Willow She was Kira's partner, and also the co-founder of the club. She was captured and taken to hell early on, and well we tried to save her but Jezwan got the best of her, and she fell in battle. She will be with us always in mind and spirit.

The Sisters- The sisters included Jade, Sierra, Nightsong, Willow, Kira, Sky, Autumn, and Luna.

Willow was actually the first of the sisters to die.

Luna and Autumn died when Sumanaptra was regaining power.

Sky, Sierra, and Nightsong were rumored to be dead, but there is no real proof as to wither or not they are alive.

Jade was killed by Feris. She was turned evil, and was sent to kill Kira, but Feris was able to prevent that.

The only sister that is known to be alive still is Kira.

The Sisters
KY He was born a pure white coyote. They were of a special race that were created to protect good from evil. KY joined with Willow and Kira after fulfulling a personal quest. He had been a great mage and worked hard to protect those in need. More than once he has laid down his life for the others. Jerry, who played KY has not been with us since the start of the two newest clubs.
She was born to a elvish mother and a human father. For this, she was never accepted in either world until she found the group. She searched for her father but never found him. It was when she found an old monk and a woman being beated in the forest that she found a world she could fit into. She went to the world of Mystery and was lost to us there. This character was also played by Starlet. Shade

Iceman (Blair)
Having played from the beginning, Iceman was very quick to rush into things, but had never let the group down. He had with him a tiger, Thorax, that was his steed, and Spleen, a thieving ferret. Iceman had a beautiful castle that most of us had managed to visit and had the pleasure of staying at. He was compassionate towards Ellen, and did alot to protect her. Joe played Blair. He was killed in the southern lands.
Ellen had been playing since the beginning. Throughout the course of the RPG she had been very helpful to Kira and to the group as a whole. She was not a very powerful mage, but Iceman and Darmoe took her under their wings. She had studied and trained more and had become a great mage warrior. She wore a pendant that Iceman gave her quite some time ago. She was played by George and has not been here since entering the Southern Region. Mage Ellen

She was an elven character played from the South Pass until she lost her life in the Land of Darkness.
He was a half feline, half elf character that played for a short time, he met his end in the final battle in the land of darkness.


Feris was a bard that had been with the group from the beginning. He and Kira had formed a lasting relationship and were married sometime during the second club. Feris was Immortal, but even Immortality could not stop a deity from taking his life. After a run in with the rogue in the dark keep Feris was sent home where Kira feared him dead, but discovered that he was still alive and able to take care of their boys. Shortly after that both Feris and his double were killed. Feris was played by Robert.

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