The history is written on the site

The clan known as Blade of Eternity is one of the secret clans of Faerun. There is much information about the Harpers, The Wizards of Thay, even the Shadow thieves are more known than the clans.
This clan is one of the smaller ones in Faerun, to date anyway but its history is more intriguing than many a tales told around the Tavern fireplace.
Hundreds of years ago, a young man who studied with the monks at Candlekeep, came across some very old books when he accidentally found a secret door in the cellar of the main complex.
Behind the door where rows and rows of bookshelves, at least a hundred yards long was the corridor, silently and nervous enough to fall dead on the spot he entered the corridor and started to look a the backs of the books. He searched for hours but many of the books were older copies of the ones up in the keep library, Somewhere in the middle of the corridor his eyes fell on small, unimportant-looking book with black leather wound around it. With trembling hands he picked it up and read the front cover. It was in a very old and strange language and it took the monk several minutes to translate the words. And when he did he almost dropped it to the ground. The words on the cover of the book were so intimidating that the monk read them loud to himself to make sure that he had translated them right:

Blade of Eternity, guard our hearts from darkness.
Show us the path on which we must tread.
Keep enemy from us in the dead of night.
The monk almost fainted on the spot. The Blade of Eternity was an almost forgotten fairytale from hundreds of years ago. Some said it was a blessed blade from the gods of good, some that it was a cursed item of destruction left behind by the Slayer at one time it walked the mortal plane.
The monk flipped through the pages with frantic speed. The book was written in the same strange language as the cover and he closed it with a thud that felt like it was heard all the way up to the top floor in the keep.
Something in his mind told him to keep quiet about the book as he tried to walk casually back to his room
As the days and weeks passed the, young monk read the book over and over again trying to translate more and the words filled his mind with a purpose and his soul with a longing unlike any he had felt before. His friends and colleagues noticed only a slight change in the monk�s behavior, but often they dismissed the change as a maturing process.
But the monk�s heart and soul was so filled with the Blade of Eternity that he couldn�t even concentrate on the easiest chore.
At night he read the book and even though the words were as familiar to him as his own face, he couldn�t understand a tenth of them. When he slept they filled his dreams when he was awake they floated in the air before his eyes.
Until one morning he felt how the book controlled his life. Like a great blow to the head it came to him how much time he spent reading and longing for the blade.
With a hateful glance at the book he threw it under his bed and wowed to never open it up again.
His life at the keep went back to normal, and the book was still lying under his bed when one day when he walked into his room there was someone sitting on his bed.
"Who are you and what are you doing in my quarters?" The monk asked the dark shape on his bed. It looked like a man in robes and with a large hat, the robes seemed to be red but every time he looked they changed color. The man raised his head and the cleric almost cried out with surprise. "Oh, forgive me, it was not my intention to scare you young truth-seeker." Elminster said with a gentle voice as he put the book Blade of Eternity on the bed. The monk stared panic stricken at the book, he was going to get reported for sure now if only�

