Death at Hand

Well It all started Back in 1986 (when I was born) I was practically brought
up by a computer that�s really how I got involved in this.  Well anyways
skipping to the year 1998.  My friend went on raving to me about this great
game Baldur�s Gate so I go what the hey and I brought it, and passed it. At
that time I had knowledge of the game but I didn�t really know what was
behind it (the infinity engine and the d20 rules) so I was relatively a n00b.
I found BG1 to be probably my favourite game ever and decided that
RPG's are my favourite type of Game to play so from then on I brought
and copied a lot of RPGs (First person shooters and RTS games tied
second).  Well Ill Skip down to 2000 Where I heard of BG2 coming out so I brought a collectors Edition of BG2 (it was pretty crap extras apart from the extra store), I got hooked to the game and passed it a few times and decided to play it as multiplayer I logged on to MPLAYER to my surprise there were only a few people on there and weren�t interested to play with a N00B.  I continued for a week or two until I gave up. I stopped playing BG2 (multiplayer) for a little while, then I gave multiplayer one more chance, this time I managed to play a few games with other N00B's for a while then I was forced to change to GSA, wow big whop, until later you find out all theses little bugs and errors and it lags your 56k modem as well which is bad.  So after I came on to GSA after the next few days or so I found a room Clan Recruiting and I thought about clans for other games like CS, Tribes 2 etc. and I thought it wasn�t such a bad Idea.  So Anyway I met BKBLAZE and he let me join his clan. The clan wasn�t a bad idea, but there wasn�t many members in the clan (6 or so) so then I decided to help out and make a room to recruit people in to the clan.  After that I recruited lots of members to the clan and I got a promo.  Then we made our first alliance with WoD a new clan as well.  After a while I said why not make me co-leader (I enticed him with a proposal for a better website, the fool brought it.  I couldn�t bother to make it but I did later, (twice)). So the clan grew and I found out more about the BG2 community and the people that it contained.  Time went by and eventually WoD died.  Then we made a L_W Army for duellers in case of a war.  It trained members to duel and fight our clan wars.  Boomer became leader of AL_W and Drkelf a high ranking member.  After BLAZE decided to leave all of a sudden as he wanted to pursue editing.  Boomer was appointed co-leader with me, after a few fights with members and me and boomer having different ways of approaching stuff he decided to resign and let Drkelf become leader.  It was fine for a while nothing much happen, all was calm but out of nowhere BORG_FLA5HRAM accuses Drkelf for verbally attacking one of his clans (VAMP).  At this time I wasn�t concentrating on any N00B clan or any events it was laid back for me.  I didn�t really comment during the entire argument, until Drkelf made an apology and everything went back to usual.  He later resigned as leader and let Dragons Bane be the co leader with me.  He left the clan for a week or so only to return due to the power we awe (hehe).
I and my clan have prospered for probably the longest a clan has ever prospered in the BG2 Community.  The only reason that our clan has lived so long is the sense of community among us.  The path is still long for the clan and I, we may take some action to show ourselves to more in the BG2 community, maybe a clan war, but one thing is for sure we will dominate in the Upcoming Game NWN.  Stay Tuned for our Clans Adventures.  For now my history is complete.
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