The Legend of Zelda

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X. A New Light of Hope

Some time after Link II had set sail once more after the bitter resolution of the nightmare that had been his Koholint debacle, the hero of both Hyrule and Koholint found himself presented with a new dillemma. Perhaps afraid to chance again the Great Hyrulean Sea - the same sea that had nearly claimed him - it was not Hyrule he returned to. By chance or by fate, Link ventured to the land of Calatia, a kingdom to the west of central Hyrule not too unlike his homeland.

After Link II settled and eventually passed away in Calatia, the years began to pass with increasing pace. A woman by the name of Medila, wife of Arn, one of Link II's blood-descendants, gave birth to their first child. By simple coincidence or fate, this child was named "Link," the third known to bear the name in Hyrulean history.

As he grew to adolescence, Link III quickly became known in Calatia as a courageous young man who was more than skilled enough in the ways of swordplay. It seemed inevitable when the young man one day began to yearn for fame, fortune, and romance, and left Calatia to search for adventure elsewhere.

He wouldn't have to go far to find it.

After a short journey, Link arrived in the neighboring land of Hyrule, and while searching for signs of adventure he took notice of an old woman surrounded by evil minions. Links felt compelled to assist the woman, and ran towards the villainous monsters, hoping he could defeat them and help the woman.

To the gratitude of the elderly woman, Link did well to ward the monsters off. She introduced herself as Impa, a descendant of the ancient Shiekah and the original Impa. Then she told Link the woeful tale of Hyrule and Princess Zelda IV.

Link had almost thought his short adventure was over. He had no way of knowing this was to be only just the beginning...


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