Echaxe/Duncan/Uhl Belk/Stiehlen/Octavian/Rhodry/Annern/Iluvatar:

Echaxe visited Mplayer the first time around the new year of 2001. That was a few months/weeks befor the Mplayer-GSA change. Echaxe was then a newbie, and had nothing else in his thought than playing. He didn�t even know there were clans in the lobby! So, there was one day. Echaxe was visiting a room named �R talks about the old times in the realms�. In the room, he found two other persons, chatting. One was named SEMEN_Ceramo, and the second was named HE_Robin. Echaxe listened to the chat, that soon turned out to a tale, told by HE_Robin. He told the two newbies, Echaxe and SEMEN_Ceramo about the High Empire clan, and how it fell by the hand of the MTP.  HE_Robin told them that mainly, it was the clan BWC who had  destroyed the HE, but BWC was in the MTP. SEMEN_Ceramo and Echaxe were so angry after hearing this that they, blinded of their hate, started a new clan dedicated to destroy BWC. Echaxe found a name for it, Assassins Blade. The AB didn�t go very well, it was the newbies first clan tough. Echaxe started up by teasing the BWC members in the lobby. Sometimes he got in trouble, but never anything serious. Then Phoenix joined the clan, and he changed the clan name to FF. Echaxe changed his name then too, to Duncan. The clan stood till Mplayer merged to GSA.Then Duncan became inactive for some weeks. But he returned, and he remade AB. There he recived a very good friend, Gotenks411. But AB fell soon, and Gotenks became inactive. But Duncan stayed in the lobbies, chatting. He stopped playing. He also changed his name again, to Uhl Belk. Then he was picked up by a guy named EA_Zentranor and made to the leader of LA, the EA subclan. Uhl Belk lead this clan with success and recruited many members, mostly newbies but they were trained up to veterans. Uhl Belks goal as a leader was to become a member of EA, that time. So, he left the clan in the hands of the second leader, Ultimego. But, instead of asking to join EA, he sent a mail to Phoenix. He convinced him to return and remake HE, with Uhl Belk as a Co-Leader. And the plan succeded. HE was remade, and Octavian, as Uhl Belks new name was because Phoenix didn�t like his other new name, Stiehlen who he only have had in some days then, was ranked Co-Emperor. In HE he had a succesful carreer. But HE was a hated clan, from it�s past. And Octavian often had in his thoughts to leave the clan and make a new one. When HE was merged to UR, Octavian left the clan with a stupid excuse. It was because he wasn�t listed up on the UR roster yet. Octavian joined the L_W clan, but he left very soon. Octavian changed name to Rhodry. Rhodry then stayed free for a moment, some days. He then worked as a spy for KNT once, and met a girl named Burcu. Burcu and Rhodry worked on a spy mission together and they soon had a relationship, more than just friends. Rhodry made a new clan, named Order of the Rusty Skull, that was after he had failed to make a clan named Order of the Sacred Torch. RS, Order of the Rusty Skull, acctually survived for a while, but Rhodry saw its fall came, and he almost fixed a merg between KNT and RS. This was almost succeded, but the KNT members protested and Rhodry got a really bad reputation between the KNTs. His arroganse and proudness kept him away from a friendship with the KNT members. But, for Burcu, he did excuse himself, and he became friends with mostly of the KNTs. After that, Rhodry kept away from the clans, except from he joined VENOM that time. But, Rhodry concidered himself as free. He got a lot of new friends, powerfull friends. And at last he joined a clan named PW. In PW he made a breaktrough, he got so many powerfull friends that he concidered himself a veteran, after than 9 months of activity on Mplayer and GSA. He then saw what a newbie really was. Rhodry changed name to Annern when he was in PW. When PW was destroyed Annern stayed free for a moment. He was still in VENOM. Then he joined the Dragon community, inlegal tough. The rules said his char was of too low level, but he never told the Dragon leader, and he stayed. Then he changed his name to Iluvatar. And Iluvatar rejoined L_W. He was there appointed to be a libarian, and to make this Library. Isildur, a good friend from UR and L_W, helped him with the website. There was acctually a lot trouble in L_W, more trouble than in UR. The leadership was not clear. Shei�Shador and Myrkul wanted to destroy L_W, and they were Iluvatars friends. He would have followed them, but L_W never got destroyed. And Iluvatar stayed in L_W. He worked on his library, it was his lifework. The BORG didn't agree to their history, and they sent him a new one. A true one. His library went forward.

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