King, Adom:

It all started a month before Mplayer colapsed!!!! I was a complete NEWBIE!! My favorite questions were : How can i enter a room? Where can I get a patch? Why cant I join any games? !!!!!!!!!!!!! My first nick was Adom355 
After a week or two , I got bored of cooperative games and chating, and decided to try myself in a duel!!!!! One day, I have entered BWCs room and tryed to make them MAD!!!! Thats how i earned myself a first �DUEL� actualy a first butkicking!!!!
BWC_FreakFang and Npace7 decided to step over a newbie  , and thought what they r my first VICTIMS , poor silly Adom355!!!!! Actualy I won my first duel against Npace7 , but then I got torn apart by FrekFang for about 20 times in a row!!!
Then in a week or so Ive decided to join my first Clan DIN, and became DIN_Adom.
I was a lucky sonofabitch, and a happy member of DIN clan  . But it lasted for a toooo short time!!!!!!!!Cos Mplayer colapsed a week after  (I thought its just a Tech problem in da Mplayer system ).
After a month of Offline life , Ive decided to return into Virtual life!!!! And just then I tried to login to Mplayer, i saw a message: �Hey you Mplayer mother fuckers, click HERE for news!!!�
Thats how I apeared in GSA- GaySAss system. As you can imagine DIN_Adom was shocked, and became KING!!!
Then in a few days I saw a lobby saying: LegitWarriors recruiting! There was only one man in it!!!! Yes you smart son of a bitch!!(jk) It was Blaze!!! He offered me to join, but i had to tyake some kind of exam , it was a duel, I kicked his ass in it  ,and he said: Your good enough to be in da clan , WELCOME!( or smth like this) Thats how i became a proud member of LEGIT WARRIORS!!!!!!
In a week or so life became sweet , L_W were growing, such giants as Sheik , Bane and Death � joined our clan.I became {L_W4}King and was Lucky, happy, proud son of a bitch!!!!!!! And when SHEIK and KRANK agreed to help me with duels(became my teachers) I reached NIRVANA!! LOL
Then one day everything colapsed!!!! Life became HELL!!!( but its another story  ,ask me if you wish).
KING was offline for about 2 months , but noe im back to kick ass!!!!!!
And anyway im still a proud member of L_W!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats all folks  to be continue��..
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