Bob needs you!
  • Tuesday 9th October: Both gigs this week have been cancelled. Weamstock (although Bad Day At The Zoo, Ivor and Coolio Lasagne are still playing) because Stesh couldn't get there and because Henry isn't very well and the Crown one because it is... nothing to do with us and can't be helped. For a limited time, you can d/l MP3s of the tracks off our demo by clicking here. Enjoy.
  • Sunday 23rd September: A lot has happened since the last update, nothing much with Gerbil Bob though... Jason has gone off to Uni, Stesh has definitely joined, Stephen has joined the re-formed Hebe (with Ned and Stu) and things are going pretty well for Henry with Room 13. If you want a copy of our demo, just give us a blank CD/tape/minidisc and we'l copy it for you. Few gigs confirmed, bizzarrely all at The Piper in Redcar! The first is "Weamstock"!! ...don't ask!! The second is a charity gig for Children In Need - we have a bit of a classic lined up for that one and we can't wait!! The third is with Room 13, a couple of days before Henry's birthday which is nice! Keep checking the gigs page and don't forgot to sign the guestbook!
  • Wednesday 22nd August: We have a new guitarist! With Jason leaving for Uni soon, we needed a new guitarist and we are happy to have Stesh from NoHope Wunders joining us! Jasons last bit of guitar playing with Gerbil Bob was yesterday when Henry, Jason and Stephen got the music put down for a 4 track demo we are recording. Sally will be putting the vocals on in the next day or so.
  • Sunday 19th August: Good news... Ste has rejoined the band!! There are a couple of conditions to his rejoining that he has requested - that we get some go go dancers to join us on stage and that he is no longer referred to as Stinky Ste, but as "Sleazy Ste". We are well chuffed to have Ste back in the band!! If any girls out there want to help Ste out with his request for go go dancers onstage, then get in touch off the feedback page!! We have a couple of new guitarists lined-up to replace J and they are both wicked!! Changed the site a bit with pictures, songs and videos now on the "Media" page. We'l be adding some new pictures, probably tomorow, that were taken at The Cornerhouse on Wednesday. Legend. We're recording a demo on Tuesday, any songs that you reckon should or shouldn't be on, let us know as we are still a bit undecided! Cheers. Oh yeah, if you didn't know - Henry has quit Who Ate Tim? and joined Room 13!
  • Monday 6th August: Added the pictures from Saturdays gig to the site! Right, now some proper news, as some of you know, Jason our current guitarist is leaving for Uni in a few weeks, so we need a new guitarist! If you fancy joining, then get in touch off the feedback page. We want some-one who is easy to get on with, likes punk covers, doesn't take themselves too seriously, will learn songs quickly, can practice fairly often (in Guisborough) and will enjoy themselves! No fret-wankers need apply!
  • Sunday 5th August: Played a couple of gigs since Lee left. The first one at The Crown was a bit poo, but yesterday after a short notice change of venue, The Wings Club played host to the Punkfest. It was great fun, we weren't all that tight but we enjoyed our selves loads! Probably enjoyed 46 Itchy and No Hope Wunders the most, and Pot Bellied Pig were very funny! The highlight for us was probably asking if anyone in the audience new how to play Dammit by Blink 182, and a couple of people did, so we got them on stage to play it! Got some pictures from the show that will be added to the site fairly soon. Click here if you want to see a 10 second video clip of our cover of the Elton John classic Crocodile Rock from yesterdays gig. Don't know how long it will take to load up, hopefully not too long!.
  • Sunday 15th July: well, we promised some important news... heres some! Unfortunately, Lee is no longer a member of the band. This is due to the other members - Ste, Sally and Henry - feeling that the band had done as much as they could with the current line-up, so things had to change. Wednesday's dissapointing gig at The Ayresome just sort of brought everything together and it was obvious Lee wasn't happy anymore in the band, so it was felt it was the best thing for us all. As some of you know, we had recently got a new guitarist anyway - Jason - but J is just a temporary guitarist for us to see what we sound like with two guitarists, but as it turns out, for the next few gigs, Jason will be the only guitarist! Lee's replacement is likely to be John Hoy-Taylor, of Who Ate Tim? That will mean Gerbil Bob will feature two members of Who Ate Tim? (with Henry also being the drummer in Who Ate Tim?). Who Ate Tim? will be both Henry and John's main priority but you can still expect to see the bob playing some pop punk-covers at a venue near you! As a result of Lee leaving, we have had to cancel our appearance at The Piper on Friday (Jason is on holiday) although Coolio Lasagne will still be performing. If you fancy going to see Who Ate Tim? - they are playing at "Pogofest" at The Underworld in Camden, London, on Sunday July 22nd! Well worth a trip down I think you will agree!! Don't forget - Gerbil Bob are playing at The Crown in Middlesbrough on Tuesday with Maru, Bad Day At The Zoo, Ivor, Alter Ego and Twinshine. Starts at six o'clock so get down and support the local scene... its only �2 in so be there, or be somewhere else!
  • Thursday 12th July: just a quick update... havn't got time to do the proper update that is required, but expect some important news in the next day or so.
