APR: Anti Pikey Revolution

The info from their site:

The Anti Pikey Revolution or APR was setup in 1996 by [APR]Illusioner, and a
few others including our oldest remaining member [APR]Deva the APR was
originally started for Quake and Quake 2 as a small clan now it has grown
beyond that, it is now a Gaming Community which has its eyes set on Biowares
New RPG Neverwinter Nights.

All the APR members are eagerly waiting its release due to the fact it is
the purest translation of pen and paper dnd yet. The APR's goals are to
provide a pleasant gaming community of role player's against cheating and
hacking of any kind and above all to recreate the perfect roleplaying
enviroment. The APR will have its own world based on its on plane of
existance called Lokkidon (lokkidion, Lokkidin) it will also be making
tiles, sounds, portraits, modules and scripts.



In 2000 and through the spring of 2001, the APR was led by a sole leader
named Thoth, it was a quiet period, and APR were just hanging out, starting
to work on their world Lokkidion. In about March that was changing, some
personal problem between Nexus Meiji and leader Thoth ended in her being
kicked. There was a vote between Thoth, and a fairly new member, named
Miraen. Miraen won the vote and became the new leader of the APR. Not for
very long, only a few months after the vote a number of APR members
contested the rule of Miraen and demanded her to resign or be kicked
totally. This was because Miraen was not a very good leader and very bossy
and aggresive. She eventually resigned and left the APR. Then the APR
nexuses decided there should be a council to represent the members will. The
council only lasted a few weeks for Deva overthrew it and became the sole
ruler of APR for about 3 days when he was forced to resign as well. A new
leader was chosen, namely Meiji. Meiji has been leader of the APR ever

OC, or OCD:

OC is a special department of the APR dedicated to creating the APR world
Lokkidion. it is lead by DeathJester.

Well, this is all I could think of in a short time. I'll refine this
description a little more.

Submitted by Raz_the_mad


Lokkidon is APRs game mod for Neverwinter Nights. Little do I know about this world, except for what info that is on the site�   Still Under Construction!
Aim:   Develop the ultimate game mod for the most anticipated RPG game ever - Neverwinter Nights!And to expand the biggest and the best interactive gaming community for it - APR Community!The OCD Team comprising of selected members from the APR Community has conceptualised a whole different world for the RPG Neverwinter Nights. Based entirely upon the thoughts and ideas of the APR Community who had wanted to create their own ever-continuing role playing storyline, with new quests and adventures available on a regular basis.With our team of designers, artists, coders/programmers and of course our gamers we will build a whole new world
Team:   OCD:Orgainsed Chaos Dimension(c)

      The history of Lokkidon:

