Mist Dragon:

I first got on GSA in the beginning of summer vacation. I joined with a clan called SK and was automatically the leader of it.Things went well and we recruited many and one of which is my pal Rakarth. Another person in there was the infamous Drizzt that infiltrated L_W. Bob and other applied but were rejected seeing as how one day we found out the leader used hacks and I disbanded them. At this same time I was with a peaceful Dragon guild where I got my name. After the disbanding of SK I went to a clan called ST(Shadow Thugs not Thieves) and they were a hacking clan from what I heard so I left soon after. This was at the same time that Bobjim was making ST(Shadow Thieves) and Drizzt joined it. Rak went to WoD and I went with him. It wasn't a very active clan but it gave me a chance to see Drizzt's plan unfold firsthand. I had heard there was a "war" between ST and L_W which I'm still not sure what about and Drizzt decided one day to infiltrate which he did and was later caught. I later left WoD seeing as how no members besides me and Rak where ever on. I was talking to Rak one day and he told me about this cool clan that he joined so I came and checked it out and then joined L_W. I was then really getting into spying. I infiltrated a soon be-ally of L_Ws and was soon after caught because I didn't know much of what I was doing. I got pretty good at it and infiltrated at an automatic high rank in some growing clans such as Of_Helm. Soon after I left GSA for a period of time to play D2 and got into it. I came back shortly after. I got to the rank of L_W and then things heated up. A war sparked up with BORG and I fought Fla5h and Kaos with words and on the game. I got no where and some issues sparked up so I left L_W and joined a newb clan called LD. Then I left BG2 completely and later came back again. Then more issues sparked up and Drk made DG which I am a Lieutenant in.
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