The Legend of Zelda

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VII. The Coming of the Wizard

Many centuries have passed since the Imprisoning War and the exploits of the Hero of Time across the lands of both Hyrule and the realm of Talmina alike. The kingdom of Hyrule healed its wounds and the people lived in peace for a long time, a new era of peace dawning. Memories of the vicious Imprisoning War faded over the generations...

So it is no surprise that no one was prepared for the new disasters that had recently struck Hyrule. Pestilence and drought, uncontrollable even by magic, ravaged the land. The King of Hyrule, after council with his sages, ordered an investigation of the imprisoned Golden Land, which was now appropriately called the "Dark World" under the twisted dominon of Ganon, but the Seven Sages' seal was apparently intact. He offered rewards for anyone who could find the source of these troubles. In answer to these summons a stranger named Agahnim came and quelled the disasters with a previously unseen form of magic. As a reward, the King gave him a new position as chief advisor and heir to the Seven masses proclaimed him their hero.

Peace had returned to Hyrule... or had it truly?

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