"Don�t look so frightened, I�m not going to report you if that�s what you think. I�m actually here to ask you about this!" he held up the book before his face. The monk felt somewhat relieved when Elminster invited him to sit on the bed." Now, tell me all about this and where you found it, indulge the curiosity of an old man." Elminster said with an even gentler voice.
And the monk started telling about the cellar and the hidden door and the feeling of longing and purpose and the whole story up until he had walked in the room and seen Elminster there.
" Interesting. You think this is an evil book, no?" When the monk nodded Elminster regarded him with infinitely old eyes and did so for a disturbingly long time as well.
" This book is not evil, it is just words, words do not harm people, feelings and actions do. Think about this, for your time here at the keep is almost at an end, I think you know that as well as I do. You do not belong here and you know it." Elminster watched the monk intently as he spoke the words as if he wanted to see some reaction in the young man�s face. Suddenly the monk felt it as clear as the sun on a sunny day. He didn�t want to be here anymore, he didn�t want to spend his whole life in Candlekeep. He wanted to see the world.
He wanted to find out more about the Blade.
When he looked up to answer Elminster he found that the old man in the strange robes was once again gone and he was alone with his thoughts. That night Elminsters words filled his dreams instead of the books, he woke up in the middle of the night sweating and panting like if he had a fever dream.
Resolution shone in his eyes as he gathered his few belongings and the book in a small sack. He opened his door as silently as possible and walked slowly towards the stairs.
"Shouldn�t you at least say farewell do your mentors and friends before you leave? ! " The monk jumped almost three feet backwards and fell to the floor like a sack of potatoes. When he looked up he could see a dark shape looming over him. The monk almost started to cry as he thought it was an evil spirit come to take him, but when Gorion�s gentle face came out into the light the monk let out a sigh of relief.
"I thought you were happy here at the keep, what is it that has changed your mind?" Gorion asked and the monk could see that there was someone behind him. Probably his foster child the cleric thought. Gorion had two foster children that were around five years of age here at the keep, one was named Imoen but he could never remember the other one�s name." I ask again what is it that makes you want to leave this keep young monk?" The monk slowly stood up, afraid that his knees would buckle under him as he tried to think of a story that wouldn�t include the book. He told Gorion about Elminsters visit and about how his time here was at an end, but he didn�t mention the book whatsoever.
Gorion seemed to absorb every word that the monk said, and watched him intently and said. "If this is what you feel is right, I am not the one to tell you if it is wrong or right but if you ever need help, travel south to Athkathla in Amn and talk to a man named Raijin in the Bridge district. He may be able to help you out on your journey, and might even decide to join you. I shall bow to your wishes for now and leave you to yours, farewell young monk and I hope we�ll meet again." Gorion turned with the last words and disappeared into the darkness with his foster child at his heels. The monk stood dumbfounded, Athkathla, Raijin, this was a bit too much for him and without thinking he started walking down the stairs, out the front door and through the gate into the night. The guards barely acknowledged his presence and he walked out unmolested.
His journeys took him up and down the sword coast as his search escalated to almost religious proportions. After almost two years of traveling he finally steered his travels towards Athkathla. And when the city lay before his eyes he was stunned at its size and the thousands and thousands of people that streamed in and out of the gate. He reached the gate and showed his papers to the guards that let him through with a grunt and a shove, when he felt the weariness in his bones overwhelm him.
He could see that there was an inn just inside the gate but when he saw the large group of people outside trying to get in he decided to find another one.
He walked the streets on random until he found a town crier that directed him to the bridge district and a small inn where there should be a room or two vacant.

He entered the bridge district and was amazed at the filth and chaos that reveled there. Beggars and thieves roamed the streets and harlots filled every corner. Finally he found the inn. Three kegs inn, the sign said. He opened the door and went inside. The travels had made the monk bigger and much more muscular since he had to fight off bandits and animals most of the time when he camped outside, his clothes were torn and he had bought an old leather armor in Beregost not long after he left Candlekeep. The patrons of the inn regarded him with suspicion and soon turned back to their drinks doing their best to ignore him. The innkeeper watched him with a evaluating look and said" In here you pay before you stay," he said with a dark and burly voice. The monk gave him a few silver coins and asked for a room. Exhausted from his journey he walked up to his room and fell asleep the instant his face hit the bed.

The next morning he woke early and left the filthy inn as soon as possible. When he started asking around he found out that Raijin was a bookstore owner in the south part of the bridge. He walked hurriedly south towards a small building with a book on the sign. Raijin�s Books and Mythical Epos, the sign said in flourishing letters. Without hesitation but much nervousness he opened the door and entered the store.

BoE History Chapter 2

Raijin gave a silent curse as the bookshelf collapsed under the last book he put there and the books fell to the floor in a disarranged heap. The aging elf mumbled a few words and made three circles with his left hand as he waved his right at the books. Three glowing rings left his hands and encircled the books and made them lift from the floor as they started to rearrange themselves in a neat row that landed gently on his desk. That finished he turned his attention to the wooden board that used to be a shelf. It looked more like a piece of plank from a shipwreck than a shelf now. Raijin drew back his long silverwhite hair from his brow and slumped to the desk, this was not a good way to begin a day.
Behind him, a deep voice chuckled at his demise and said with a mocking yet friendly voice " �Told you it would buckle under the weight, why don�t you just admit your mistake and buy a new shelf. Or, you could sell this dump and hit the road with me once again. It seems like ever since Cortez got to Snowstorm and Freezer you�ve been acting like an old human, always sighing and looking through negative eyes on the world. Get a grip. Your are an Elf for Morodins sake, you�ll probably live a few hundred years before you can call yourself old." Eirik glared at Raijin with a stern look and that stubborn face that could probably make a mountain move out of his way. Raijin could only smile at Eirik�s words, he was right yet it all felt so hopeless. How could he, Raijin, an elf of many a years and almost infinite knowledge in the realms of magic get so duped by a minotaur.
A really sinister minotaur to top it off.
Before he could reply to the dwarf�s harsh words the door to the shop with it�s familiar creak opened up and bathed the shop in the pale morning sun.
In through the door came the oddest sight the two companions had ever seen. A large human with broad shoulders, ragged travelers clothes, a leather armor that looked like it had more holes than leather, a short sword at the hip and his hair was long and disarrayed. But his face and his eyes, they were the gentlest eyes they had ever seen, like they had watched the creator himself as he showed his goodness to the world. The eyes made the mere thought of this man lifting a weapon or even think a violent thought absurd.
The man closed the door behind him and walked slowly up to the clerk�s desk where Raijin was sitting, Raijin soon found his composure and stood up. "Are you Raijin?" the man asked with hope in his voice." Yes I am, what can I help you with?"

