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The Gauntlet is Thrown - Episode 2

We see our friends Joey Wheeler and Tea Gardner playing a game of Duel Monsters. Joey plays a Stone Orge Grotto #1 and Tea plays a Happy Face(Much weaker card), but Tea also plays "Breath of Light" and destroys all Rock monsters on the field. That allows her to attack him directly and makes her win the game. Outside of school, Joey asks Yugi why he loses so much and Yugi looks at his deck. NO WONDER HE LOSES SO MUCH!! Every card in his deck is a monster card, no magic cards or traps either. Yugi explains he needs Magic cards to power up monster cards and Traps to stop his opponent from playing cards that will beat him badly. But the good news is, Yugi says his Grandpa might be able to help him with Duel Monsters.

Later, at the Gameshop, Yugi asks Grandpa if he could teach Joey to be a better Duelist. But Grandpa says it will be a huge challenge and might not be able to do it, but Grandpa does it anyways. Grandpa says he will tough on him though if Joey wants to win in duels more.

After a while, Yugi and his friends are watching a Duel Monsters tournament on TV. It is Rex Raptor, a dinosaur duelist, VS Weevil Underwood the bug champion. Joey is angry and says he should be in that tournament. Rex Raptor plays a Two-Headed King Rex(ATK/1600 DEF/1200) and everybody thinks Rex will win this. But hold on, Weezil plays a little Basic Insect(ATK/500 DEF/700) but he also plays a magic card with it. It powers up the insect so much, the Basic Insect beats the Two-Headed King Rex. Weevil Underwood has just won the tournment, and for a prize, Max Pegasus(Inventor of Duel Monsters) comes out to the arena and congrat's Weevil on his duel and asks him to come to a new tournament he is hosting on a island called "Duelist Island". Weevil is happy and says he will come to duelist Island for the tourny. Back to Yugi and his friends. Grandpa comes into the room and says a package came for Yugi. He says its from Industrial Illustions(Max Pegasus owns that company, the company of Duel Monsters). They open it and theres a video tape, a glove, and two little star chip thingys. They wonder what it is so they put the video tape into the VCR. Once the video starts, Max Pegasus appears and says he had heard that Yugi has beat the champion, Seto Kaiba. Pegasus is so surprised with his victory, that he says he want to duel Yugi, right here, right now. They think Pegasus must be crazy or something because he couldnt possibly play a VCR. Pegasus answers, they can play with the power of MAGIC!! Joey, Grandpa, Tea, and Tristan freeze and now Yugi is in a blackish/blueish room. Pegasus says that he will let them go if Yugi wins. They start out with 15 minuites. Whoever has the lower life points loses. So the duel begins...

Yugi goes first and he is about to play a Kourmouri Dragon(ATK/1500 DEF/1200) when Pegasus says he wont win with that dragon card. Yugi is very surprised he knows what card is going to play. But Yugi still plays it and Pegasus plays a Dragon Capture Jar and the Capture Jar takes Yugi's dragon under Pegasus's control. And then Pegasus plays a Dragon Piper and now Kourmouri Dragon is now able to attack Yugi. The duel continues like this for a while, and finally, at the end, Pegasus had played a spellcaster monster with the attack of 2200 and 1200 or something close to that and then Yugi plays a card that will beat Pegasus and make his life points down to zero. But when Yugi's card is in the air, about to hit Pegasus's monster, the 15 minuites are over. Yugi was so close to winning too. Because Yugi didnt win, Pegasus uses his Millenium Eye to take Grandpa's soul and Yugi can only get it back if Yugi enters the Duelist Kingdom tournament and win.

Yu-Gi-Oh TCG:
Deck Garage
Card of the Week
Combo of the Week
How to play/Rules
Tournament Reports
Restrict List
Other HERE <---

Yu-Gi-Oh TCG Sets:
Legend of Blue Eyes
Metal Raiders
Magic Ruler
Pharoah's Servant
Japanese cards

Yu-Gi-Oh TV Show:
Famous TV Cards
Episode Review
Episode Preview
The Story...
Screen shots
Yu-G-Oh Show Quiz
Character Decks

Video Games:
Dark Duel Stories

Click here for the Music & Gaming section of Dueling INC! Has a review, cheats/codes, and much more for Eternal Duelist Soul too!
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