The HistoryLong ago, when the Multi-verse was young, and the now common races were still new, a massive floating island drifted across the skies of the prime material plane. This massive, ether-held 'continent' was a veritable Eden. Much of the plants and animals of the day (as well as those from the very beginning of time) existed, and coexisted, in the lush, if small, forests, plains, valleys and even several square kilometers of wasteland and desert. The island's beauty was unequaled, even by today's standards, and many early peoples believed it to be the home of the gods. Perhaps it was the beauty and diversity that brought the planeswalker to the prime, perhaps it was merely chance. Whatever the reason, the coming of that mysterious stranger, and the unholy power he commanded, would forever change the destiny of the floating continent, and all the peoples he stole along with it�It is said the day was sunny and clear when the Planeswalker, a mage of great power, known in legend as Lokkrojin, found the great isle in its endless drift. It is further said; the island pleased his evil heart, and would be the perfect staging ground, and home, to his great experiment. It is believed, that Lokkrojin wished to create a "Kuzar Hiul'd"� a super being� a creature with which he could challenge even the power of the gods, and become overlord of the multi-verse. So he went about the business of collected 'samples' of the entire flora and fauna of the plane, placing them on 'his' island. Then opened him, a great planer gate, one of suitable size to send the island through, and teleporting it to another, yet unknown, plane. Lokkrojin then set about shaping this new land to fit his needs. Placed in a vast sea, the island began to grow, like a seedling. The peoples of the island multiplied and expanded. Lokkrojin named the land Lokkidion, combining his name with 'Dion', the word for 'domain' in the tongue of his home plane. Lokkrojin preformed his sinister experiments, in secret, leaving the peoples of his world ignorant to his vileness. Over the 300 years that followed, the many peoples of Lokkidion separated into six great tribes: the Westermen, the High Peoples, the Gorehirmen, the Orcs, the Little People, and the Children of the lesser god.Then came an outcry from the Mad prophets of the Gorehirmen. All had seen the same vision. A vision of champions from the six lands of Lokkidion joining together in a great company to rid the lands of the evil that enslaves them. Many, most vocally the Westermen and the clan chiefs of the Gorehirmen,scoffed the madmen saying that the people were not enslaved, and never would be. Never the less, the company began to take shape. In less than a year, all the mad prophets, save Mordan Slazzith, had died. This was the sign stated to begin the quest to fulfill the prophecy. Over the next 5 years, Slazzith traveled Lokkidion. The company took shape, nine members in all of ever race and creed. Following a group of Lokkrojin's slavers through a portal, the company gained access to the Great Tower of Lokkrojin. The battle was hard fought, but in the end, the Archmage, Arom� Lindel, sent the beaten and broken Lokkrojin adrift into a psudo-plane, and sent his book of spells into the infernal bowels of Lokkidion.The world rejoiced at the news of the company's success, and offered the whole of Lokkidion to rule, as reward. It is written, that at first the company refused, but when it was asked that each rule a portion of the whole, they finally agreed. Cartographers, politicians, clan chiefs, the members of the company drew up the Great Map, and portioned off a land of equal size to each of the nine members of the Company, and one which would for all time remain independent. The members of the company accepted this, and great celebrating ensued. In the gayety of the 7 Year Feast, it was also decided that there should be a king of the lands of Lokkidion, but that the principality of that land would last only until the death of the king of the 1000th year of kingship. So let it be written, so let it be done�All went smoothly for the first two dynasties, the First Lindel Dynasty and the First Xeldor dynasty (the kingship of Zoque), except for one hitch. In the second Choice of Kings, there were two great houses in the running for the throne� High Marshal Alanom Xeldor of Zoque, and Lord Tak-mu Kaljor of Taga-Nar. Just before the Day of Judgment, Deleith (about October) 4, 1352 LR, Lord Tak-mu was found assassinated in his chambers. The Orcish outcry was enormous, but was lost in the politics, and Alanom Xeldor was crowned king by default. Taga-nar, enraged at the lack of justice, seceded from the rest of Lokkidion, secretly plotting revenge for their fallen king. 800 years of the Kingship of Zoque passed without so much as a murmur of discontent. But then he great Black Host came rushing over the mountains, and the Orc Wars began. By the time the lands of Lokkidion could stop the Orcish campaign, the Black Host had taken over half of the known world. The stalemate that followed lasted for a decade. Hundreds died for nothing as the armies battled for inches until a young and valiant elf began to push the orcish lines back. Prince Elendin Eullinor, the Karak, the Orc's Bane, raised up the armies of Lokkidion and pushed the Black Host all the way back to the sea� back to Taga-nar. The orc commanders surrendered, and Lokkidion rejoiced. In the next 200 years, it became obvious that the great hero of the Orcish War, now known by all but the elves as simply Karak, would become the next King of Lokkidion.Karak became king in the year 2352 LR (Lokkidion reckoning), and has been ruling now for three human generations. In that time, New continents were discovered, Lokkidion has prospered, and there has been only one attempt on his life. Though the assassin was never found, and the conspirators never unmasked, many suspect the attempt came from anarchists in Xallith. Those assumptions were further confirmed when King Karak sent his only brother, Prince Dranzirr, to Xallith to be Lord High Marshal and Guardian of the East. The Lokkidion of the present (appx 2502 LR):It appears, sadly, that the prosperity is coming to an end. A great plague has begun to spread throughout the Lands, and King Karak's health is beginning to fade. With no queen and no heir, the throne looks like it may fall to his brother, Prince Dranzirr. That, in itself has many in the lands worried, for Dranzirr has not been seen in the daylight for a decade and five, and there are rumors of vile deeds in the dark of night.

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