The man looked somewhat relieved at hearing this and stretched his hand forward. " I am Gelan Frostellimar, you can call me Frost. A mutual friend told me to look you up if I were ever to travel here, his name is Elminster."
Elminster, why would he send this man to us? Raijin�s thoughts rushed through his head along with memories of the enigmatic Elminster." How do I know that you are telling the truth?" Raijin asked when his mind calmed down again. Eirik began stroking the hilt of his battle axe. "I assure you I mean no harm, Elminster sent me away from Candlekeep with a purpose and he said that you would be able to help me, he also said it would be a good chance for you to get out from the shop a little." Frost said and to emphasize his words he unbuckled his belt and let the shortsword fall to the ground. Something in the back of Eirik�s mind told him to keep an eye out at this fellow, he knew too much without any real explanation. Raijin stood for a while and then said "That do indeed sound like something Elminster would say, very well, let�s talk then. What is your purpose of being here and how can we help?" Raijin gestured for the enigmatic stranger to come forward and sit down at the desk. They gathered around the table and Frost brought out his book. Just then another customer came in the shop and the three companions flew up from their chairs doing their best to look like they had just finished a deal involving the small black leather book on the table.
" Well, too much excitement for me, I�ll be down at the tavern and you two better come get me before you decide to do anything!" Eirik said quietly before he stomped off, his large boots banging on the boards like clumps of metal. The customer jumped out of the dwarfs way with a small gasp afraid the dwarf would take him with him.
Raijin looked as his friend walked out the door and then looked at Frost. "Can I look at the book on the table?" he asked silently. Frost looked nervous but after a few seconds he nodded. "Yes, but not here, it�s too dangerous." He picked up his book and gestured to Raijin that he should follow. They went out into the morning sun. The filth, the oil and waste from all the small boats made the light distorted and foul. Though it was warming their faces.
They went to Frost�s inn and went up to his room, suspicious and hateful glances followed their every step from the front door to the room. Frost closed the door and held out the book. Raijin accepted the book and read the front cover.

Eirik soon found a decent party of fellows to join at one of the tables near the bar, and near the door should the need come. His mug of steaming hot mead made his flaming red moustache curl up below his rather large (and slightly red) nose. As he sat down and prepared for this day�s best moment yet, just as he was preparing to gulp down the soft and soothing liquid he could hear commotion at the front door.
Raijin came bursting through the door and behind him came the large Frost, three men clad in dark clothes and covered faces came through the door right behind them, their hostile intent apparent in their eyes. Without thinking Eirik�s beloved mead glass had hit the first dark man in the face, flinging him against the wall, blood sputtering down his face. Frost spun around and nearly sliced the second man in half just below the ribcage and there was suddenly blood and chaos in the whole tavern. The third man was knocked aside by a patron, as he was about to give Frost a killing blow to the head. Eirik saw his chance, drew his large battleaxe and jumped towards the man. Raijin tried to scream something but Eirik couldn�t hear him, his battle cry kept all other sounds from his ears. With a thud he landed next to the man and let his axe sink down with a menacing arc. The man gave a cry with no sound as the axe hit the floorboards below him. Eirik could feel warm blood all over him and he used all his strength to pull the axe free and backed away from the bleeding corpse. Raijin sat on the floor with an empty look in his face and Frost was trying to calm people down, the whole tavern was in an uproar. Eirik ran over to Raijin and said" Come on, it�s time to go now, before the city patrol gets here." Raijin woke up from his trance and was quickly on his feet and they grabbed the peacemaking Frost before they exited through the door.
When they passed the man that Eirik had thrown his glass at he could see that the throat was slit, ear to ear. And the man�s purse was gone.

