Aryian, who is the founder and DM of Legends, plays Kira.
She is the leader of the group. She has long bright red hair; icy blue eyes, and is about 5'7'' tall. She wears a dark blue dress, which the skirt on it is slit on both sides up to her thighs. She carries a worn pack with her at all times. She also carries her only weapon, a sword at her side.

She has gone from being a scared naive girl, to a married woman who would fight for any cause of good with out thinking twice. She owned a dragon named Gremork, but gave it away as a gift to a friend, who would later become her husband. Kira is the daughter of a wizard and a priestess, but her mother died when she was young, and her father died when she was about 10. Instead of becoming a proper girl, and receiving the training her mother had endured so long ago, she left home and began training to become a warrior.

At first her movements were sloppy, and her skill with a weapon was poor. But she trained for 10 years before going out into the world on her own. After striking out on her own she met up with Willow, daughter of a wizard and priestess as well. Together they formed the group and fought against evil. One of the members of the group, Feris, saved Kira's life a number of times, and after many months together they were married.

Now she is one of the most skilled women warriors to come about. She was made a Demi-Goddess after proving that she was worthy of it.

Quick Stats:

Name: Kira-lina of Candor
Race: Human
Class: Fighter/Paladin/Demi Goddess
Age: 26
Alignment: Lawful Good
Gender: Female

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