
I entered the World Of GSA in May 2001 with the nickname of Isildur. After 2 days I met Octavian(Iuvatar) who helped me a lot with the clans saying good words about me. In those days he was the Co-Emperor of HE(High Empire).Then I saw a clan called LW(Legit Warriors). I wanted to join it, so 1 of their members tested me. It was LW_Dragon's Bane, who said I was accepted in LW. So I sent an email, and I was waiting for some days, but got no replies. After that delay, I decided to join Octavian's clan, HE. He accepted me and he gave me the rank of the ensign. So my first steps in the GSA BG scene were made with the help of Octavian and HE.
In HE I made a lot of friends, such as HE_Kaleron, HE_Osiris, HE_Shaddiz, HE_Nazgul, HE_Capricornus, HE_Quar,who it was me that recruited him and he became my best friend these days, but unfortunately I don't see him anymore,  HE_Rambothing, HE_Zaknafein, HE_Tiberius, HE_Xavior333, HE_KensaiDeity and others(sorry for the guys I have forgotten). I also made a lot of friends from other clans like WoD, KBG, SD, LW, EA.
When I finally met Capricornus, we became very close friends and after some time I asked him to be the webmaster of the HE site. He told me and some other guys to design a new site and he promoted us to the rank of lieutenant and he gave us a special name, Imperial Guards. But after some time that idea failed, as the HE changed name in July the 3rd from High Empire to United Galactic Republic. Some members didn't like that idea and left, but some others remained. Then HE_kaleron created a clan with some other former HE persons. But it didn't last for long as they were merged up with the UR. In UR I got a big promotion. Capricornus made me webmaster and he gave me a better rank. I was designing images for the site, and that's why capricornus suggested me to an other allied dude [EN]Sonic_HSC(aka Memorex. I made him some images, but unfortunately his clan was destroyed some days later.Then he joined LW, with the name of LW_Dark_Memorex and we became very close friends. The life in UR was ok, we were making a lot of alliances and we had no enemies. Even SD was allied with us. Untill one day when VAMP_Abyss with the name of Capricornus tricked me and I gave him the pass of the site and he made me to declare war on VENOM. I was confused, i didn't know what to do. Then I asked URS_Kaleron for a  piece of advice and he told me to do whatever "Capricornus" told me. After these situations, a big crisis striked UR. All the members were leaving and finally UR collapsed.
Then I left UR and had a proposition from SD Cortana to join SD. I was pleased and flattered by that propositon and ofcourse I accepted. But my staying in SD didn't last long, beacuse the real Capricornus had returned and said he had been away on vacation before the whole trick started. Then he told me to come back in UR, and after some thought i decided to leave SD and return to UR. That decision didn't sound good to the SD members but i couldn't stay there. Capricornus promoted me to the rank of Senator for my loyalty. Then me and Capricornus were making a lot of efforts to bring UR back to the Elite. In the meantime UR_Nazgul, created a clan called T9R(The Nine Riders), in which all the ex-UR members have gone. The clan was very active and good, which really soon became one of the elite legit clans in GSA. Me and Capricornus were desperately trying to strengthen UR, we were always recruiting noobs, except one good recruit UR_Thorin, who really helped us. Finally Capricornus disbanded UR, and he said he will return when NWN comes out.
After the fall of UR I joined several clans. The first clan I joined was T9R, with leader the ex-UR senator, T9R_Nazgul. I must admit I had a good time there, but I left when Rhodry(Iluvatar) asked me for help with his clan RS(Order Of The Rusty Skull) (this action dissapointed Nazgul but Rhodry needed my help more than T9R, at least Nazgul told me that I will be welcome every time I feel to come back in T9R) . Rhodry gave me the rank of co-leader. After some weeks in GSA without seeing Rhodry or other members I decided to leave and join another clan.
I decided to join LW. I discussed it with LW_Slayer and he said he will do whatever he could to give me a good rank. Then he asked Boomer(he was leader that time), who was online, and he gave me the seventh rank, because, like Boomer said, he knew me and I would become a good member. Over the time I made all the LW clanmates friends, but I became very close friends especially with these dudes: LW_Slayer, LW_Rakarth, LW_Death_At_Hand, LW_Dragon's Bane, LW_Raging Taurus, LW_Kikazz(who I don't see anymore), LW_Loviatar, Boomer(sorry for the guys I forget)...I was promoted in ranks pretty quickly for my assistance in LW. I joined the LW_NWN project(which will rock).
Now, I am in the LW council, I am a respected person and these things, believe me, really please me and I can see I have suceeded something in my virtual life in GSA and in LW.
I'm bloody looking forward to NeverWinter Nights.
If you want information about the LW NWN project visit the following address:

P.S:I have never changed my name
P.S:As you can see, I didn't use any dates, but that's why i don't remember any. I only used 1, because I came across it.

E-mail: [email protected]
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