When the three companions finally stopped they were outside Raijin�s shop again. They locked up the door and hurried in before Raijin locked it again.
Well inside they could finally relax and Frost immediately fell to the floor. Raijin bent down and tried to support him but he could see that the man was bleeding from many wounds. "Eirik, hurry up to my cabinet and bring the dark brown bag, please hurry, I think he is dying." Eirik nodded and ran towards the stairs. Within a minute he was back with the bag and some pieces of cloth. "I thought you might need these as well." He said. Raijin began working on the man�s clothes so he could get to the wounds and clean them. Eirik suddenly felt the exhaustion overwhelm him and sat down leaning against the wall. He picked up his axe and looked at it with appreciation, thank you once again my friend, he thought as he began examining the blade. He knew there was nothing he could do to help Raijin now anyway, so he picked up his brine and a red piece of cloth which he wiped the axe clean with. Then he started to sharpen it and work out the nicks it got during the fight. Raijin worked frantically to stop the bleeding and covered every wound with a mixture of poison repellants. Those three men were probably shadow thieves and there was definitely poison on their daggers. His hair was damp by perspiration and kept falling down over his eyes as he worked, his curses however, did nothing to change that.
Frost had passed out, just as well Raijin thought, saves him the pain for now. If only they weren�t in Athkathla, he could have used his magic to save this man, but to go against the cowled wizards. The thought was horrifying, the tales of the asylum, or spellhold as it was often called were as detailed as they were many.
After a few hours Raijin had finally managed to stop all the bleeding and purge the poison from the blood, in the meantime Eirik had brought a few blankets and a straw mattress from the apartment upstairs. He had also started a fire in the fireplace so that they could warm water and wash of all the blood.
" Messy thing fighting indoors, wouldn�t you agree?" Eirik said as he was scrubbing the leather covered hilt of his battleaxe. Raijin could only look at him and force himself not to laugh, but it made him look ridiculous and Eirik started laughing instead. After a while they settled down and had a glass of warm mead to warm their bodies. "Eirik, there is something you have too see, there�s something I have to tell you, this is incredible, amazing. If this is genuine it�s probably the most important thing we ever laid our eyes on." When Eirik looked up with his usual skeptic face, Raijin pulled out the book and began telling him what Frost had told him earlier that day.
Day became evening and finally night when Raijin finally fell silent and Eirik�s mind was in an uproar, Blade of Eternity, the very thought of it being real should be ridiculous yet it all seemed to fit so well. The cleric moaned and rolled over to the other side. The two long time friends didn�t even notice. Their minds were already a week�s head start at the adventure that lay before them in the form of a small black leather book.

Chapter 3

I took almost three days for Frost to awaken from his wounds and when the blackness finally gave away and vision returned to him, his unfocused gaze was met by a dark wooden roof. Confusion filled his mind as the world of sound suddenly rushed back into his head. Two men were arguing about something and there were strange noises coming from the other side of the room. Frost tried to turn his head to look at the two men but the pain plunged him back into darkness again.
Voices, floating far away, "�.is he dea�." " what about thi�." The voices eluded his ears and painful light hurt his eyes. One of the voices turned strange and words that soothed him to the soul came towards him through the mist as the pain receded once again. The voice came nearer and he knew that this was a voice that he recognised. But he couldn�t place a face next to it. Suddenly the pain was gone and his eyes could see again. Above him he could see the worried faces of Raijin and Eirik and Raijin was concentrating on some sort of spell.

