Creslyn, Rabain

Creslyn first arrived on the Baldur's Gate scene about 1 month after BG2 was released. He wandered through Mplayer with little knowledge of what all those funny  letters in front of peoples names meant, content with merely enjoying playing the game with others of like mind. It soon came to his attention that it would be easier to enjoy gaming if it was possible to regularly keep in touch with the people you were playing with, and this lead him to start looking a little more closely at all those people with the odd names. After a month or so of surreptious questioning he decided to join a clan called the White Knights of the Gate, as they seemed to share his (then) views on gaming. While not a large or powerful clan, he made some good friends during his time with them, some of whom he is happy to claim as friends even today. Unfortunately, as with many other clans, WK did not survive the move from Mplayer to GSA, and Creslyn once more wandered seemingly aimlessly through the gaming wilderness that is GSA, making new friends, and missing others who had disappeared. Eventually he found a new home with some of his old friends who had joined what was perhaps at the time the most powerful clan around, Venom. He spent the next year or so quite happily gaming, learning more about the infinity engine, and making new friends both in Venom and other clans. After a time he parted amicably with Venom and once more took up his wandering ways, only to be drawn to a mysterious place called Lokkidon, a dream carefully tended by the Anti Pikey Revolution community. He remains there to this day, aiding them in their task as best he can in the hopes of seeing that dream flourish.
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