In the Ancient Chronicles of IHG is written:
“To understand how it came to be that our noble Institute was founded you must understand what drove our creator. In a time when hero’s of legendary proportions still roamed Fearun, Zentranor the Wise was already renowned even in the smallest outskirts and the tiniest hamlets. Many an adventure did he undertake, and many foul evils did he slay.

But the warrior grew wary of adventures, and in him came the urge to settle down. But adventure was, and would always be, in his blood. What was he to do?

He traveled through the most desolate places in Fearun. He crossed the desert known as “The Anvil of the Sun� to speak to ancient dragons, and he withstood the harsh winds of Icewind Dale to ask the advice of the wisest of hermits.
But still he had no answers.

Then it came to be that he met a young adventurer. He spent some time with this adventurer, and he found that he enjoyed answering the young lads questions about his own adventures

Soon he was so absolved in teaching the adventurer everything he knew, that he had forgotten all about his quest. More adventurers joined him, and that was the beginning of IHG.

So written in the Ancient chronicles told and translated by Corwinius Maximus (ps it has a virus so have virus scanners on)
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