History of the BORG on BG2

Borg was started by ex-TC members, TC being the first Baldurs gate 2
clan.  A person considered a "Borg" member must have must have had access to the Borg Yahoo group.  Those who were let in during Borg's
brief disbanding are not listed as they were not let in by Locutus or
by commitee and where not a part of the Yahoo group. Borg_Locutus made the clan and was immediatly joined by Tannariss and Methusulan and Potenticus.  According to Borg_X-Unknown "Me and Tannariss and Locutus all had our own BG2 editing websites.  so we just got together
and formed this clan to duel and edit together, and to share ideas.
we had no 'leader' and we decided things by comittee"  thus was the beginning of Borg.  Borg has had periods of dormancy due to it�s always low member count, but has always been the strongest and most elite clan in BG2 since it�s inception.  Reading it�s member list, you might as well be reading a list of the best BG2 players in mplayer and GSA history.  Borg was the first true elite clan, and has always been difficult to get into.  Even more so in the later days when Borg�s policy became insurmountable�you had to defeat a Borg member.  None have made Borg since that rule has been put in place.  This alone speaks for the elite nature of Borg.

Borg member dateline (as recorded by the dates on the yahoo group for membership)

05/??/2000- Locutus, Methusulan, X-Unknown, Potenticus, Tannariss start Borg

??/??/2000- Assasian and Crypticus join Borg

1/??/2001 Omniscient, Bilknight join Borg

3/20/2001- Kaos joins Borg

3/??/2001- Omniscient removed from Borg

5/01/2001- Hyp3 joins Borg, Bilknight retires

5/03/2001- Encryption joins Borg

5/05/2001- Krank joins Borg

5/19/2001 Encryption retires

5/24/2001- Sithlord joins Borg

6/22/2001- Damon Joins Borg

7/03/2001- FlashRam Joins Borg

7/23/2001- Myrkul joins Borg

8/18/2001- Myrkul, Hype, Krank and Damon voted out of Borg.

Here are words on the most noteworthy and skilled members of Borg and Borg�s past

Borg_Locutus (aka Errtu)-
A famous editor of extreme skill who ran a very popular customization website.  He was the founder of Borg, and the major reason it ran so well and was so successful.  Not many people can make a clan that all the best will join, and not only that, but badly want to join.  this is what Locutus did with Borg.  He made the best and most desireable to join clan in BG2.  And had the vision tocreate the first and one of the only true elite BG2 clans.  Locutusis mostly known for his scripting skills, which would still be consideredup to date and powerful even today, over a year since they've been made. Few names if any loom as large in BG2 as Borg_Locutus.

Borg_X-Unknown (aka DonPC1)-
Considered to be in the top five hacked duelers of all time, and also one of the greatest legit duelers  as well.  Most consider him "the greatest". X-Unknown has devised more powerful tricks for dueling then any other editor in mplayer and GSA history.  He was the first to script in duels,the first to make a controlled creature, and use him in battle with a script. and is also the best hexer in Borg.  His Ieep skills are in thetop three of all time in Borg as well, and his scripting skills have always been the very best in Borg in terms of Dueling.  He is also the founder of Vamp.

Considered  to be in the top five hacked duelers
of all time, considered the very best by some. Methusulan was a very
intelligent and arrogant hacker in true Borg style.  Few ever defeated
Meth, and his skills as a hacker remain the stuff of legends.  He was
known as one of the greatest hexers ever and a supreme editor.  His items
spells and cutscene's are the stuff of legend.

Considered to be in the top five hacked duelers of all time,Kaos was one of the most popular and powerful Borg members ever.  Veryinfluential, his words in Borg carried great weight, and the clan lookedto him several times for guidence in crucial situations.  Kaos took thereins of Borg and set order many times.  Borg owes it's survival to Kaos.Kaos was mostly known as a Dueler and the greatest Pker of all time.He is famous for beggifying his newbie opponents before subjecting themto death.  Kaos is very well liked as well.  Kaos's most stand out BG2skill was his Spell making.  He made the best spell ever made for BG2,and is considered the games finest spell editor.

Tannariss is one of the legends of BG2 and perhaps the
greatest item maker ever.  Tannariss was an old cagey and clever dueler who was always up for a fight, and who rarely lost. Tannariss is one of the
most respected and liked people in the BG2 community.  Active in TeamBG
help forums as an IEEP expert and Moderater, and running the best customization site on the web. Tannariss has always helped the community first, spending time to make people items on request and such for free.  A true class act who is respected by all.  Tannariss is also well known for leading and founding Venom, one of the greatest and now longest lasting BG2 clans of all time.  Tann goes down as one of the classic leaders of BG2.

Considered  to be in the top five hacked duelers of all time.   He is most known for being one of the most creative hacked duelers ever by coming up with unique and overkill tricks for dueling. He used two tricks to become the best hacked dueler of his day, the  invisible cre and the untargetable cre.  FlashRam was only beaten by Borg_X-Unknown the whole time he was Borg up to the point I write this, and he joined the clan over a half a year ago.  In his time he was the best there was.  He is also well known for leading Vamp, BG2'smost hated and notorious clan.  FlashRam was also well known as the greatest of all clan killers, and is considered BG2's best clan leader.

Considered to be in the top five hacked duelers of all time.
Sithlord is respected by all as one of the very best and most creative.
Sithlord was one of the first few to start using scripts in BG2, and
for that he is best known. His skills with graphics in scripting and
in the use of spells in scripts is by far superior to all others.  He
was also the originator of many well known and clever tricks for dueling.
He also was the first to figure out how to make Import sounds during
creation of character in Multiplayer, a noteworthy acheivement.  Sithlord
was the best dueler on BG2 for sometime.  He was famous as the Tormentor
or Soulz, a character he made up to torture the newbie clans.  Sithlord
is as bright as they come, and a relentless worker.   

from Borg X_Unknown: "Assasian and me worked alot together,
and he was really clever.  he was a military guy and would come off work
and really bust ass on hacking.  He came up with stuff really quick too.
he was one of the best of his day."

A supreme scripter, and the maker of The Darkest Day,
it really is true that few people have the all around knowledge of teh
infinity engine that Potenticus has.  He is flat out one of the best
editors of the engine ever.  Not known as a dueler, his scripts were
very complex and extraordinary nonetheless.

In his day one of the very top hackers, Omniscient went from the top of power to fall greatly in the end.  Omniscient was the first and only person to betray Borg, as he did to LoD by giving out Borg secrets to his other clans members.  Omniscient also aided in the defacing of Borg�s first site,  because he knew the password to the forum and guessed that the site pass was the same.  Overtime, Omni started many anti Borg clans, all being badly defeated.  Omni was finally forgiven after much heart felt apologizing and some hard work for the Borg, and let into a Borg ran clan Vamp.  He now services the Borg, though is no longer amoung the elite and has not been since Mplayer.  Omni was an above average scripter and dueler overall, with much knowledge of the engine.

A bulldog of a dueler, and supremely loyal Borg member, was also the 2nd in command of the powerful Venom clan.

-Submitted by X-Unknown, Sithlord, FlashRam and Omniscient

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