  • Friday 6th July: gig last night at The Dickens Inn was "tremendable!". Sally reckoned it was our most enjoyable gig ever, who are we to argue!! Highlight of our set from our own point of view was undoubtedly the reaction to our last song - a cover of Dammit by Blink 182. The reaction was so good, that we played it twice!! The new songs we played also went down pretty well and well done to Jason for doing quality on his first gig with the bob. We're in the process of sorting a few extra dates for over summer - we should be playing at the Dickens again, playing at The Ayresome (M'boro), The Piper (Redcar) and The Resolution (Whitby) at some time in July/August. Check the gigs page for regular updates. Don't forget - Gerbil Bob will be playing at Georgia Browns in Stockton with Room 13, Fortythree (tbc), No Hope Wonders, 46 Itchy, Hebe and Who Ate Tim? on Saturday 4th August so BE THERE!
  • Tuesday 26th June: Henry has joined emo pop-punk band Who Ate Tim? But fear not, Gerbil Bob will definitely not be splitting up. We've got a bit of a rush on to get some new songs sorted with new guitarist Jason before the gig at the Dickens Inn on July 5th but if we do get them sorted, we have a couple of cracking punk covers lined up for you! We're going to try and get some gigs sorted for over summer so check the gigs page regularly.
  • Saturday 9th June 2001: The gig at The Piper last night didn't go as badly as we expected it too! We seemed to go down fairly well and we've been booked back, so you can't complain!
  • Friday 1st June 2001: Got bored revising(!), so I've put a few little bits of flash here and there. The intro is pretty poor, but the exploding gerbil in the left menu is a touch of class I reckon! Next Friday - be at The Piper in Redcar, we are supporting Fortythree who are wicked so you've got no excuse not to be there!!
  • Thursday 31st May 2001: Just returned from the gig at the Ayresome Park in Middlesbrough where we played with new punk band Coolio Lasagne and Bad Day At The Zoo. Cheers to everyone who came.
  • May 28th 2001: Only got one gig this week - on Wednesday at The Ayresome Park - we are supporting Bad Day At The Zoo. Free entry, be there for about 8pm. Good few days musically for Gerbil Bob, on Saturday Henry and Lee went to Tees-Construction which rocked! Joe 90 and Lubby Nugget the stand out bands. Then on Sunday Ste went to D-Construction, unless his mum reads this, in which case he was at the skate park all day. There have been a few minor site updates recentls, nothing to write home about!
  • May 20th 2001: We've set up an "Iuma" page for people to download our downright stupid track "Bumbumwillywillypoopoo" after we got blocked on Napster!! (Yes, we have actually been blocked on Napster!). It should be available soon and we will link it off this site when it is. For those of you who aren't familiar with "Bumbum...", it is our song that we wrote in response to being criticised for having no original songs, but since when have punk-covers bands had original songs anyway!? Also, we are in the process of arranging a few gigs with "Melted Cat", the geniuses behind "Why can't you be more like me?". More details coming soon, check the gigs page regularly.
  • May 18th 2001: We have just returned from our first gig out of Middlesbrough, at Georgia Browns in Stockton with Room 13 and Lift. Thanks to Room 13 for asking us to play, it was excellent and cheers to the crowd for being so friendly! Lets hope theres more of the same...
  • MAY 17th 2001: We've had two gigs so far this week. On Monday at the Southfield pub in Middlesbrough, we played possibly our worst gig so far but on Wednesday at the Ayresome Park pub in Middlesbrough, we had our best gig in a while. One of the bands we played with on Monday, Room 13, have asked us to play at an outdoor punk festival in Stockton in August, we await further details and they have also asked us to play in Stockton tomorow (Friday 18th May 2001) at Georgia Browns. On Wednesday, after the gig at The Ayresome, we were booked back to play there in two weeks time and also asked to enter a battle of the bands competetion! Keep checking the gigs page, we've been asked to play more gigs this week than I've had hot dinners!
  • MAY 12th 2001: We have added a guestbook to the site but we might remove it if it becomes annoying or if nobody signs it! We have two gigs this week (more info see gigs page), on Monday at the Southfield pub in Middlesbrough and on Wednesday at the Ayresome Park pub in Middlesbrough. It would be excellent if you could try and get down, especially to the gig on Monday. We've put added a pictures page and we will be adding some more photos to the site fairly soon. We had a photo shoot last week, in which Ste smashed up a garden bench!
  • MAY 2nd 2001: What a week for Gerbil Bob. Last Friday, we were featured in the Evening Gazzette newspaper, click here to view the article online. Then, last night Henry went to see the Ataris in Leeds. They were absolutely awesome, as were one of the support bands - skirtbox.
  • APRIL 25th 2001: Gerbil Bob recorded a fairly rough demo last week. The quality isn't wonderful but it will be more than adequate for promotional purposes. Also, the possibilty of becoming a five piece with the addition of a new guitarist is being seriously considered. Check the gigs page regualarly because we've got few lined up.
  • APRIL 13th 2001: This site has been born!


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