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Kaiba's Dueling Tower

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Episode 1: Heart of the Cards

The Episode begins with a duel with Yugi VS Joey. Joey plays a card, but Yugi plays a stronger card which makes him attack and win. Yugi tells Joey that Yugi's Grandpa has a Gameshop with a lot of good duel monsters cards and this real rare card his Grandpa has. On the otherside of the classroom(Their in school, after school of course), a teenager called "Seto Kaiba" is reading a book and over hears Yugi's discussion with Joey about this rare card. Seto wonders if its the rare card he has been looking for....

Next you see tristan, Tea, Joey, and Yugi at the gameshop and Yugi asks his grandfather if they could all see this super rare card he has. Grandpa is willing to show them the card and says the name of it is "Blue Eyes White Dragon".

Out of nowhere, Seto Kaiba walks in and notices that Grandpa has the card he has been looking for in his hands. Kaiba opens his suitcase and offers all these awsome cards. Grandpa says no to the deal still because he says that he got the card from a friend and its so much to him. Kaiba is very angry about this and he leaves. He goes back to Kaiba Corp and tells his men he want them to do him a favor.

Grandpa is working at his Gameshop when three men enter. They say to Grandpa that their boss(Seto Kaiba) demands a duel. Grandpa asks them what happens if he says no, and they say he shouldnt so Grandpa accepts the duel and hopes to teach Kaiba a lesson about the Heart of the cards....

Later you see Yugi and his friends walking down the street talking. They get inside the gameshop and wonder where Yugi's grandpa is. The phone rings and Yugi answers it. It is Kaiba. Yugi demands Seto to tell where his grandpa is. Kaiba says he should comeo ver to Kaiba Corp.

Yugi and his friends are in the building of Kaiba Corp and they find Grandpa on the floor. Yugi asks what happens and Grandpa says that him and Seto had a duel and he tried teaching Seto the heart of the cards. The door opens and Seto appears. Tea says he shouldnt have done that and Seto laughs. He says all they had was a duel, and put up their most vaulable card on the line. Whoever wins the duel gets their opponents card. Seto raises his card he won from Grandpa, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon!! And out of nowhere, Seto tears the card in half. Grandpa is shocked and Yugi is very angry at Kaiba. Grandpa takes out his deck and tells Yugi to duel him with it. Kaiba says take the deck and his friends can take Grandpa to the hospital.

When Kaiba and Yugi enter the arena, Kaiba says that this kind of duel might be different from the kinds Yugi has played. He says it adds a little more excitement to the game, because once you play the cards, they come to life and duel. Kaiba goes first and plays a Hitosu-Me Giant and that ends his turn. Yugi's first turn, he plays a Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress. Yugi's dragon beats Seto's Giant and makes him lose 200 Life Points. Kaiba draws a card and plays a Saggi the Dark Clown, but Yugi wonders why he plays such a weak card. Kaiba agree's that he does have a low attack, but not with a Negative Eneregy card. That powers Saggi up a lot and it beats Yugi's dragon to make Yugi lose 400 Life Points. After a while, Kaiba has the duel with his powered-up clown, but after a while, Yugi draws the great Gaia the Firece Knight! It beats Kaiba's dark clown and Kaiba loses some life points, but Kaiba doesnt care because of what he just drew from his deck. He plays a Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Yugi is surprised and Kaiba says Yugi's grandpa is not the only one with the rare card. Blue Eyes defeats Gaia and Yugi is afraid he might not be able to beat kaiba while he has a Blue Eyes too. Yugi has no good cards so he plays a Swords of Revaling light. It stops Kaiba's monsters for three turn, but it only effects the monsters that where down the turn it is played, so Kaiba plays a Judge Man and it defeats Yugi's face down monster, a Rude Kaiser. Yugi is concerned because he only draws cards that are weak and wonders if they some-how are like a puzzle. Grandpa's sprit talks to Yugi and Yugi remembers that one time there is a card called "Exodia". It needs five pieces, but if you have them all in your hand, you win. But he also remembers Grandpa says nobody has ever put the pieces together. Kaiba says to draw his lost pittyful card, and Yugi says his Grandfather's deck has no pittyful cards in it. But Yugi does say, it has the great Exodia!! YES, Yugi does draw the last piece of Exodia and Exodia appears and blows up all of Kaiba's monsters and his life points are taken away and Yugi wins. Kaiba's brother is very surprised because he says he never loses. The End of that episode....


Yu-Gi-Oh TCG:
Deck Garage
Card of the Week
Combo of the Week
How to play/Rules
Tournament Reports
Restrict List
Other HERE <---

Yu-Gi-Oh TCG Sets:
Legend of Blue Eyes
Metal Raiders
Magic Ruler
Pharoah's Servant
Japanese cards

Yu-Gi-Oh TV Show:
Famous TV Cards
Episode Review
Episode Preview
The Story...
Screen shots
Yu-G-Oh Show Quiz
Character Decks

Video Games:
Dark Duel Stories

Click here for the Music & Gaming section of Dueling INC! Has a review, cheats/codes, and much more for Eternal Duelist Soul too!
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