corporate Heavyweight Champion...."The Hardcore Revolutionary" MARK PARIS!!!

(Paris and Speed together hold up the World Title. Then they proceed to shake hands...)

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