Rem, who has played from the start has been a co-founder, co-DM, and a great help. He plays Azlan, Daremo, Greggor, and Searson.
Daremo- His name means no one. His real name was Brett Wallace. As a baby a gang of robbers killed his parents. The robbers were going to sell him on the black market but an old man killed them and took the child. The old man was the head of a ninja family, and raised Brett as their own. At 15 he was given the assignment of killing all the members of the gang that had killed his parents.

He did, and brought back the leader's head as proof. This is when Brett Wallace died and Daremo was born. He became head of the clan after his adopted father's death. He ruled over them and reunited clans, who began to follow him. He also traveled the world, and helped save a magic user who taught him magic. This man was his friend and teacher for 15 years, but without knowing it during the 15 years Daremo was being tested and was pronounced worthy of becoming a God.

He is now a greater god and was sent to watch over Kira and her group. He told Kira she had what it took to be a Goddess, but she chose the powers of a Demi-Goddess instead. Daremo watches over the group, and is with them when they need him the most.

Quick Stats:

Name: Daremo
Class: Greater God (deity)
Gender: Male

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