Deborah, who has been with the group since the new worlds, plays Camille.
She is tall for a woman, standing 6 feet 2 inches, with brown hair and violet eyes. She is a vampire, and was bitten when she was a young adult. She may be young but she demands respect from elders. She is headstrong, and charges into battles becasue she feels she has nothing to lose. Camille hates the fact that she is a vampire, and instead of feasting on the blood of humans she often feasts on the blood of creatures she has slain.

She wears a light tunic, and pants made of deer hide. She also wears black boots and a long black cloak. Her long hair is piled on her head, and a dagger is hidden within it. She carries a short sword at her side. Camille has been with the group since 'Legends- The Next Chapter,' and has proved to be good company to others.

Although Camille is a vampire she keeps that hidden and only shares it with those she wants to. She often drinks blood when she is alone to prevent others from knowing who she is. Camille is currently starting to open up more to the companions about what she is. Since meeting Aithor at Kira's Castle a change has come over her. She is not as likely to rush into things, and fears losing Aithor, who is her love. It is an unlikely combination for lovers but the two are attune to each others feelings and movements.

In Current News: Camille is with child and was given one of Aithor's prized possessions. Although she is unsure how to use the weapon to full potential and is uncertain of the future she is still a strong player. She was also granted life by the deities. She has become human again but with it she feels will come many sacrifices.

Quick Stats:

Name: Camille
Race: Human (formerly Vampire)
Class: Fighter
Age: 116/117
Alignment: Good
Gender: Female

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