Eirik pushed Raijin on the shoulder and Raijin opened his eyes and a smile came to his face when he saw that Frost was alive. "I thought we lost you there my friend, but the poison spell was fortunately very weak. But now you and Eirik have to leave before the cowled wizards show up." Eirik opened his mouth to protest but before he could let out a sound the room went dark and the air began to fizzle with magic energy." Too late!" Raijin turned around with a frantic look in his eyes as the familiar white sparkling circle of a transportation spell revealed itself in the centre of the room. Eirik and Frost didn�t move an inch as a man in dark brown robes appeared in the middle of the magical wheel. When the spell faded the cowled wizard pointed at Raijin. "You have breached the laws of our city, you are well aware that you have permission for minor spells only! Pray tell the nature of this trespass old Raijin!" Raijin threw a quick glance at Frost and said." My apologies dear wizard, I was forced to use magic to save this man here from certain death by a magical triggered poison. He was beset by shadow thieves and was wounded many times. Again I beg forgiveness." He fell silent and watched the robed man before him as he waited for his decision." It is clear that you acted with good intentions, but this is the last warning you will get from the council, old Raijin. One more trespass like this, and you will be brought before the council, and most surely will they send you to the asylum for your crimes. I will leave you now but beware and take heed, the art of magic is forbidden inside the walls of Athkathla!" As soon as he was finished he added a few mumbling words and lifted his right hand to make the movement required for another transport spell, within seconds he was gone and the room was dead silent. Eirik looked at Raijin, dumbfounded by the fact that it had really worked. He lied to a cowled wizard and got away with it. Raijin on the other hand couldn�t believe his luck. Frost looked at them both without understanding a thing, cowled wizards? Magic forbidden? This was a strange country indeed!
As the day went on Frost regained some of his strength and could actually sit with help from Eirik and Raijin.
Every time that the door to the shop opened both Raijin and Eirik looked at the door with hope in their eyes and every time it was just a customer, their disappointment was so apparent that the customers often left before long.
Every time that Frost tried to get their attention to ask them about their obvious worries they just waved their hands and mumbled as they gathered things on the desk in the large store room. A few hours later both Raijin and Eirik finally sat down and Frost took the chance to ask his questions. But before he could even open his mouth the door opened again, they all looked up expecting to see another customer. A rather short man with a dark almost black loose fitting shirt and dark loose pants came in the door. On his feet he wore dark leather boots, the only thing that wasn�t black was his cloak, it was instead a dark green that seemed to shift to match the surrounding brown wood. He had long brown hair that ended at the shoulders and his face was surprisingly soft for his apparent age. Both Raijin and Eirik gave up a cheer when they stood up to meet the man." Iceman! Finally, you have no idea how long we have waited to hear from you." Raijin said as he embraced the stranger. Eirik couldn�t hide his relief to see the man but managed a weak "Well you ceartainly took your time, didn�t you. You old rascal!" He said as he also embraced the man."I am glad to see you both as well, but we have much to discuss I�m afraid.
How fares your patient Raijin?" He stepped beyond Raijin and looked right at Frost, Frost could feel that this man was by far much more than the first impression gave. He was rather common looking in the face, easy to forget if you would pass him on the street, but his composure and especially his eyes showed his real strength. This was no man to trifle with, and his eyes showed traces of magic power." Greetings my friend, I am glad that you have awakened from your long sleep and I would like to introduce myself. I am Icharon Manil, But everyone calls me Iceman." Iceman gave a slight bow of his head to Frost who looked puzzled at the man standing before him. He couldn�t remember seeing him before, but then again he had been asleep for a long time."My name is Frost, I am pleased to meet you but I am also confused as to why Raijin and Eirik have been so anxious to see you again." Raijin walked up to Frost and reached out his hand to help him to his feet. "I think it is time for us to have a serious talk about our future." He said as he pulled Frost to his feet and the four companions headed for the stairs.
When they had finally settled around at a table in Raijin�s apartment Raijin took the liberty to speak first. "As we all know our dear new-found friend Frost here has brought with him a book in a very strange language but by which we have managed to conclude that the blade of eternity actually exist. As you were sleeping I took the liberty to contact Iceman here to help us out, since you asked for my assistance I thought it best to include Iceman in this operation as well." Raijin�s words took Frost by surprise, this was an unexpected reaction to his request for help, and especially to add another person without asking first. "Raijin, if I may?" Frost interrupted the Elf who was just about to continue. "I am glad that you have taken action when I was unconscious but I would prefer if you ask me about things like this before you go around telling people. After all it was me who decyphered the text and I would like to have some control of this "operation" as you so eminently called it." The three looked surprised at Frost, clearly not expecting this reaction. " Well, I acted as I thought best and if that has offended you I beg forgiveness." . "No offense taken, just ask me first will you, I know more than any of you do about this blade and I think I should call the shots if that is alright with you?" They all agreed and gave their consent. "If I may continue?" Raijin asked and looked at Frost. When he nodded Raijin continued. "As I was saying, was that I used to have some books about the subject but never paid them any heed before it was to late. A few weeks back they were stolen by a minotaur named Cortez, in the process he killed two of our closest friends, Snowstorm and Freezer.
"It is for that reason I have contacted Iceman, he is a professional mage and specialises in illusions and body enhancing spells, so he has been looking for Cortez these last four days. So Iceman, please tell us what you have found." Frost finally understood what he had seen in the man before, the magic inside this man was extremely powerful and he knew very well how to use them, he also understood the dark clothing and the colour shifting robe that Iceman was wearing." I have good and bad news my friends. The good news is that I have located both Cortez and his hideout up in a mountain range a few miles north of Athkathla. The bad news is that it is almost impossible to reach it unseen and it is heavily guarded. He has increased his band of mercenaries almost five fold since last we saw him, that makes it almost Fifty men and monsters of different races, he even has a few trolls and ogre�s in his little army. Any operation against him will be extremely difficult." Raijin and Eirik looked saddened by theis new information and sat silent brooding over their misfortune. Frost was the first to come with a suggestion. " Why can�t we look for a back door? All hideouts usually have one." Iceman shook his head in disagreement. "I�m sorry, but the only possible way in besides the main door goes through a heavily guarded pass on the northern side of the mountain range. The only thing we would accomplish by going in that way would be to give Cortez more time to prepare for intruders in his little nest."
"But we could go n if we were invisible and used a floating spell, couldn�t we?" Raijin asked. Again Iceman shook his head " They have magicians watching both entrances and scanning for magic, I had a hard time keeping myself concealed during my investigation." Raijin thought about that for a while but finally Eirik thought of something "Then we have only one alternative left, creating a diversion that draws both the guards and the magicians attention away from the door." They looked at the dwarf like he was mad but one after another they realised that this was the only way in, regardless how insane it sounded. They soon settled that this was the way to go and went on to figure out how to create this magnificent diversion.
In a long forgotten temple a dark shadow began to stir after centuries of sleep. It�s light absorbing form cast shadows all over the small room that once could have been the sleeping quarters of a monk or an abbot. But none of this mattered to the dark form, which after its long sleep was awoken by the sudden activity about the cursed blade. She could feel how the power returned to her limbs and her mind stretched out around the area, expanding its borders well beyond the walls of the old temple. The words about the blade came to her almost like the scent comes to the bloodhound and she felt her need to quench this sudden interest. As the sun set on the vast land of Amn more and more dark forms began to awaken in the dark temple, forms that spoke in an old and unrecognisable language.

