Drk Elf:

Drk Elf is a man with great knowledge. He has experience in the BG2 lobby. Tough, he is not too loyal.

I came onto the BG2 scene in June during school vacation he started of b being a L_W lackey mor ehten amember not reallyhaving a rank. Hehad the rank of Trainee fr about a week dring which time he became close friends with Boomer who was gaining power and influence. When the army was created Drk was given AL_W3 status. When decapitated left both Drk and Bane were promoted to AL_W2 Drk was also given L_W5 as an official rank making perhaps the largest single skip in rank in clan history. During these eriod of time Drk was the Golden child, he was friends with all L_W he would always be kew and chill then play for fun etc.etc. Soemtime during this period of time Drk and Boomer noticed Sheik had a BOTE tag on, not knowing what this as they accussed him of betraying L_W. They later found out that BOTE was L_W's first sub-clan, this outrage caued sheik's resignaton and the loss of what might have been a great leader. Anyways te army soon became obsolete and was disbanded. Blaze left and boomer took his spot a L_W1, there was avote between Drk and Bane for L_W2 and Drk won it after a rousing speech in these very forums. A full scale war was risign when the power hungery Boomer tried to remove death as L_W1, it ended up with a vote for either Boomer and Drk to stay or Death and Slayer seeing how slayer was death's biggest supportter. After realizign that unification was t only way to win SLayer and Drk united in UL_W(Unified L_W) demanding that both leaders shared equal power. This upset boomer and was followed by a series of threats by him,neithe rDrk nor Slayer backed down. This drove boomer mad and he left. laze returned shortly thereafter and upon Boomer's request Drk was made and L_W1 Blaze left again and oon a verbal and political war was in swing between Borg and L_W and in the center of this viscious war of attrition was of course The Drkone. I lost much popularity during this battle and had gone ito a tailspin. After a bad business plan in which i didn't tell slayer until it was tro late causing him to get upset with me. He strted and Anti-drk campaign. I resigned my L_W1 position to him. He gave it up to Bane. I started Dg with Mistdragon andeventually Left L_W after a series of miscumminitcations between faction leaders. I am currently still very active with L_W events and await to see the future of this clan waiting to get bck in and helkp it regain it's former infamy.

-History submitted by Drk Elf

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