Monkey Men of the Hill (MM)

You certainly ask you why a so odd name?
Well it represent well what their leader is.
MM are a clan with a so complicated story.
They were first a legit clan but then they
became a little hacked to be able to win
some wars like BWC did. We couln't say if
they are a powerful clan or not because it
changed a lot and will certainly change again. One thing is sure, if you wanna join them, be ready for insults coming from everywhere. MM aren't really appreciated. They don't have a good organization either. But they still succeeded to become powerful once. They are like the clan everyone attack when they don't have anything else to do. They are master in insulting. But they still had a good side. They were often making parties and in that time they were the only ones but right now LL also do it and so does BWC, sometimes both together.
The MM story started not long after the beginning of BWC. They were at frst only a simple little clan with an odd name so both GK and BWC didn't care about them at all. But they were growing becuase they were always recruiting and sometimes even with both room at a time. They gew fast but their problem was that not all of them were active players, so in reality, they were like two at a time in the whole lobby, not more. Because this clan (especially their leader MM Hatghar) liked more to talk about anything that taking any sides in GK and BWC war, people were hearing more of them and wanted to join them even if they had no organization. We must not forget that even if HE were their enemy at that time, they weren't enough strong to declare war officially. When BWC were about to win against GK, they saw another clan coming in the game. Because MM were thinking themsleves better than BWC (BWC have a strong sense of honor), they began to duel. But the war between them was never official during all theur existence, this was just little guerrillas. But suddently, MM began to be a little weaker and now not everyone wanted to join them. Maybe it was because of the BWC and MM insults taking place in the main lobby. And also because BWC had always the best arguements. There was also the fact that the little duels between BWC and MM were always won by BWC. But their leader didn't gave up. He tried to allied with all new coming clans.He succeeded with a new legit clan that needed back up to survive called The Sacred Dragons (SD) and also with the TC a little later when they had their little war with BWC. But all that didn't lasts long. Serial bad events made them fall. First, the rebel LL were leaving the clan to ally with BWC. But they were knowing all good information on the MM. Then, the war between BWC and TC stopped and they allied. MM couln't do anything against the TC, they were too good hackers and the LL were prepared and backed up by the mighty BWC. What could be worse for them? Well, the HE were still there with their secret war with MM. A spy of them called Marc infiltrated their ranks ad he even became the webmaster. I ti didn't take long that a day, all the website was gone !! Nost MM left after this. They were about 20 to 25 before all these bads events happened and they were left with 3 members. They declared forfit. MM were no more. But it didn't take long that Hatghar was there once moe with his follow Huntero. They started the clan again, but they were weaker. BWC let them a change to grow a little, but this never happened. MM tried to declare war to LL not long after but BWC were there again with LL. At the same time, there were still some new rebel in MM ranks. This time, they were SH, a new clan. They did exactly as the LL did and then the MM were left alone once more, but this time, Huntero left too and joined BWC. Hatghar remained alone.
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