Chapter 4

But as so many times before, the night gave away to day and the four companions continued their preparations. They had decided to try raising a mercenary army of their own by recruiting less than honourable persons from the city and around the villages. They decided to go by the lines of telling about Cortez hideout and the treasures stored there, then they continued to make it clear that any loot was for the taking except the three books and the map that they needed. They all knew it was extremely risky to go about it this way but it was the best idea they could come up with. " I still think that the risks of this information leaking out to Cortez and his mercenaries!" Eirik said as they were on their way down to the Copper coronet." But even if he would find out the actual attack is just a decoy, so much better if he prepares for it and sets all his strength at the attack that he knows of instead of the one he doesn�t, right?" Raijin answered."Well I guess you�re right, but I still don�t like it, too many variables that can go wrong." Eirik answered as they were just turning up the street were the Copper coronet�s entrance was.
When they approached they could see a group of people walking towards the door, and at first sight they were just common folk. But for the keen eyed it was easy to notice how almost all of the men were walking in pairs and with chains that bound them together. And that the men walking around the group were armed, and watched every single person who got close with angry eyes and alert bodies. "Let�s take a rest here before we enter, I have a feeling that we won�t be welcome right now." Iceman said when he had scanned the group. "Why? What is wrong?" Frost asked. "Those men up there at the entrance are slavers delivering goods to the Copper coronet, and they don�t like eavesdroppers when they do business." Iceman said as he sat down on an old rotten bench at the side of the street. The others followed his example but Frost was furious at this lack of human compassion. When they all sat down the struggle to keep beggars and pickpockets away from them was almost overwhelming on this hot day, it seemed like every single person in Athkathla was out this day. Street peddlers and charlatans all competed for the best places to work for the day and the slavers walked quietly and straight towards the door to the Copper coronet. When they reached the door one of the armed men went inside while the others waited impatiently. "This is the most crucial moment of the bargain, if the Copper is too crowded they have to take the slaves back to their hideout and wait until a messenger comes and gives a coast clear report." Iceman said quietly as they watched the large group of men as they waited. After what seemed like an hour but could only have been about twenty minutes the man came out and gave a quick nod and the group immediately began filing in through the door. "Okay five more minutes and then we�ll go after them" "How come you know so much about these slavers Iceman?" Frost asked when he had finally calmed down. "I had to work with them a couple of years back, but that was when I was an active member of the Harper�s." These news seemed to upset Frost even more. "You actually helped these vermin, these human trading scum?" He almost shouted as the other three tried their best to silence him, but Frost was not about to let this go. This insolent little magician would answer to him now. Iceman merely looked at Frost and said, "Like I said, that was when I was with the Harpers, I�m not very proud of that and it was one of the reasons I decided to stop working for them." Before Frost could answer Iceman turned around and started to walk towards the Copper�s door. Fortunately no one paid any attention to Frost�s outburst since aggression was quite common in the slums of Athkathla. They walked up to the door and went inside without further delay.
Inside the Copper Coronet the air was moist and smoke filled from the fires that burned just a few meters from the door. It was almost impossible to see anything due to the lack of sufficient torches to light up the large dark hall. At one of the back doors, they could see the slaver filing through in silence. Raijin laid a restraining hand on Frost�s arm when he clenched his fists. " Remember why we are here." Frost looked at him with an indignant look, still shocked that these people really could ignore the fact that slaves were being sold in front of their eyes. Suddenly Iceman walked away to the right and when the companions followed their eyes finally adjusted to the weak light. The main hall of the Copper Coronet was formed like a rectangle with about 30 meters long but only 10 meters wide. In the part near the door the fires burned and filled the room with even more smoke. And the other end was filled with tables and at the west wall there was a large desk where the bartender served food and drinks.

