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Kaiba's Dueling Tower

Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Island

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Episode 9: Duel with a Ghoul

The henchman says that Kaiba's ghost is the one standing across from Yugi. Yugi doesn't know what to think, and proceeds with the duel.

"Kaiba" starts out with a Cyclops (e. Hitotsu-me Giant) as the real Kaiba started the previous duel the two had. Yugi shakes this off and destroys it with the Black Magician (e. Dark Magician). "Kaiba" now brings out his legendary Blue Eyes White Dragon.

While this is commencing, the real Kaiba is making his way into a hidden computer terminal in his house. Back to the duel, Yugi plays Curse of Dragon on the defense, activating "Kaiba's" Defense Seal (e. Seal Defense). "Kaiba" orders the Blue Eyes White Dragon to destroy Curse of Dragon with its White Lightning attack.

The real Kaiba is using his computer terminal to hack into the Industrial Illusions mainframe to find out what is happening in Yugi's duel.

Yugi then plays his last chance in the duel. He activates Magical Silk Hats, hiding the Black Magician and making 4 hats appear, leaving the duel up to chance. "Kaiba" seems confident and sends the Blue Eyes' White Lightning to the farthest right hat.

Yu-Gi-Oh TCG:
Deck Garage
Card of the Week
Combo of the Week
How to play/Rules
Tournament Reports
Restrict List
Other HERE <---

Yu-Gi-Oh TCG Sets:
Legend of Blue Eyes
Metal Raiders
Magic Ruler
Pharoah's Servant
Japanese cards

Yu-Gi-Oh TV Show:
Famous TV Cards
Episode Review
Episode Preview
The Story...
Screen shots
Yu-G-Oh Show Quiz
Character Decks

Video Games:
Dark Duel Stories

Click here for the Music & Gaming section of Dueling INC! Has a review, cheats/codes, and much more for Eternal Duelist Soul too!
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