Jason Haritou

Former guitarist and backing singer... Jason left the band in late August 2001 due to him leaving Teesside to go to Uni in Leeds. If he is ever back when we have a gig, Jason will be welcome to join us on stage!
  • Jason is a quality guitarist who helped us out a great deal especially when we got Lee to leave. The band had been looking for a second guitarist for a while and Jason impressed Henry and Sally with his guitar playing skills and his ability to do backing vocals, so he was the obvious choice. He settled into things really well - it was as if he had been in the band since the begining which made it sad for us that he had to leave.
  • As well as Gerbil Bob, Jason sang and played guitar in a little side project with Henry called In Spite Of The World.
  • *clich�* - we wish Jason all the best in the future!!
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