On the northern wall there were a few doors and stairs that led to the second floor. At the desk they could see Iceman speaking to a small and menacing looking man with dark long hair that looked like it hadn�t seen water for at least a couple of years. When they got closer they heard that Iceman was discussing their imminent attack on Cortez stronghold. The man looked back at Iceman with an amused look as he pondered the words that were spoken. " Yeah, I could spread the word. But, what�s in it for me then?" " Like I told you, any treasures found is for the taking, all we want is the three books and the map. And don�t even ask about that, you couldn�t decipher either the books or the map by yourself so to you they are useless." Iceman said and the man seemed somewhat discouraged by that fact. "Ok I will see what I can do, meet me back here in three days and I will probably have your "army" ready." Iceman gave the short man a nod and turned to his companions. " This will be easier than we thought, my friend Ivar McNab here has agreed to help us find the right people." With that he ushered the group back out towards the door again before anyone could voice a complaint.
They headed back to Raijin�s shop and decided to stay low for the next three days. Those three days were almost unendurable for the companions, they felt like three weeks at least. But finally on the afternoon on the third day a messenger delivered a note from Ivar McNab instructing them to meet him at the Sea Bounty tavern in the docks district. They gathered what few things they would need and headed towards the dock�s district. The Sea Bounty was a small building that looked like it was built into a large and broad staircase that connected the middle and the lower part of the dock�s, the whole district was built in three levels with large and small staircases that connected them.
The house itself was rather worn down and many a stories had been told about pirates and ghosts lurking in every corner. But the innkeeper, often called "The thumb" was a strict no nonsense man who always made sure that brawls and bloodshed were kept to the minimum. They entered the lower floor of the Sea Bounty where the actual tavern was and immediately saw Ivar McNab sitting at one of the tables in the middle of the room, looking so non-important that no one paid the least attention to him. That had always been one of Ivar McNab�s greater talents, to make sure that anyone but his customers and friends didn�t remember his face. Raijin and Frost went to sit with Ivar Mcnab while Eirik went to the bar to order some drinks to avoid suspicion. "What can you tell me old friend?" Iceman asked when they had greeted each-other. "Well, I must say that your idea had a good sales slogan. Sixty-five men came personally to one my agents and did all but sign their name on an official paper to be part of this operation, and if I am correct they will bring enough people to create a small army. It seems like this Cortez has made a lot of enemies in this city. But I must remind you my friend that this plan is the riskiest I ever laid my eyes on. The risk for spy�s and undercover agents from the council is almost at a hundred percent!" Ivar McNab said with a tone that made them wonder if he was amazed or amused. " I know, but this is the only chance we have to get to Cortez before he has a chance to sell any of the artefacts that we are after." Raijin replied. "Well, I have procured your army, now what?
"Well, the main part of the plan includes the army and a lot of shouting and noisemaking. And then we will try to sneak in the backdoor." " It is only a sketchy plan because I haven�t had the time to work something better out" Frost added in the pause that came after Iceman rather short version of what they had planned.
They all looked at him, a bit surprised that he had thought about it at all, Frost had until now kept a low profile and let them do the leading for the last few days.
"Anyway, tell the men to meet us six hours northeast of Athkathla in the small forest next to the old mine that used to be there." Iceman said and started to leave the table. Both Frost and Raijin started to speak up but seemed to change their minds before they had uttered a word. Just then Eirik was struggling his way back from the bar with three large mugs of mead, when he saw them he got an expression of surprise and disappointment. "Oh, you are finished already. I thought we could take a minute and, well, just enjoy!" He looked pleadingly towards each of them in turn and they finally agreed to take a few minutes break (since Eirik had already bought the beer and the chance that the Thumb would accept them back was preposterous of course!). Later that evening they walked back to Raijin�s shop and waited once again for the night to take it�s course and for the next day to arrive

