
When Outcast started he had the same name as he still has today and that is Outcast.
He started playing Bg2 in april of 2001 but got the internet only on the middle of
july where his adventure starts in that days GSA was already here.He started as a little nOOb
looking around the lobbies and looking on websites where he found Shadow Keeper aka
SK and started editing.After meeting a few people he decided making a clan with one
of his friends Monkey_King which was properly named Monkey Clan of Dead(some peeps
sad its desctruction) in short MCoD.Outcast was not Outcast{MCoD} and was the leader
of the MCoD besides Monkey_King{MCoD}.The clan went ok for 2 weeks till some peeps
just started leaving what wasnt so suprisable cz MCoD didnt have a good site yet and
not many members were online much.After MCoD was disbanded Outcast was freelance but
not for long because one of his friends was in FAA(Faerun Adventuresrs Allience) and
soon became a very loyal member and well respected but a little to late...The leader
of FAA and a good friend of Outcast {FAA}Lucifer left the clan for still sort of unknown
reasons.After that it was kinda freelance again and he had some encounters with
VAMP_Necrodius from there on he respected him.After 2 or 3 weeks more and more
KNT were online so he checked them out,though only 3-4 ppl were in KNT at the time
he joined them and got some ranks quicly.A few of the members and leaders became his
good friends and all of them were legit.In a game 1 week after he joined KNT he
met a guy called BORG_DAMON and after his fantastic show he asked him how?!?
He answered IEEP,IDU,ISE and stuff.... The same day Outcast went looking for that
and found a great site...Teambg and quicly D/L the programs.First of it was hard
but after a few weeks quite decent spells and items came out...also some bad scripts
but it was something.With Months his skills grow and so does the clan though some
spies(example Archer{KNT}Sam was VAMP_Morticia)...But sudenly Outcast went out for
a month for tehncal trouble and when he came back realised the warlord the leader of
KNT wasnt online anymore.That wasnt the only missing link...some key members were
missing too so actions had to be taken,thats why Master{KNT}Artemis and now
Archmage{KNT}Outcast took everything into control...KNT and Outcast  recoved
while Outcast sort of retired from dueling exept for testing and fun.......
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