Rem, who has played from the start has been a co-founder, co-DM, and a great help. He plays Azlan, Daremo, Greggor, and Searson.
He is a highlander/psionisist. He stands 6'6'' tall and has red hair with emerald eyes. He is lawful good. Greggor was born around 600 years ago. He was originally from the planet Earth, but when on a battle field was wounded, and survived, then was shot with an arrow and fell into a well. This was the last he remembered of that world.

He was now in our world, and was baffled by the fact that he had not died from the fatal injuries. Over the next 500 years he ran into only 3 highlanders, and since he is alive you should know the outcome. He also fell in love many times, only to watch his love and friends grow old and die. Finally he met Willow, who he later found out was a special form of werecreature.

This was the first time Greggor felt he had found someone that would not die in the blink of an eye. He came to love Willow and through her he met Kira, who together the women were gathering other to combat evil. Greggor joined them, and his love for Willow grew. But one night while they were setting up camp a portal to hell opened and Willow was taken.

Greggor vowed he would get her back. The group went to hell to retrieve her but the evil consumed her, and she too was lost to him forever. He has dedicated his life to fighting the evil that took his love and is still he is not the same.

Quick Stats:

Name: Greggor McFlynn
Race: Human
Class: Highlander/Psionist
Age: 600
Alignment: Lawful Good
Gender: Male

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