The night was star filled and not a single cloud was in sight, the cool air kept most of the inhabitants of Athkathla indoors and only the noise of beggars and animals disturbed the otherwise perfect silence. Except for a small dark shadow that seemed to glide from building to building in the small streets of the Bridge district. The shadow hurried down the main street, passed the Five flagons inn, and past the merchants corner. There was no doubt where the shadow was heading, when it spotted Raijin�s shop it increased it�s speed and soon it had disappeared in the large shadow of the building that held Raijin�s shop. If only the city guard had been alert or if any of the companions had stayed awake, they might have spotted the shadow and sound an alarm. But the only one who saw anything was so slobbering drunk that he surmised that the alcohol was playing tricks with his mind. He paid no attention to it but concentrated on keeping his feet beneath him as he made his way home from the Five flagons, where he had spent one of his best birthdays ever. Suddenly the man was knocked to the ground by something hard that hit him in the back. He hit the ground hard and his face was cut badly by a brick that lay where he had landed. Dizzy and disoriented he tried to turn around and keep the world from spinning out of control. When he finally managed to look up the sight almost made him faint on the spot. Above him was the shadow, dark and menacing. It showed it�s teeth in a sickening grin before it slashed the man�s ribcage open with a powerful swing of it�s right arm. The claws disembowelled the man before he could scream and the shadow dragged him behind the building before it begun feeding.
The moon and the stars watched down on the gruesome end to the drunken man with cold indifference. If only someone had been close, if only����..
The shadow soon finished feeding off the corpse and continued towards its real goal. With ease the shadow passed the back wall and into the now dark and empty shop. It swiftly floated upstairs where it saw four silent forms sleeping, two in beds and two on the floor. It flew close to one of the forms and extended both claws towards the head. Slowly it touched the head as if searching for something. Suddenly it released a low purr of contentment when it found its target. Suddenly it grabbed the head and began to let itself flow into the body. Within seconds the shadow was gone and none of the forms had even noticed its presence.

Chapter 5

The next morning Eirik, Raijin Frost and Iceman woke early and immediately began preparing for their imminent journey. They were all nervous but still there was something that gave them confidence that this would work, no matter how crazy it sounded. They had agreed to meet Ivar McNab and the men a few hours before nightfall so that they could make a night assault on Cortez hideout. It will be to our advantage if they can�t see how many men there are, Iceman had told them and they all agreed. Surprise and confusion was their main advantage in the battle that was about to come. Still it might fail miserably since there was no real commander and no discipline in the "army" that Ivar McNab had helped them assemble. So their only way to ensure that they got what they came for was if they got to supposed treasure room where the maps and books should be.
Eirik spent almost half an hour to polish and check his armor and weapons as well as his belt, which he had made special to give ultimate access to his axe at any time. It looped around his waist and was connected to a leather belt that went over his left shoulder. So that when he travelled the axe was on his back, but with a flip with his left hand the axe swung down and around into his right hand so that all he had to do was open the loop that held the axe by the shaft. Eirik had always been proud of his design, which had actually saved his life a couple of times. When they were finished they checked their gear again before they headed out. No one had said a word since last night, they were all to concentrated on the task at hand. Both Iceman and Raijin spent most of the morning preparing and memorising spells from their spell-books. Frost spent an hour praying to prepare him mentally for the day to come.

When they left the shop, Raijin cast a lesser ward spell to keep thieves out before they headed towards the city gates. "What do you propose that we do when the attack begins?" Frost asked when they walked through one of the less crowded streets. "My main idea was that we would use spells to divert the regular guards attention and spell negating powers against any mage that might be guarding, I have tried a special combination that has been very effective to mislead mages during my travels." Iceman replied. Frost regarded him while he seemed to ponder the idea. "Wouldn�t it be better to let any archers take out the mages before we go in?" He asked after a few seconds. "That would probably work but then we risk both to get caught in the assault and that "our" people might get to the storage rooms before us." Iceman said as they passed north of the slums.
The streets got bigger and more people were walking beside them so they mentioned no more about the plans as they walked on towards the gates.
The sun stood high this day and clouds were sparse. The only relief in the baking heat was the brisk wind that rolled over the fields that surrounded Athakathla. When they had left the city�s smothering stench and crowded streets behind they turned north on the large road that lead towards the ***********-mountain range. The wind got even cooler as they reached the small river that floated down towards Athkathla and they took a pause while they donned their travelling cloaks before continuing north. There were hundreds of people going both towards and from the city of coin but no one paid any attention to the small band of travellers even though they were walking instead of riding horses or carts.
The road became less and less populated as the hours of the day seemed to melt away as they continued further north and now a little east towards the holdings of Baron De�Arnise. The Baron had a reputation of being a good landlord and a fair businessman so the villages that they passed were all in good condition and the people were friendly, even to strangers they gave greetings and wished a good journey.
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