CA: Caster Alliance:

A boy named Irenicus was thinking about making a clan together with his friend BLack Mage the made the Holy Mages (HM) the clan startet out real good many people joined after 3 weeks we hade more then 50 members but then things startet to go bad.
we stil hadden got a site and many members were offline only about 10 members were realy online but we stil went on with the clan and we soon made a site after a week ore 2 evry thing went good we gotten new members and we made many friends but then BORG came
the wanted a war with us but we wurent ready we stil needed to train our members and make divisions.
after talking to other clans and trying to make peace BORG canseld the war but it was already to late for HM the clan was as good as dead many members din't even knew about the war becaus the were offline and the clan died quikly
after the death of HM irenicus and Black Mage made there own clans
Irenicus made the CW and Black Mage made CA

Together with a few friends Black Mage made a new clan but not just a Normal clan but an alliance between clans that clans join the CA and that the will be protectet in wars.
in the beginning 2 clans joined AoTSC and SotC and the remeanings of HM
after a few weeks many clans joined KNT SW PW
evry thing was doing great the site was finist and we gotten more and more clans in CA
but then our site got hacked evry thing on the site got deletet the only thing we found was a message from the hacker the said that Vamp has hacked CA and declared war one CA
but after talking to a few Vamp members and Flas5hRam we hurd it wasn't treu the denide evry thing.
there wasn't mutch CA could do going to war with Vamp is suiside becaus the would call in the help of BORG so we lettet it rest and startet rebuilding CA again
CA is nowe stil mostley inactive and we don't recrute not yet we await for NWN becaus the only people you find in the BG2 lobby who want to join are N00Bs

-Submitted by Black Mage

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