He is 122 years old, and a gray elf. He has silver hair, and emerald eyes. Azlan is of the chaotic good alignment, and his class is a bard (blade). He has good thieving abilities.

His weapons are battle sticks, the Staff of Creation (which is a very unique weapons), a force blade (bastard sword), daggers, and Echo. He has many special abilities, and knows a variety of spells. He has proved to be a wonderful warrior and companion to have along, although he has just come along recently.

Quick Stats:

Name: Azlan the Dark
Race: Grey Elf
Class: Bard (Blade)
Age: 122
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Gender: Male

Rem, who has played from the start has been a co-founder, co-DM, and a great help. He plays Azlan, Daremo, Greggor, and Searson.

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